Limpiadores internos a base de hierbas: suelen ser procesos muy eficaces que se utilizan una o dos veces al año.

Limpiadores internos a base de hierbas: suelen ser procesos muy eficaces que se utilizan una o dos veces al año.

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Herbal based internal cleansers are often very effective processes to use one to two times yearly. Due to their strength and potential for irritating the bowel we caution against their overuse but they may well be the key for a very long life. Added to optimal breathing of course.. 

Towards the last weeks or months before the bi annual herbal cleanse we have built up toxic fecal matter. And there are possible substances that never get handled with the herbal cleansers.   

Why allow any toxic material to build up in the first place?  For this reason we use Oxy-Cleanse as a maintenance program and an herbal program such as "Arise and Shine" or "Total Health Secrets" for the biannual.

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