¿Qué son las terapias de oxígeno y cómo funcionan?
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What Are Oxygen Therapies and How Do They Work?
Sept 26, 2023, By Michael Grant White
Oxygen therapies are designed to provide more O2 to the body to promote healing and health. Learn more about O2 therapy and how it work.

Oxygen Therapies
Oxygen therapies are used to provide more oxygen to the body in order to promote healing and health. They can act on the body in two ways. The first is by supplementing the oxygen in the body. This is oxygenation.
The second is where extra oxygen molecules are free to react with another "free radical" molecule. When it reacts to free radical molecules such as toxins or pathogens, for example, it will destroy or "oxidize" them. Some oxygen therapies oxygenate the body; others work by oxidation. Ozone (O3) does both.
What Oxygen Therapies are There?
Pure oxygen is usually prescribed by a doctor to patients with chronic lung diseases. It is inhaled through a tube or a mask taken from a tank. It supplies not just the usual 20.08% oxygen from the air but 100% oxygen, increasing the oxygen stores of the body.
This is greatly needed for those whose lung capacity is diminished. Pure oxygen therapy can also relieve fatigue, and headaches, and boost energy. It can also give the cells a boost and make them much stronger.
Depending Too Much on Supplemental Oxygen
The ancient axiom that "if you don't use it, you lose it" makes me suspect that because using bottled "concentrated" oxygen bypasses many natural links in the total breathing system. In this way, I believe it can weaken the body's natural ability to intake and uptake oxygen.
I highly recommend that people be trained in better breathing during the use of high-pressure oxygen, whenever possible. It is also expensive and inefficient compared to better breathing but may be life-supporting and absolutely necessary. Combining supplemental oxygen therapy with exercise then seems very advisable.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
HBOT is pure oxygen administered under pressurized conditions, such as a decompression chamber for undersea divers. A person is placed inside a sealed multi-person tank or long "casket-like" tube, taken down to a pressurized effective depth of 30 feet underwater, and breathes pure oxygen for thirty to sixty minutes.
Because of the high pressure, oxygen is forced into the body and travels to oxygen-starved tissues. Even bone marrow gets saturated.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is normally administered in a clinic or hospital and used to treat gangrene, carbon monoxide poisoning, smoke inhalation, traumatic injuries and wounds, stroke and heart attack victims, and those with multiple sclerosis and AIDS.
Ozone is generally thought of as “smog” by the media, but this is an inaccurate definition. Ozone, a clear gas made of three atoms of oxygen, is formed when oxygen and ultraviolet light interact high in the stratosphere.
Oxygen continually rises to the upper atmosphere to where the ozone layer is. There the sun changes O2 to O3 or ozone. The using up of UV rays to create ozone is how the ozone layer shields us from their harmful effects. Being heavier than oxygen, this newly created ozone falls back to earth, where it gives up one atom of oxygen and changes back to O2, purifying our water and air, and decomposing bacteria, molds, and fungi.
It is the fresh smell of laundry dried outside, the fresh air at the seashore, or the fresh smell after an electrical storm. When ozone combines with the lower atmosphere’s toxic chemicals, it becomes a tiny part of the hazy brown smog of toxic gases you can see. While ozone is simply pure activated oxygen and has many helpful benefits, smog is toxic to the human body.
Medical-grade ozone is produced by passing pure oxygen across either an ultraviolet light source or an electrical arc. In these reactions, only a small percentage of oxygen (from 1 to 5 percent) is converted to ozone.
When ozone is administered to the body, its third unstable oxygen atom readily splits and attaches itself to bacteria, fungi, mold, parasites, and tumors, and in the process of doing this, it oxidizes or destroys them.
The stable oxygen molecule adds needed oxygen to the body and has a high PH of between 7 and 9, needed to balance an unhealthy body. When used properly, ozone is exceptionally safe. Ozone is administered by intravenous drip, injections, rectal and vaginal applications, and topical applications.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is an unstable liquid made up of two atoms of hydrogen and two atoms of oxygen, easily breaking down into water and oxygen. When water interacts with ozone in the atmosphere, hydrogen peroxide is produced.
It is found in some of our foods and water and is produced by cells in our body. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer, killing pathogens on contact. Many of us have seen 3% hydrogen peroxide foam up as it kills bacteria on a small wound.
Besides its disinfectant topical use, food-grade hydrogen peroxide is used orally and intravenously to kill pathogens, most often supervised and administered by a trained healthcare professional.
Oxidative Stress
Oxidative Stress describes cell damage caused by an overabundance of oxidants, including reactive oxygen species (ROS). The two types of ROS are free radicals and activated oxygen species.
ROS are harmful in excess, but some levels of them are necessary for important cell functions. For example, singlet oxygen, which is an activated oxygen species, is involved in cell signaling that triggers the Oxidative Response System within the cells.
ROS and Oxidative Stress cause aging as well as many diseases and disorders, including:
Inflammatory skin diseases
Cardiovascular diseases
Autoimmune diseases
Neurodegenerative diseases
Mitochondrial diseases
Respiratory/Pulmonary diseases
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Alzheimer's disease
Huntington's disease
Parkinson's disease
Lou Gehrig's disease
Macular degeneration
Other chronic diseases
Oxidative Response
The cellular defense against Oxidative Stress is the Oxidative Response. The Oxidative Response System (or cell response system) protects against, and repairs, Oxidative Stress damage. This is accomplished mainly through enzyme and coenzyme production.
The Oxidative Response is initiated by signal transduction sequences induced by singlet oxygen. Singlet oxygen is an activated oxygen species, but not a free radical. Signaling proteins then trigger the cell response.
Cell response results include, but are not limited to:
Protection against free radical damage
Repair of damage caused by free radicals
Improved Oxygen utilization
Improved cell energy production
Improved cell metabolism
For optimal cell metabolism, a strong Oxidative Response and low Oxidative Stress are essential.

What conditions or diseases can be helped with oxygen therapy?
Almost all unhealthy bacteria, germs, viruses, fungi, and parasites are anaerobic, they can not survive in high concentrations of oxygen.
Oxygen therapies have been shown to be effective in treating many health conditions, including a number of infectious diseases, cancer, respiratory problems, heart conditions, environmental illnesses, multiple sclerosis, skin conditions, and eye diseases.
1. Cancer
Oxygen therapies have great potential in the treatment of cancer. As early as 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for his work on what causes cells to become cancerous.
“Cancer has only one prime cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of body cells by anaerobic (lacking in oxygen) cell respiration.”
It is well known that cancer cells thrive under conditions of low oxygen and high acidity.
2. Heart Conditions
The heart goes into spasms largely due to a lack of oxygen. The better the breathing is, the more oxygen exists, and the less the heart has to work.
3. Respiratory Illnesses
When used carefully, ozone air purifiers are a real boost to those with respiratory weaknesses and to those with environmental allergies.
Research studies have proven that non-breathed ozone and hydrogen peroxide are successful in treating asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, flu, and emphysema. Many patients with chronic respiratory conditions respond to therapy rapidly, often within two or three treatments.
Can be extremely beneficial but expensive and inefficient compared to optimal breathing.
4. Bacterial Diseases
Ozone is able to destroy many kinds of bacteria. It produces peroxides within the body, which destroy the cell membrane of bacteria but do not affect healthy cells. Scientific experiments have shown that E.Coli is completely destroyed after one minute of being exposed to an ozone solution.
Similar experiments have shown a reduction in staphylococcus, streptococci, and mycobacterium tuberculosis. Because many strains of bacteria have recently been shown to be resistant to antibiotics, oxygen therapy may offer an effective alternative.
5. Viral Diseases
Antibiotics are not effective in viral infections but. oxygen therapies have proved successful. Some of the diseases caused by viruses are flu, mumps, measles, polio, herpes, AIDS, and hepatitis.
Ozone can destroy the protein coat of the virus-cell wall and, once inside, can disrupt its DNA. Studies have shown ozone to inactivate 97 to 100 percent of the HIV virus. See PubMed and the Family News for more on this.
6. Fungal Infections
Using both ozone and hydrogen peroxide to effectively treat the parasitic fungus Candida albicans has been well documented. Normally living in balance with the intestinal tract, candida can spread throughout the body and weaken the entire immune system as it transforms from yeast to a fungal parasite.
Experienced physicians have used intravenous hydrogen peroxide and ozone to treat Candida patients successfully. Diet is critical as well and is the best long-term approach.
7. Parasitic Infections
Studies of the effective use of ozone and hydrogen peroxide destroying parasites have been very successful. Malaria parasites were killed with even slight concentrations of hydrogen peroxide in animal and laboratory studies.
In a study of Giardia lamblia, a parasite that can infest the intestinal tract and cause severe symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, and cramps, patients were given either ozonated water or ozonated oil. The symptom reduction was very successful -- 97.5% for each group.
Introducing ozone and hydrogen peroxide to the body often leads to the breakdown of the cancer cell. The peroxide can oxidize the cancer cell. In animal studies, ozone has successfully reversed cancers. In the laboratory, ozone was shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, leaving normal cells unaffected.
In clinical practice, Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) physicians, treating a variety of tumors as well as melanoma, sarcoma, and leukemia, use ozone as a part of their cancer treatment. Not only are tumors reduced, but also vitality and quality of life are improved.
The Best Oxygen Therapy
Breathing better is the primary, easiest, cheapest most effective way of getting adequate oxygen, even while you sleep. The vast majority breathe at about 30% capacity.
I strongly suggest you learn to breathe optimally before you spend many possibly needless dollars on expensive oxygen therapies. In severe health problems or life-threatening situations, learn to breathe optimally during those above-mentioned therapies.
Our Recommendations:
The Turbo Oxygen System
Turbo Oxygen System is the world’s most advanced and affordable system for Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT), that consists of a patented Dual Mega Flow Mask, a high quality reservoir bag and medical grade Oxygen concentrator.
Optimal Breathing Self Mastery Kit
A complete guide to help you ease your problems through breathing right. Includes $200,000 worth of videos, animations and proprietary information.