Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) - A Beginner's Guide

Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) - A Beginner's Guide

Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT): A Beginner's Guide

10 April 2024, By Shilpa Unnikrishnan

Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) is a fitness approach that is becoming more popular. It involves breathing in higher levels of oxygen (93% or more) while working out.

This technique helps you:

  • Increase your energy levels
  • Enhance your performance and endurance
  • Reduce your inflammation
  • Recover and heal better
  • Detoxify your body
  • Combat the effects of aging
  • Improve your immunity
  • Increase your focus and productivity
  • Sleep better
  • Improve your overall health and well-being

How Does EWOT Work?

This system consists of 3 major components:

  • Oxygen Machine: The Oxygen Machine takes in the air around you. It compresses the air and filters out nitrogen. Then, it purifies the oxygen from 21% to 93%.

  • Oxygen Reservoir Bag: The bag stores oxygen from the machine, providing a lot of oxygen for your sessions.

  • Specialized Oxygen Mask: A specialized Oxygen Mask connected to the Oxygen Reservoir Bag delivers oxygen-enriched air to the user throughout the workout session.

Benefits of Exercise with Oxygen Therapy

Exercise with Oxygen Therapy is a scientifically backed approach to maximize the effectiveness of your regular workout routine. Exercising with oxygen allows you to get more oxygen without gasping for oxygen, increasing your lung capacity.

Here are the top 5 benefits:

  • Improves Oxygenation: EWOT helps deliver oxygen to the blood vessels, promoting optimal function of the body's cells and tissues.

  • Increases Energy Levels: You’ll experience an energy surge right after your first EWOT session – the reason? Increased ATP production, your body’s energy currency.

  • Better Sleep: Tossing and turning at night? EWOT for just 15 minutes a day promotes deeper, restorative sleep.

  • Boosts Immunity: Oxygen intake while exercise helps increase oxygen levels in parts of your body that are weak, painful, and prone to illness. This stimulates your immune system, reduces the incidence of diseases, and accelerates healing and recovery.

  • Reduces Inflammation: Inflammation, your body’s natural protective mechanism against diseases or injuries, worsens in hypoxic (low-oxygen) areas. EWOT combats this by increasing oxygen delivery to degenerate, hypoxic tissues, potentially reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

Benefits of Exercise with Oxygen Therapy

Anyone who is able to exercise, regardless of age or fitness level, can do EWOT. It offers you potential benefits if you are:

  • An athlete or a fitness enthusiast
  • Managing a respiratory condition
  • Focused on improving your cardiovascular health
  • Dealing with chronic fatigue
  • Looking to improve your immunity and overall health

Benefits of EWOT

Adding EWOT to Your Workout Routine

To integrate Exercise with Oxygen Therapy into your workout routine, you can get your hands on an EWOT System and start doing it in the comfort of your own home.

To begin with, use it at a slower pace (shorter sessions less than 10 minutes), pay attention to your body’s response, and gradually increase the session duration to 15 minutes daily.

You can couple your EWOT System with any stationary exercise equipment, such as treadmills, recumbent bikes, elliptical machines, rowing machines, or stationary bikes.

Note: If you don’t have exercise equipment, you can combine the system with any stationary exercise (jumping jacks, squats, or pushups) that doesn’t involve excessive head movement.

The outcomes are cumulative, so the more frequently you engage in oxygen therapy , the faster you can anticipate achieving your fitness goals.

How Long Does It Take to See Results with EWOT?

Everyone experiences benefits and improvements at their own pace. The time it takes to experience the benefits of EWOT can vary depending on your overall health and fitness. Some individuals may notice improvements in energy, mental clarity, and sleep quality after the first session itself, while others may need some more time to notice a difference.

The Takeaway

Ready to take your workouts to the next level? 

Look no further than Exercise with Oxygen Therapy. Experience a revolutionary fitness and wellness technique that allows you to breathe in increased levels of oxygen while working out. This will greatly improve your performance, endurance, and overall health, saving you time during your workout sessions.

Want to know beyond the basics? Our EWOT In-Depth Guide is here.