Moins de douleur et moins de médicaments sur ordonnance grâce à une respiration optimale

Moins de douleur et moins de médicaments sur ordonnance grâce à une respiration optimale

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AAN warns against opioids in noncancer pain

"I am falling apart at the seams", 'I've got my Mom's painful knees", "I need to pull myself together", "I might have a little disc bulge in there", "I am going to pieces", "I just feel so fragile today", "It never seems to go away" are some of the comments stemming from chronic pain.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, 
they don't have to worry about answers.-"  Thomas Pynchon 


 Turns watchdogs into lap dogs

"Virtually all long-term users surveyed said they were introduced to the drugs by a doctor’s prescription, not by friends or through illicit means, a Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll found.

But more than 6 in 10 said doctors offered no advice on how or when to stop taking the drugs. And 1 in 5 said doctors provided insufficient information about the risk of side effects, including addiction."  Read more.

Most recent 

Cannabis and the opioid crisis 

Controlling pain with foreign substances such as prescription drugs can further confuse or toxify the body.  A client with peripheral neuropathy finished an Optimal Breathing  session. Her 250mg morphine dose was 5 hours late and she felt no pain at all. Pain relief is often just a few breaths away

Better breathing means better living for this Rossmoor resident. Newspaper article.

Anne DiFilippo will tell her story on TV  
by Karen Cohen 
Staff Writer - Rossmoor Times, Walnut Creek, California 1998

Anne Di Filippo is breathing easier these days- literally- and because of that, her life is better. In the fall, she took the Rossmoor Recreation class, Optimal Breathing, and it's helped her reduce severe back pain caused by fused discs.

Di Filippo's distress began last August, and after seeing a physician and then a chiropractor, she took codeine for relief. Her friend, Jonnie Semrad, recommended Optimal Breathing, and she signed up, but she was skeptical.

''What does my pain have to do with breathing?'' she wondered. but she said she soon learned it was related. After placing his hands on her ribs as she breathed, class instructor Mike White pointed out that her lungs were blocked from holding herself in because of the pain. He taught her to breathe correctly, being sure to release all the air.

"that minimized the pain,'' she said. Di Filippo has not used the medication since she took the course. "I still have the pain, she said, but when it comes, I use the breathing techniques.''

She also uses them at other limes- when she can't sleep or feels overwhelmed, for example. She believes they would be a boon to many Rossmoor residents. especially those with respiratory problems, and she highly recommends White's class.

DiFilippo will appear on a television program featuring White and his students in the series "New Attitudes'' on the Lifetime station. She will be interviewed, along with a 29-year-old athlete and a woman who lost more than 100 pounds after learning breathing techniques, and a class will be shown.

White, a certified massage therapist, nutrition educator, doctor of divinity, and has been studying breathing for 25 years. He gives students simple exercises to indicate where their breathing is blocked and recommends the kinds of exercises, body work and ergonomic techniques that might be beneficial. He also applies principles of opera. yoga, T'ai Chi. nutrition and spirituality in his teaching.

"Breathing is a metaphor for living,'' White said. "If you make your breathing easier, everything in life becomes easier. Not necessarily easy (think combat or extreme economic survival oriented stress), but easier, less negative and often transforming over to positive. ''If breathing is easier. he said, you will sleep better, think more clearly, be healthier, recover from stress quicker and-yes-even have better sex.

Anne2 Mike Michael WhiteC16-OSSSTC21-ORTWSand many more in the kit.


Anne DiFilippo demonstrates exercises she learned from Mike

"The benefits of perioperative pain management extend well beyond the realm of patient comfort. Pain management experts point to decreased occurrence of complications such as pneumonia and blood clots in the lung; decreased bodily perception and reaction to stress; and shorter ICU and hospital stays.

In a study presented at the 19th annual scientific meeting of the American Pain Society, researchers found that length of stay following outpatient procedures increased significantly with increasing pain severity.

Inadequately treated pain may have long-term consequences. Painful experiences can indelibly imprint themselves on the nervous system, amplifying the response to subsequent noxious stimuli (hyperalgesia) and causing typically painless sensations to be experienced as pain (allodynia)." Physician's Weekly. May 13, 2002 Vol. XIX, No. 20

"Insufficient oxygen in our cells causes pain to be experienced more acutely than when oxygen supplies are ample."  Dr. Samuel C. West. The Golden Seven Plus 1. 7th printing.  April 1998

Pain and faulty breathing: A pilot Study

Recommended program: This program has achieved for others: 

Reduced numbness and tingling in hands, feet and legs
Lessened the pain & burning sensations
Support & strengthened nerves & nerve linings
Reduced stress & anxiety
Improved balance and coordination


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