Energy and Sleep

Energy and sleep

A Program to Boost Stamina, Energy, & Good Sleep

Do you want to be at your best mood while working at office, exercising, playing favourite sport or for your daily activities. Would you like to improve your health and overall energy. One cannot un-der estimate the need of getting proper sleep in your daily routine. There is still so much that we do not know about the link between sleep and mental health.

Sleep being the basic foundation of your well being means it can have some degree of impact on your mental capability and wellness. Night sleep is as healthy as a healthy diet and lifestyle and it is deemed important for fostering emotional resiliences and mental stability. The chronic sleep issues can lead to negative mood, anxiety, de-pression and bad thinking.

Think About It: You take in lots of information on daily basis. With sleep, you get little downtime to process all these bits and pieces and then end up storing in your brain bank. Sleep is creative for the improvement and learning and not only for concentration. What happens to your mental aspect when you come across the insomnia and chronic sleeplessness? Here are the potential adverse effects of sleeplessness:

Mind may slow down: Do you know one night of inadequate sleep can impact your alertness, attention span, concentration and also the ability to solve issues. People who have regular sleeping disorders could have impaired intelligence and slow mental development

- Less Optimal Memory: While you sleep, all the things you experience during the day time are thought to be organised and filed in your bring property for future access. So if you don’t sleep well, you will have issues remembering things.

-  Depression: Insomnia has been greatly associated with symptoms of depression. According to some research, people who regularly report about growing sleep disorder show depression symp-toms five times more. Depression is the byproduct of sleeplessness and vice versa. Therefore, getting an optimal sleep is very important to treat depression.

- Less Smart: If you are not able to get enough sleep, you performance in almost everything where you use brain such as projects, tests etc may also suffer. A full night’s sleep is a vital piece of puzzle that organises and also make connections within your mind.

- Affected happiness level: Sleep let you brain have its own time to get into the balance mode with hormones and chemicals affecting mental clarity, mood and emotions.


There are different methods to achieve improved sleep. You may need to tweak some of your habits to follow regular bedtime and wake up time schedule. The four majorly known methods are as fol-lows:

  1. Exercise: Exercise can greatlyhelp you fall asleep more soundly and faster. Its important that the exercise is done at the right time. It stimulates your body to secrete hormones  such as endomorphins and cortisol, to activate the alert mechanism inside the brain. Try to finish your exercisebefore going to bed earlier in the day. studies have shown that regular exercise has significant role in reducing stress and fatigue and increase your energy levels. A quick 10 minute walk will also help increase energy and mood.
  2. Diet: Eating healthy food can boost your energy and keep you active throughout out the day. Junk foods and food with high sugar content will leave you feeling dizzy and lethargic. Therefore introducing balance diet in your lifestyle is very important to boost energy. Start by increasing your water intake and dry fruits for instant snacks will keep your energy up and running for the whole day.
  3. Getting Enough Sleep: Try and complete you 6-8 hours of sleep and if during the day if you take short nap of 10-15 minutes, it will really boost your stamina and energy. Start with a schedule and stick to the daily routine that includes eating on time, exercising on time and sleep on time. So that when you wake you feel fresh and energetic.
  4. Breathing: Last but not the least, the most important factor is breathing. Practicing breathing techniques and different types of exercises help you sleep for 8 hours. People who continuously feel low, lack focus, get fatigued, lack endurance end up depending on sleeping pills, caffeine and supplements. But all these concerns don't work for long term. It can lead to potential side effects. IT’S TIME YOU TRY SOMETHING MORE NATURAL!


Breathing has played an important role in different changes in our body for ages. Based on these intensive techniques and strategies, we have brought the program Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit that will help you get into the routine of sleeping on time and feeling more alert and active at all point of time. This program will help you eliminate issues such as insomnia, snoring and sleep apnea. It will also help you achieve the following results:

  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Reduce depression
  • Flexibility without stretching
  • Greater Enthusiasm & Positive outlook of life
  • More focused
  • Increased productivity
  • Increased Sexual Energy

clinical studies

Energy and sleep


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Energy and sleep

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