Mental Clarity Aromatherapy

This aromatherapy blend is designed to improve mental clarity and enhance sleep. Order this potent essential oil blend for your diffuser at
No. Of Capsules :

Our proprietary formula. A special mental clarity aromatherapy blend made JUST for Optimal Breathing by a world class Aromatherapist. Extremely pure and potent. Use in our O2E2 bottles or an oil diffuser or BOTH.

Our proprietary formula. A special mental clarity aromatherapy blend made JUST for Optimal Breathing by a world class Aromatherapist. Extremely pure and potent. Use in our O2E2 bottles or an oil diffuser or BOTH. The bottles are more concentrated, and the new diffuser fills your entire room with a lovely Mental Clarity essential oil blend or Respiratory Enhancer scent.

Mental Clarity (Inhaler) essential oil blend to use in our O2E2 bottles or a very new and special Oil diffuser or BOTH. The bottles are more concentrated and this diffuser fills your entire room with a lovely Mental Clarity or Respiratory Enhancer scent. Works best when combined with the Breathing Kit May enhance sleep or recovery from smoke or smoking damage.

Our proprietary formula. A special aromatherapy blend made JUST for Optimal Breathing by a world class Aromatherapist. This is NOT from a multi level company. Includes an emailed list of toxic foods that hinder memory and mental clarity.

Extremely pure and potent.

Purest Essential Oils

In alcohol base for using as an inhaler in an aromatherapy diffuser or in the water bottle of an Oxygen concentrator or the cartridge of portable vaporizers that we have but you will need to call us about them.

Approximately 225 drops per bottle. 5-10 drops per session.

Summary of Essential Oils, Their Properties and Effects

Benefit: Nerve tonic; clears the brain; nervous debility; nervous insomnia; loss of smell; uplifting; refreshing; energizing; anti catarrhal; antispasmodic; antiviral; balancing; general decongestant; cicatrizant; diuretic; emmenagogue; antidepressant; hepatic; digestive tonic; stimulant;


Benefit: Nerve stimulant; cephalic (brain) stimulant; energizes the brain; digestive tonic; digestive stimulant; aids in calming digestive problems such as indigestion; astringent; analgesic; antiseptic; anti inflammatory; antiviral; bactericide; carminative; cholagogic; hepatic; hormonal; hypertensive; mucolytic; refreshing; invigorating; pain reliever; tonic; cooling; calming; nausea; muscle pains; coughs; colds; relieves headaches.


Benefit: Nerve and muscle stimulant; energizes the brain; tonic; antiseptic; analgesic; diuretic; anti catarrhal; antispasmodic; bactericide; carminative; cicatrizant; expectorant; hepatic; hypertensive; mucolytic; refreshing; invigorating; insect repellent; poor circulation; headaches; aids concentration; sprains; strains; hair loss; dandruff; muscle aches.

Some do not do well with essential oils and can be allergic to them. Health professionals are encouraged to investigate possible contraindications or sensitivities. This product is so good I urge you to try it and you are one of the rare people allergic to it we will refund your money. Before beginning any essential oils one should be skin tested individually first by applying it to the underarm skin and waiting 24 hours to see if redness appears indicating allergy. It is DEFINITELY worth the risk to try it.

Additional Information
Weight  0.2 lbs
1 bottle or 3 bottles 1 bottles (150 drops each), 3 bottles (150 drops each)

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