Pilates - Yoga - Piloga
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From Mike:
I think the Joseph Pilates would have a screaming fit if he saw what was being represented as his work. "Pilates" was made most popular as a national TV promoted weight loss technique showing lots of 20 year old cuties with bodies to die for. Good toning, but is a distortion of what Pilates really is, which is a very good guide for an uneducated body to help it get and maintain the correct balance of movement in gravity and for dance but it is NOT about optimal breathingor voice. Dancers often have restrictedbreathing and voice, ballet being the most restrictive due to its held body positions inviting extreme tensions. Many dancers, possibly due to a habit, abuse or trauma history have a tendency towards breathing getting worse. Given proper movement approaches that respect breathing there may be ways to offset this. However the dancer will never be as good at singing as someone who does not dance but the person may not wish to and live a long healthy life just dancing. My favorite dance for breathing is Tango. There are others.
There is a crossover point where the breathing and voice worsens or stops improving. Our tests can help gauge this. Regardless of what movement program you choose make sure your breathing is always as good as it can be.
Pilates purity watered down by a tidal wave of popularity
By Julie Deardorff
Chicago Tribune
The Saturday morning Piloga class began in a way that would please most traditional yogis -- with meditative breathing. But as the cross-legged students exhaled deeply, the experience morphed into pilates.
"Drop your abs towards your spine," instructed Randi Whitman, owner of Chicago's Frog Temple Pilates studio. "Pull your rib cage away from your pelvis."
For the next hour, the Piloga students flowed between the distinct disciplines of pilates and yoga, two of the fastest growing "soft" exercises in the fitness industry.
For Whitman, blending the two mind-body practices has become more than a treasured creative outlet. Yoga and pilates -- a routine of exercises using mats or equipment that strengthens the muscles surrounding and supporting the body's core -- are necessary complements.
But to Chicago's Juanita Lopez, one of the first pilates teachers in the Midwest, the mere concept of "Piloga," which can also be called Yogalates or Yogilates, is a dreadful adaptation of the real thing.
"You can't mix and match," she declared. "One can benefit the other, and they're both classic systems, but if you mix, you don't get the benefit of either one."
More than ever, Americans are trying to get centered through pilates, a body conditioning system developed by Joseph Pilates and his wife, Clara, in the early 20th Century. But the explosive growth of pilates in the last several years -- participation has increased 176 percent between 2000 and 2002 -- and its popularity in health clubs have raised major concerns among pilates purists.
Some fear that the updated, modern adaptations are watering down what Joseph Pilates, a native of Germany, crafted while interned in a London camp during World War I. Meanwhile, as demand has increased, so has the need for new teachers.
Training programs have sprung up everywhere. But while some groups call themselves "official" pilates training centers, there is no national certifying body and no easy way to find out whether the instructor is qualified.
The unbridled expansion began in 2000, when the courts ruled that pilates was a generic term, like yoga, meaning anyone can call what they teach "pilates." And they do.
What was once a lengthy apprenticeship taught by Joseph Pilates or someone certified by him is now accessible through weekend-long training courses and special $89.99 home Internet certifications, aimed at fitness professionals who teach in health clubs.
The fitness industry didn't even track pilates before 2000, when 1.7 million Americans tried it at least once, according to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association. In 2002, the figure more than doubled, when 4.7 million people participated.
Not surprisingly, pilates-related injuries rose as more people tried it. But what concerns pilates teachers such as Julie DeWerd, a physical therapist at the Pilates Studio of the Midwest, is that people will drop into a health club class with an inexperienced teacher and never reap the benefits of the "real thing."
Yoga, a 5,000-year-old discipline, also is booming thanks to health clubs while experiencing similar growing pains.
But yoga -- now so Westernized there is a version for pets -- has dozens of branches and is much harder to codify. Amrit Desai, one of the key people who introduced yoga to the west in the 60s states that "yoga has become popular in the west but what is popular is not really yoga".
Pilates, which is relatively new and can be traced to a single man, still has a chance to pull the different factions together and preserve its integrity, according to the Pilates Method Alliance (PMA), which is developing national teacher training qualifications. It is not an easy process.
"It's maddening for those of us who have been teaching awhile and very scary for the public because they don't know what they're getting," said Kevin Bowen, who founded the PMA out of concern for pilates' future.
"We wanted to have a say about what was being lost with the proliferation of quickie training programs. It's happening nationwide," Bowen said.
Pilates became known as a dancer's technique after Martha Graham sent her students to Joseph Pilates' New York studio. These days golfers, skaters, runners, skiers and professional football teams use Pilates for strength, balance and flexibility, not to mention long, lean muscles.
Instructors say that pregnant women are flocking to it. And doctors are referring patients to Pilates centers for additional treatment.
But if it weren't for health clubs -- which have brought the world such things as chair pilates, step pilates, aqua pilates and yoga pilates -- classic pilates might never have made it into the mainstream.
Most teachers admit that the discipline has had to evolve to survive. Joseph Pilates, a strict teacher who was known for standing on his students' abdomens, originally published a manual with 34 exercises. Today there are more than 500.
Teachers such as Whitman at Frog Temple and Cindy Reid at Flow Inc. Pilates and Yoga in Chicago, who registered the term "Piloga" together, have found that combining yoga and pilates enhances the best of both systems. It also saves time for those who like both practices and exposes students to new techniques.
"I don't think it replaces pure Pilates instruction," said Reid, a Pilates teacher who has practiced yoga for 15 years. "I'm simply augmenting it with specific yoga stretches."
We offer a certification program for Pilate teachers that is called Optimal Pilates™. email hello@optimalbreathing.com
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