Prevención y reducción del cáncer sin medicamentos ni cirugía
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Cancer Prevention and Reduction Without Drugs or Surgery
Oct 26, 2023, By Michael Grant White
Did you know oxygen plays a vital role in cancer prevention and cure? Learn more about the general cancer risks and how developing your breathing helps you reduce cancer risk.

We don't compete with conventional Western medicine, we complement it. It is our intention to provide the knowledge and materials that can improve the lives of millions of human beings to awaken the breathing consciousness of the world.
I am really sick and tired of much of the cancer industry bilking and killing millions in the name of "health." The many frauds that say they cure cancer are also rather abundant. I do believe it can be eliminated for good.
Dr. Otto Warburg received the 1931 Nobel Prize for proving that cancer is anaerobic. It does not survive in high concentrations of oxygen.
Dr. Warburg and Cancer
How is Breathing Related to Warburg?
General Cancer Risks
- High meat and fat consumption
- Coffee, tea, colas
- Aflatoxins (especially in peanuts and soy sauce)
- Lack of iodine, Vitamins A, C, E
- Amines in unrefrigerated foods, processed meat, cheese
- High intake of certain vitamins
- Habit of overeating (associated in 35% of all cancers)
- Some species of mushrooms
- Diet high in refined foods
- Diet high in fat or protein
- Diabetes
- Overweight
- High “transit time” through colon
- Estrogens
- Hair dyes
- Asbestos fibers
- Drugs: certain antibiotics (Tetracycline, probably penicillin), aspirin, diuretics, immunosuppressants, Azolid, Butazolidin, Presamine, Tofranil, SK-Pramine, Tapazole, Methotrexate, antihistamines, amphetamines, Atromid-S, antidepressants, etc.
- Use of tobacco, alcoholic drinks, caffeinated and decaffeinated drinks
- Excessive exposure to chemicals, industrial fumes, hydrocarbons, cleaning solvents, vinyl chloride
- Stress
- Exposure to cold, heat, and radiation
- Long contact with sick pets
- Chronic irritation or infection
- All viral illnesses (flu, colds, rashes, diarrhea)
- Early sexual activities, cervical and foreskin cancer
- A kidney transplant
- History of any previous cancer
- Nonspecific factors: age, race, sex, occupation, family history of cancer
- Add acid PH in urine and saliva. Think sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to take it to alkaline. 1/2 tsp 3 x daily. Try to stay at pH 8.0 or more.
- Colds and flu are some of the primary gateways into cancer due to the way they inhibit oxygen uptake.
Cancer Screening Tests
2. ONCOblot Blood Test for Early Detection
Protocol for High Dose Oral Vitamin C
The High Dose Oral Vitamin C Protocol for Cancer and Viral Infections
Learn to Breathe Better with The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Meet Mike White
Meet Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach and get actionable insights on your breathing development, health and longevity