Peur et colère : la respiration est en réalité le « vent sous les ailes » de l’émotion. L'attitude est le « joystick ».
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Many of us are out of touch with our internal sense of a peaceful self making fear or anger the emotions hardest to control. Anger usually stems from fear. There are many strategies for addressing anger but I believe it is initially more serviceable to understand the underlying powers to the alteration of these emotions; the way we breathe and our attitude. The breath really is the “wind beneath the wings” of emotion.
There’s an entire school of research within public health on how to frighten people, known as “fear appeal”
- Fear appeal is based on the premise that to successfully implement a public health measure, you must first highlight a threat. And, to work, the threat must be made personal, so that people fear for their personal safety
- Next, you give people something immediate to do that will set them on the path of cooperating with the plan in its entirety. Examples during the COVID-19 pandemic include not leaving your house, wearing a mask, staying 6 feet apart, closing certain businesses and keeping children home from school. In the future, we can expect to be told we must get vaccinated and digitally tracked before we can resume life as normal
- By adding confusion to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety — a state of confusion in which you can no longer think logically. In this state, you are more easily manipulated
- Eventually, when the fear and anxiety are great enough, desperation sets in, at which point people are willing to do just about anything to get relief
Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist, has written more than a dozen bestselling books on psychiatry and the drug industry. He's frequently referred to as "the conscience of psychiatry" because he was able to successfully reform the psychiatric profession, abolishing lobotomies and other harmful experimental psychosurgeries.
This past year, he's homed in on COVID-19 and the fears around it, which is the topic of this interview. He also started researching the history of Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has been the face of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, learning more than he bargained for in the process.
"He just looked like this kindly gentleman, until I started to listen to what he was saying and to look into what he was doing," Breggin says. "In early April, [my wife] Ginger brought this scientific article to me and said, 'Honey, this looks like it's impossible, it's fake or something.'
It was a 2015 article by a big team from North Carolina [led by] Ralph Baric,1 He's the final author on it and the power behind it, although the lead author is Vineet D. Menachery.2 This article is talking about making a coronavirus that's going to be a new epidemic agent. They're talking about it. They've actually accomplished it — and it's a SARS coronavirus.
It's a virus that will infect the lungs that comes from bats … And they're checking it out and they find that it will infect human lung epithelium. They give it to mice and the older mice are getting very sick and ones that are compromised die.
It sounds … [like] the precursor of SARS-CoV-2. They even tried, by the way, to make a vaccine for it and they couldn't. And I'm thinking, 'My God, what's going on here?' And then I look down the line of all these authors. There are [two] Chinese names there … and they list themselves as being from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
And then I look who's funding it. Well, China is funding it. And Fauci is funding it from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. I'm thinking to myself, 'My God, we're giving the Chinese a biomedical weapon' … [The two Chinese authors] turn out to be two of the very, very top Chinese people in this, what is essentially a military lab. The Wuhan Institute, nothing like that is anything but military in China."
What Is Fauci's Role in the Bio-Assault on the World?
Breggin claims he was able to share the information with someone close to President Trump, and three days after sharing this finding, the president canceled the U.S.-Chinese research collaboration that was working on coronavirus gain-of-function research.
However, Fauci quickly took hold of the American research efforts and in October 2020 injected additional funding. Some of that funding will surely still end up in China, Breggin says, by way of the EcoHealth Alliance, which for years has subcontracted research work to the Wuhan Institute. Fauci also gave additional money to the University of Texas. Breggin explains:
"In Galveston, there is a Level 4 biosafety lab that can work with the most dangerous viruses. So, I decided to look into this. It's not great magic to it, you have to use some search engines like DuckDuckGo. I [searched for] 'China' and 'the Galveston Institute,' and I got … a press release ... bragging about their relationships with the Wuhan Institute, working on viruses.
So, no wonder he's sending them money. I start digging deeper and I come across a letter from the education department to the University of Texas, saying they've not been forthcoming about their connections to China and the Communist Party (CCP), and in particular from the institute in Galveston.
So, I'm looking at this network of connections with China. They list them all. We have a blog out about that too now. And I realized there's nothing stopping Fauci. Absolutely nothing is stopping him. He is going to carry on his assault on the world. And Fauci knew that the Wuhan Institute was unsafe."
Breggin delves into some of the backstory that helps explain what's been happening. In 2014, then-President Obama called for a moratorium on gain-of-function research [making harmless viruses virulent] in the U.S. He did not, however, mention collaborations with the CCP. To get around Obama's moratorium, Fauci outsourced the gain-of-function research to the Wuhan Institute.
Based on the evidence, which Breggin details in a recent report featured in "Fauci's Treacherous Ties to China and Globalists," Fauci appears to play an important role in the global takeover by technocrats.
Technocracy is an economic system in which the world is ruled not by democratically elected politicians but by technocrats — a conglomerate of ultra-wealthy elites, scientists and technicians whose aim is to rule the global population and the allocation of resources through the use of technology.
Fear Is the Tool of Tyrants
Breggin was asked to be the medical legal expert in a lawsuit to put a stop to the never-ending emergency edict by the governor of Ohio. In his medical legal brief,3 Breggin detailed why shutdowns aren't working, and the harm they inflict on the population.
This lawsuit has also stirred up other anti-lockdown projects around the U.S. You can find more information about all of this on Breggin.com. It's important to recognize that the primary tool that enables local and state leaders to implement unconstitutional mandates such as universal mask wearing, business shut-downs and draconian stay-at-home orders is fear.
Unless people are terrified, they won't agree to such freedom-robbing edicts. This is a well-known fact, and as noted by Breggin, there's an entire school of research within public health on how to frighten people, known as "fear appeal."
"What an odd name: Fear appeal. It's a euphemism for scaring people to death. That's how you 'appeal' to them. And it's a very long standing [field of research].
The particular article [Ginger and I] studied together made several points. It said, first, you have to not only create something or have something that people are afraid of in order to get your public health measures imposed, but you have to make it personal to them, you have to make them afraid personally.
Then you have to give them something immediate to do to begin cooperating with the plans that you have. We have many examples of that. Things to immediately do [are]: Don't leave the house; wear a mask; stay 6 feet apart; start closing down businesses and so on. Don't let your kids go to school and on and on …
That got me into looking more deeply at the whole question of public health. And public health, sad to say, is essentially a totalitarian model. It does not raise issues of collateral damage, it doesn't raise issues of the Bill of Rights, the constitution, of liberty, the right to people to die with their boots on, the American tradition of individuals and their own communities making decisions.
There is no such concept. It starts with the assumption that what public health officials think is true and must be applied regardless of the context. And we see this with this globalism.
It doesn't matter whether you're working in Africa or in Communist China, North Vietnam or America, these are the principles, they're about politics above everything. It's quite astounding. So, [public health] became something that was perfectly usable by the most extreme totalitarianism …
At the top is extraordinarily wealthy and powerful people and organizations. I see it as a kind of a cooperative but competing group that welcomed Communist China, which shows how little these people — like Fauci and the World Bank and our governments in the Western world —worry about anything except wealth and power.
Once they invited Communist China into this circle, China became a big, big player along these world predators and let each other be. Until Trump came along, no major figure stood up and said, 'No, no, we're going to go back to the [way things were]."
The Psychology of Learned Helplessness
Fear is undoubtedly one of the most powerful motivating emotions for individuals, and the single most powerful intervention capable of controlling an entire population. It's certainly hard to miss that fear has been used to control the masses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Governments now have access to incredibly sophisticated technologies, including artificial intelligence and machine learning, which is being used for all it's worth to push this fear propaganda. The end goal is to push us into a state of helplessness, so that they can come in and "rescue" us. For decades, Breggin has studied helplessness and its remedies.
"When we're born, we're fundamentally helpless. All we can do to be taken care of is to express pain, we can cry, we can wiggle, we can express suffering. But we have no ability to take control of the environment other than by hopefully attracting our caregivers that cuddle us or look for a thorn in the side or whatever.
And that remains an aspect of humanity. That never leaves us. All of us can at some point be made to feel helpless again. And when we feel helpless, we become like the infant. We feel we have to be saved, basically. We look to other people, we look to drugs, alcohol, we look to authoritarian religions, we look to leaders of all kinds."
From Fear to Anxiety to Desperation
As explained by Breggin, by adding confusion to the mix, you can bring an individual from fear to anxiety, a state of confusion in which you cannot think straight anymore. One of the characteristics of a panic attack or an anxiety attack is the loss of the ability to think. You become helpless and confused. Eventually, desperation sets in, at which point people are willing to do just about anything to get relief.
"So this, folks, is a web of fear," Breggin says. "It's all about scaring us, confusing us, making us helpless. I recently wrote a chapter that I may or may not put it in the book about my 85 years of looking at fear, because I was alive during World War II. I went down to the beach when I was 4 or 5 years old and would find remnants of our sailors' life rafts where they sunk right off the water's edge.
We were afraid of bombs called blockbusters, we hid under the tables and chairs and whatever we could find in school desks for fear of blockbusters. I went through the horrors of the polio [epidemic]. My closest friend died of polio two days after I was wrestling with him. I know fear, I know epidemics … the Vietnam War … 9/11.
And never until Fauci … have I seen leaders say 'Be afraid.' I couldn't believe it when they found a comment made in private by Trump that he wanted to reassure and not scare the people. That was his supposed villainousness — not wanting to scare people.
That's what Roosevelt did, that's what every single person has done in great moments of crisis — they have said 'Let us not be afraid,' because we all know that a country that is unafraid and is doing as much of its normal activity as possible, is the strongest possible country.
That's an actual public health principle — that we function best when we are living a normal life, unafraid, and we have ideals and goals like American liberty and freedom to strive for."
The Biology of Fear
So, just what happens in your body when you experience fear? Importantly, it "quite literally scrambles our brains," Breggin says. The good news is you have the power to control your mind and to calm down. The bad news is you don't think you have any control over your mind.
"Anxiety overwhelms us, it makes us stupid, it makes us desperately want somebody to take over. But what we need is somebody who says you don't have anything to fear, the anxiety won't kill you; [someone who] will calm you down and tell you everything's going to be fine, you don't have to be helpless.
But we are getting the exact opposite message from Biden and Fauci … The pharmaceutical industry and the very wealthy need this fear because they're making a fortune on this fear … getting all their drugs and vaccines ready."
The Antidotes to Corruption Are Reason, Love and Liberty
Realizing the depth of the scientific corruption was part of why Breggin and his wife, Ginger, decided to take on this whole new field of investigation.
"We knew we had the research expertise and the scientific expertise. And I've got so many published books and scientific articles that I don't think anybody can doubt I'm a researcher and a scientist," he says.
"It was so mind-blowing to see the degree of corruption. I actually imagined standing in front of God, explaining why I didn't do anything. That didn't fly very well. I think the best antidote to looking at all this corruption is, first of all, to know this world has always been a corrupt place …
So, we need to learn to keep our own free will intact, and to love. We need reason and love. We can reason, we can love and respect the liberty of other people. Those are my three key words in life: Reason, love and liberty … You want to overcome your helplessness, [and you] do that with reason."
What's at Stake
Educating and supporting others are other strategies that can be helpful. Investigate things for yourself, and then share what you've learned with others. The way out of helplessness is to be of service to others, to contribute in some way. As noted by Breggin:
"We need to buckle up at this point and really see ourselves as an example of succeeding in the face of all this, and to spread it however far and wide we can … We weren't promised an easy life.
There's just no place that I know of that is a mammoth promise of an easy life. Life is difficult. Right now, I think the single most important thing is not the virus, it's saving freedom in America.
One of the things I want to say to the progressive folks — and for a good chunk of my life, I was a very strong progressive — most of you are idealists, most of you would like to see the improvement of mankind. But that is not what's going on in the world right now …
It is not about being a conservative, it is not about being a progressive. We are dealing with international predators that are just as happy to work with Iran, or North Korea, or North Vietnam or China. They are only interested in wealth and power. They have no real deep commitment to progressivism or capitalism. And … they haven't got the slightest interest in free enterprise. Bill Gates is not a figure of free enterprise.
You got to get this straight. These people are not for liberty. This entire powerful international movement that I'm calling predatory globalists are motivated by wealth and power. They have reached the pinnacles of power, which are always corrupting.
Bill Gates has three people on his board of trustees: Himself, his wife and Warren Buffett — the No. 2 and No. 4 wealthiest people in the world. This is power beyond imagination. They are not wedded to anything except power and wealth. Wealth is a way to [power] and they're using technocrats to do this."
More Information
I agree with Breggin that the most important thing right now is to recognize that what we're facing is an acute challenge to our society, our culture, that must be faced head-on. We need to aid our fellow human beings as best as we can with information, knowledge, that the conventional mainstream media is not telling them.
In fact, mainstream media are a significant part of the problem, because they're being used as a tool to implement the technocrats' agenda. For this reason, it has become imperative to seek out other channels of information, most of which are becoming progressively more censored and harder to find.
To stay on top of Breggin's investigations, be sure to sign up for newsletter alerts on his website, breggin.com. He also has a radio and TV show that airs once a week. On his website, you'll also find links to Breggin's report4 on Fauci's CCP connections, titled "Dr. Fauci's COVID-19 Treachery," and his legal report,5 "COVID-19 & Public Health Totalitarianism: Untoward Effects on Individuals, Institutions and Society."
Also see Dr. Breggin's YouTube Channel with many videos about COVID-19, including the September 2020 video, "US and China Collaborated to Make a Deadly Virus," with 56,600 views.6
"When you control your breathing you control your life” is an ancient yogic axiom. Dan Goleman’s epic book EmotionalIntelligence (thanks John Bradshaw.) familiarizes one with the relationship of the reptilian brain and the neocortex.
The reptilian brain is on automatic survival. The neocortex is the seat of “rational” thought. You can argue what is rational but the point is that many people’s irrational survival responses overrule what a majority might label appropriate. Most will opt for peace, love and joy, that is if they have any memory of what that feels like in the first place. Many remain afraid of anger.
Research and observation lead me to believe that people practicing a daily breathing exercise will show significant reduction in anxiety, alcohol and drug cravings, psychological distress, abuse, insomnia, depression, severity of post traumatic stress disorder, level of biological aging, and an increase in self esteem and improved relationships. Successful people develop successful habits
To instill permanent inner peace and joy one needs to dissolve limiting attitudes and beliefs that become unconscious personal laws that rule our lives. Ones for example, that keep the survival brain in constant alert and sympathetic nervous system response working potentially death dealing overtime.
A positive attitude can, with the help of the breath, detach from negative ideas and, even override a destructive toxic belief system. Paradigm shifts often come from conscious choice. You change your breathing pattern and consciously think constructive thoughts. If you change your thoughts and don’t change your breathing pattern you may become split and feel like doing the opposite you are thinking.
This breathing consciously and combining it with constructive ideas and strategies transforms a host of negative responses into nurturing choices of growth and health..You become more able to view people from their perspective instead of yours. And through this you become more in touch with the higher good happening in your own life and your special purpose. You first must create (breathe) your energy, then you must direct it. You can always choose to feel joyful or at peace.
A peaceful infant is a wondrous sight to behold and a model for a deep state of tranquility. Babies need to cry sometimes.. Yes, it exercises the lungs but the new discipline of respiratory psychophysiology is learning that crying (and laughing, which by the way are both breathing) can have a cathartic, healing and calming effect on the infant.
Once one has established the infant is not wet, sick or stuck with a diaper pin etc., to not allow the child to cry and breathe out the fear and disquiet will often result in its holding on to the negative emotional component of the incident for a lifetime.
Psychotherapist Mark Alter suggests not accepting crying is resultant from a culture that is terrified of its feelings and has no idea of what to do with crying but to shut it up. “Hold him or her and be at peace”. Give the child an opportunity to breathe freely, express its rage or discontent and resolve it through the breath.
Mother’s milk is sweet. Giving the crying child the breast or the bottle when what it really needs is to be held and cry, is establishing an unconscious link between emotional appeasement and sugar. I believe this is much of the reason we are such a sugar crazed culture. Too many of us were given the bottle or the breast to “soothe” us or just plain shut us up.
A large aspect of feeling joy, inner strength and management of stress is about options. You can choose deep peace within, even during the act of bodily death; and I’m not saying you should but at least you have the option.
When the breath is inhibited or locked up our options become limited. We cannot access them if our breathing is “stuck”. Anyone stuck up in a tree or against a cliff during a climb will attest to this. I submit that the breath has been greatly overlooked in its power to increase life force and aliveness, foster a positive attitude (increased endorphin production), maintain emotional balance and minimize or eliminate stress.
From the very outset of a stressful situation or when we run out of all other choices, the breath can often be consciously engaged; even if it becomes consciously engaged to disengage it.
That is where the stress can and will end and pleasure and joy can appear. This can even include the peaceful transition during the experience of bodily death called co-mediation or “cross breathing”. And by putting more breath into life we may well make our orgasms more intense, our food more flavorful, and our eyesight improve. If your eyesight weakens late in the day, it may well be a stress induced loss.