Les soupirs des bébés ? Bon et mauvais : des soupirs ou des bâillements répétés suggèrent une possible respiration insatisfaisante
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Hearing your baby sigh need not worry you anymore as it not only resets the breathing regulations of infants but also prepares it to get used to any change in their habitat.
Researchers at the University Children's Hospital in Bern, Switzerland, and in Perth, Australia, observed some newborns know if, in addition to mechanical benefits, sighs also helped in the development of communications between the respiratory control center, a specialized group of cells in the brainstem, and the lungs themselves.
They found that sighs represent a mechanism for improving the memory associated with neuro-respiratory control of breathing.
The researchers say that the breathing pattern in young infants follows a mathematical rhythm of sorts, controlled by a long-term memory, which is necessary for a kind of homeokinesis that leads to a breathing rate of about 40 breaths a minute.
The researchers were surprised to find that this long-term memory is not affected by the baby's sighs, but the short-term memory, which controls breath-to-breath variability, is affected by them and seems to prepare the breathing "system" for any changes in the environment, such as noise, movement, or waking up.
The exact factors that cause baby sighing, and the total effect they have on infant development is still unclear and whether sighs serve some sort of function to link the breathing control mechanism and mechanical maturation, still remains an intriguing area. To Mike, it is much more than intriguing.
The researchers also found that sick infants and premature infants seem to sigh more often than normal babies and this could open a new research area altogether to find how the control mechanisms and communication functions, as well as short-and long-term memories, may differ in these circumstances.
Some say healthy babies sigh every 50 to 100 breaths to reopen the tiny airways in their lungs, which are prone to collapse. More often makes me wonder if UDB is beginning to develop already. Excessive sighing in adults is a clear sign that the breathing is in the process of being re-balanced or its regulation needs to be improved.
Repeated sighing as well as yawning suggests possible unsatisfactory breathing. The "yawn-sigh" is used by some voice teachers to get one more into letting go when making a sound. We/I need to look a lot deeper into all this. I created an exercise C26 in the breathing kit . I include it in all these programs and it is called the “Yawn chair" that engages yawning and sighing as a healing tool.
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