Respirar para evitar el acoso
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High chest, unbalanced or shallow breathing invites excessive anxiety. Even non threatening situations can trigger nervousness and fear-like reactions.
Some non-challenged breathing may seem ok at first but with further investigation into simple ways of testing it we often find it goes bad when the stress presents itself. To reduce or eliminate this tendency follow the guidelines below.
- Tip #1 to avoid bullying: Use good posture Greatly aided with techniques in the Optimal Breathing Kit.
- Tip #2 to avoid bullying: Use good eye contact. Practice Circles and Bending from the Optimal Breathing Kit. Two weeks of this will make you very strong internally.
- Tip #3 to avoid bullying: Smile and laugh. Practice our singing and speaking loudly in the Singing and Speaking Program.
- Tip #4 to avoid bullying: Practice our Deep Breathing Practice in a safe place 5 minutes every waking hour with slightly bent knees.
- Tip #5 to avoid bullying: Practice Standing Meditation 30-60 minutes daily Greatly aided with techniques in the Optimal Breathing Kit.
- Tip #6 to avoid bullying: Spend more time with friends who do not tease you. Maintain eye contact while you let them know you do not care to be teased.
- Tip #7 to avoid bullying: Practice your talents and skills. Learn to sing or speak better. Ever notice how people's voices raise in pitch when they are nervous. Singing and speakingmore strongly builds core strength and increased ability to stay focused during stress and being challenged.
- Tip #8 to avoid bullying: Tell an adult you’re being bullied. NEVER be ashamed of being bullied. Get help and FAST.
- Tip #9 to avoid bullying: Practice the Optimal Number count. Greatly aided with techniques in the Optimal Breathing Kit.
- Tip #10 to avoid bullying: Practice your social skills. Smile even in the face of danger. Practice The Reflex Triggering Exercises in the Optimal Breathing Kit.
- Tip #11 to avoid mob mentality: Divide and conquer.
- Tip #12 to avoid bullying: Self-Mentor rather than getting revenge. It's their personal garbage that causes them to bully, not yours.
- Tip #13 to avoid bullying: Practice good hygiene. Being nervous makes you sweat and get cold hands a lot more. Practice The Reflex Triggering Exercises in the Optimal Breathing Kit.
- Tip #14 to avoid bullying: Read Unstoppable
- Tip #15 to avoid bullying: Join a martial arts class. Aikido is one of my favorites but you should choose your own. Be wary of Superman Syndrome
To develop and preserve optimal breathing, integrate those martial arts training or any other physical endeavor with our breathing oriented techniques and exercises.