Optimal Digestion - Supreme Plant Enzymes
Good digestion is critical to optimal breathing.
My order of energy priorities are:
- First comes breathing.
- Then comes digestion.
"70 percent of your immune system is located in your digestive system, which means that if your gut is overrun with bad bacteria, there’s a good chance your immune system will not be functioning at its best". Dr. Claude Matar
Digestion can often be more important than improving the way you breathe or what you eat.
"Most people do not realize that conditions such as repetitive strain injuries, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, energy swings, headaches, arthritis, fibromyalgia, depression, and so on often have roots in one’s digestive functioning." Dasha Trebichavska, L.Ac.
Weight control?
This all-natural enzyme combination lets you enjoy eating while you are losing weight. It processes your food so well that you want less because your body is more efficiently breaking down what you eat and therefore getting more of the nutrition from the food you are eating.
The enzymes pay for themselves by reducing your food consumption.
A few specific benefits:
- Take the load off the body and allow it to utilize its oxygen stores for recovery, regeneration and healing instead of processing food.
- Increase the surface area of the red blood cell... making it possible to carry more oxygen to all parts of the body.
- Handle acid reflux
- Improving irritable bowel conditions
- Increase the white blood cell size and activity
- Breaking up cholesterol deposits
- Shatter crystalline deposits
- Stimulate the immune system
- Raise T-Cell activity and production
- Eliminate yeast
- Reduce unhealthy bacteria
- Assimilate fats
- Digest proteins
- Offset lack of adequate chewing due to using dentures and partials.
- Take them by capsule or open the capsules and sprinkle them on your food.
Optimal Digestion - Supreme Plant Enzyme
The digestive system is designed to only break down approximately half of the food we eat. To appreciate a properly functioning digestive system, it helps to understand the 40-60 ratio theory discovered by Dr. Edward Howell.
Dr. Howell was one of America's pioneering Biochemist and Nutritional researchers and in his book "Enzyme Nutrition", he explains how the digestive system is designed to work.
Before fire was discovered, man and animals alike could only eat raw food, like raw meat, plants or fruits and vegetables. Raw foods have the roughly 40-60 ratio, which means a raw food like an apple has live food enzymes within the apple which break down and digest 40 to 60 percent of that apple.
This leaves the remaining 40 to 60% of the apple to be broken down by our digestive system.
There are basically two types of food on earth.
- First, raw foods are enzymatically alive which means these foods have live enzymes within them to help digest 40 to 60% of that particular food.
- Second, cooked and processed foods are enzymatically dead or denatured, which means there are no live enzymes within that food to help digestion.
These dead foods will stress the digestive system, the pancreas, the immune system and much more, and I must bring to your attention, almost all nutritional supplements are cooked and processed. If they don't have an excellent delivery system, there's a good chance you're not getting the benefits you thought you were giving your body.
Back in the 1960s and earlier our raw foods use to be in the proper 40-60 ratio, but, today our raw foods are genetically altered, mineral deficient and they are being manipulated for longer shelf life, which means the raw food we eat today could be in a 20-80 ratio... which is asking the human body to digest and break down 80% of that food.
This is an additional problem because we are already asking the human body to break down 100% of the cooked and processed foods and supplements we eat, and now, possibly 80% or more of the raw foods we eat.
We're really stressing the human body, every single day.
Special Note From Mike
Alligator meat is VERY tough and chewy. A friend emptied some of an enzyme capsule onto a small piece of cooked alligator. 20 minutes later she could cut the alligator piece with a fork.
To the degree you are not chewing each mouthful 50 times, eating 100% raw living foods and or chew with removable teeth is the degree you need to supplement with digestive enzymes. Use ours with with meals and at bedtime without food.
If your foods are not completely digested, everything you do to try to establish or maintain optimal health will be less or completely ineffective. Digestion also occurs while you sleep. The body's energies are not being used for daily activities during sleep. Proper enzymes can help take care of unfinished business 24 hours a day. This program shows you how to achieve optimal digestion.
It is SO simple.
It doesn't matter what you eat if you do not digest it. The worse your digestion the more your breathing energy bears the burden of that.
Digestion, just like breathing, in greater or lesser degree, should be occurring all the time. Not just in the stomach, upper and lower intestine and pancreas, but as well in the blood stream.
The more cooked, canned and frozen foods we eat the more we need be concerned about digestion. Much of allergies are undigested foods in the blood stream. Undigested foods also cause both detectable and hidden excessive mucous that clogs up the pathways of vital body fluids. But this all is just the "tip of the iceberg".
Poor digestion is a factor in every chronic illness. When we take drugs that neutralize stomach acid, digestion becomes weak and incomplete. Incompletely digested food creates toxins which interfere with the lymph and energy throughout the body.
If your foods are not completely digested, everything you try to establish or maintain optimal health will be less or completely ineffective.
They act like a natural magnet to attract fat, Stimulate the body's natural metabolism, inhibit bad cholesterol and boost good cholesterol. They also aid tremendously in the process of weight loss and long-term weight management.
Chewing is Critical to Digestion
A new set of full upper and lower dentures only have 30% chewing power compared to natural teeth.
Ill fitting dentures or worn down denture teeth can also be a major cause of indigestion. If a denture is loose, a denture wearer could have a difficult time chewing, because of the dentures moving around and causing pain.
These people tend to chew there food insufficiently thus, swallowing bigger morsels that are harder for the rest of the digestive system to break down.
Worn down denture teeth can’t cut the food, leaving the denture wearer biting off more than they can chew.
The mouth is the primary stage of digestion and a very important one. If food isn’t broken down enough in the mouth it will cause the rest of the digestive tract to be unable to digest food sufficiently causing, indigestion, upset stomach and even mal-nutrition due to poor digestion.
Ingredients and Functions of Optimal Digestion's Supreme Plant Enzyme
This enzyme contains a proprietary blend of 100% plant-based enzymes:
Amylase, Protease, Bromelain, Lipase, Cellulase, Lactase, Maltase, Invertase, Hemicellulase, and Alpha Galactosidase. Cofactors include: Sprout and grass juice extracts, plant derived minerals, papain extract, rutin and amla berry.
Alpha Galactosidase
Alpha Galactosidase is an enzyme derived from the fungus Aspergillus niger.
It hydrolyzes the a 1-6 nun-reducing galactocide residues from poly and oligosaccharides in an exo-fashion. These poly-saccharides (primarily raffinose, stacchiose, and melibiosc) are typically found in legumes and are not digestible in the small intestine.
As these sugars are not absorbed, they pass into the large intestine. In the large intestine, these sugars are fermented by native microbial flora anti produce gas resulting in bloating, pain and general discomfort.
This is the enzyme that is in Bean-o for preventing gas. The deficiency of this enzyme leads to Fabry's disease.
Fabry's Disease
Fabry disease is caused by the lack of or faulty enzyme needed to metabolize lipids, fat-like substances that include oils, waxes, and fatty acids.
The enzyme is known as Ceramide Trihexosidase, also called alpha-galactosidase-A. A mutation in the gene that controls this enzyme causes insufficient breakdown of lipids, which build up to harmful levels in the eyes, kidneys, autonomic nervous system, and cardiovascular system.
Since the gene that is altered is carried on a mother's X chromosome, her sons have a 50 percent chance of inheriting the disorder and her daughters have a 50 percent chance of being a carrier.
Symptoms usually begin during childhood or adolescence and include burning sensations in the hands that gets worse with exercise and hot weather and small, raised reddish-purple blemishes on the skin.
Some boys will also have eye manifestations, especially cloudiness of the cornea. Lipid storage may lead to impaired arterial circulation and increased risk of heart attack or stroke. The heart may also become enlarged and the kidneys may become progressively involved.
Other symptoms include decreased sweating, fever, and gastrointestinal difficulties, particularly after eating. Some female carriers may also exhibit symptoms. Fabry disease is one of several lipid storage disorders.
Food Sources
RAW cucumbers, sprouted legumes, soya beans, cowpeas (black eyed peas)
Amylase is required for digesting carbohydrates (polysaccharides) into smaller units (disaccharides), and eventually converting them into even smaller units (monosaccharides) such as glucose. Often used in pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy.
It is mainly a constituent of pancreatic juice and saliva, needed for the breakdown of long-chain carbohydrates (such as starch) into smaller units.
Amylase is also synthesized in the fruit of many plants during ripening, causing them to become sweeter, and also during the germination of cereal grains. Grain amylase is key to the production of malt.
It is involved in anti-inflammatory reactions such as those caused by the release of histamine and similar substances making it aid as a stress neutralizer.
These inflammatory reactions normally happen to organs which are in contact with the outside environment, such as your skin and lungs and would include problems such as psoriasis, eczema, hives, insect bites, allergic bee and bug stings, topic dermatitis, and all types of herpes as well as lung problems including asthma and emphysema.
Ptyalin (that is amylase found in your saliva) begins polysaccharide digestion in the mouth and the process is completed in the small intestine by amylopsin (amylase excreted by the pancreas).
Deficiency of Amylase
If your diet is excessively high in refined carbohydrates, a deficiency of amylase may occur, since this enzyme would be used up by the body at a tremendous rate, and symptoms may include a diversified group of symptoms, which may include a skin rash, depression and mood swings (including PMS), hypoglycemia, allergies, general fatigue, cold hands and feet, inflammation, aches in your shoulders etc.
It is also involved in digesting and getting rid of dead white blood cells (another name for pus) and for this reason you might be more prone to abscesses if you are deficient in this enzyme.
Food Sources
RAW sweet potato; corn, barley, wheat, oats. rice and other grains, reishi mushrooms, beet roots, leaves and stems; banana, cabbage, egg, kidney been; maple sap, Milk, Raw honey, sugar cane
Bromelain is an enzyme group which is used for digesting proteins. It is one of the few enzymes which is absorbed well by the body.
6 Natural Sources
Pineapple stem and fruit.
Useful in Treatment of
Athletic injuries, dysmenorrhea, episiotomy pain after childbirth, rheumatoid arthritis, sinusitis, surgical recovery, thrombophlebitis, urinary tract infections.
- Bromelain is also an effective anti-inflammatory for treatment of minor injuries such as bruising and sprains.
- It also appears to be effective in reducing post-operative swelling and
- Episiotomy pain after childbirth.
- In addition, preliminary studies show that it may be useful in the treatment of sinusitis,
- Arthritis and as a blood thinner.
- It may help alleviate the symptoms of urinary tract infections.
Contraindications of Bromelain
Should not be used with blood thinners.
Bromelain was first introduced as a supplement in 1957. Since then it has proved an important aid to so many diseases that more than 600 research articles are now found in the scientific literature about this product.
It is a proteolytic enzyme, one that decomposes protein in the body. One of its first noted benefits was as a digestant. Bromelain is derived from the stem of the pineapple plant.
This enzyme is effective not only in the acid present in the stomach, but also in the alkaline environment of the intestine. It is considered a substitute for the digestants pepsin and tryptin.
"Bromelain breaks down protein. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that have been scientifically shown to be effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis."
"In a study by Dr. A. Cohenm reported in the Pennsylvania Medical Journal, over 70% of the participants, some of whom had both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, experienced excellent to good results of decreased pain and swelling and increased mobility." (AM pg. 175)
Many health professionals recommend Bromelain for pain, inflammation and swelling. Raw pineapple alone cannot provide sufficient amounts of this digestive enzyme. Bromelain must be obtained from supplements to be nutritionally beneficial for the joints.
Bromelain's effectiveness is due to its ability to reduce the harmful prostaglandins in the body that cause pain and inflammation and block the absorption of nutrients through the tissues. By helping to inhibit these pro-inflammation.
Bromelain is a safe and nutritional alternative for maintaining healthy joints. Bromelain also has a positive effect on the "good" prostaglandins. Common therapies, such as aspirin, inhibit all prostaglandins, including the "good" ones. (The Herbalist, Spring 1997)
A natural digestive enzyme in pineapple, helps counteract histamine which is a factor in swelling, joint aches and stress. Bromelain helps cells effectively shed fluids and fats. It aids healthy digestion by naturally breaking down fat from food.
Between meals, unless it is being used as a digestive aid.
Food Sources
Fresh raw pineapple
No side effects.
Breaks down cellulose (in indigestible fiber found in many fruits and vegetables).
Used as a digestive aid and in in pancreatic enzyme replacement.
Food Sources
Avocado, peas, oat sprouts, reishi mushrooms.
Invertase (also known as sucrase or saccharase) breaks down carbohydrates, especially sucrose. It splits sucrose into glucose and fructose. Invertase is mainly used in the food (confectionery) industry where fructose is preferred over sucrose because it is sweeter and does not crystallize as easily.
A small amount was added to help offset sugar cravings relating to candida.
Food Sources
RAW Cucumbers, green plants, potato, sugar cane
Lactase is required to break down lactose (a primary sugar found in mammalian milk) and is produced in the small intestine, which breaks lactose into two simpler sugars.
Lactase is required for the digestion of milk and milk products.
Some people do not produce enough lactase and are often referred to as lactose intolerant, and symptoms may include cramps, gas as well as diarrhea.
It has also been suggested that lactose intolerant people have a problem with calcium absorption, and this may also need to be checked, by a lactose intolerant person.
Deficiency of Lactase
If the intestines do not produce enough (or any) lactase, the milk sugar (lactose) is not digested and moves into the colon, where it is fermented by bacteria - producing hydrogen, carbon dioxide and organic acids, which can result in diarrhea, gas and cramps.
To test for lactose intolerance, drink two glasses of milk on an empty stomach and watch for any gastrointestinal symptoms. Do the same test but substitute the milk with cheese.
If you have any symptoms from the milk, but not from the cheese (which contains very little lactose), you might be lactose intolerant. If you have symptoms from both, it may indicate an allergy to dairy.
If you suffer from lactose intolerance, it might be helpful to have a lactase supplement before having any meal containing lactose.
Toxicity and symptoms of high intake
It is safe, and no toxicity or side effects have been reported when taking a dietary supplement.
A supplement may be beneficial to people suffering from diarrhea, indigestion, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome as well as sufferers of migraine headaches, since certain studies indicate that migraine sufferers are deficient in lactase.
Food Sources
RAW Tomatoes, persimmons, apples, peaches, almonds, milk.
Lipase is the enzyme required to break down fats and lipids (to give di- and mono- glycerides, glycerol and free fatty acids) and is produced in the pancreas, and is released in the small intestine. Pancreatin, produced by the pancreas also contains two other enzymes - protease and amylase.
Lipase is required for Digesting fats and lipids are more difficult since they have to be carried by a water based transport system - the blood and lymph.
Although fat digestion is not concentrated in the stomach, gastric lipase is the digestive to attend to this, and will digest egg yolk and cream, since they are already emulsified fats.
In order for fat to be digested properly, the liver starts this process emulsifying the large fat molecules, and bile breaks it down to small droplets, allowing the lipase to start its work.
Fat digestion in the small intestine is reliant on a pancreatic secretion called pancreatin containing lipase as well as protease and amylase.
In some vegetarian diets, very little bile is produced since the liver is not stimulated to produce bile, with the result that the large fat molecules are not properly emulsified, making it difficult for the lipase to bind, leading to incomplete or reduced fat absorption.
Deficiency of Lipase
A shortage of lipase in the body may lead to high cholesterol, difficulty in losing weight, a tendency to diabetes, high urine sugar levels - which some believe could lead to arthritis, bladder problems, gall stones, hay fever, prostate problems, heart problems etc.
With too little lipase, the cell membranes permeability is not at optimum, and nutrients cannot enter the cell, while wastes cannot leave the cell.
There is also a tendency amongst people suffering from being lipase deficient, to have a problem with electrolyte balance as well.
Muscle spasms and a spastic colon is also reported as being a symptom of lipase deficiency.
Celiac Disease
Pancreatic enzymes have been most studied as part of the treatment for celiac disease. Celiac disease is a condition in which dietary gluten causes damage to the intestinal tract.
Symptoms include abdominal pain, weight loss, and fatigue. People with celiac disease must consume a life-long gluten-free diet. Lipase, along with other pancreatic enzymes, may help in the treatment of this condition by enhancing the benefit of a gluten-free diet.
In a study of 40 children with celiac disease, for example, those who received pancreatic enzyme therapy (including lipase) demonstrated a modest increase in weight compared to those who received placebo.
The improvement in weight occurred within the first month of use; taking the pancreatic enzyme supplements for an additional month did not lead to more weight gain.
People suffering with a spastic colon may also be lipase deficient as well as the condition of vertigo (Meniere's Disease) which is dizziness made worse by movement.
Toxicity and Symptoms of High Intake
No toxicity or side effects have been reported.
People with a tendency to pancreatic insufficiency and cystic fibrosis may benefit from a lipase supplement as well as those with celiac disease, Crohn's disease, as well as those suffering indigestion and heartburn.
Enemy of Lipase
Betaine HCI or hydrochloric acid should not be taken with this in supplement form, as Amylase refers to a group of enzymes which break down sugars and starches. If you feel the need to take HCL then I suggest you alternate it with our enzyme formula by meal or by day for a few weeks and see what your body tells you.
Food Sources
Avocado, wheat germ, rice, maize, green plants, soybeans, coconuts, flaxseeds, rape seeds, corn and other germinating plants containing relatively large amounts of fats.
Maltase is an enzyme that is the catalyst in the hydrolysis of disaccharide maltose to the simple sugar form - glucose, and is found in plants, bacteria, and yeast; and in humans.
Although the enzyme can be ingested in the diet, it is thought to be able to be manufactured in the body by the mucus membrane lining in the intestinal wall. When starch is eaten, it is partially digested and transformed to maltose by both the saliva enzymes and pancreatic enzymes called amylases.
The maltase secreted in the intestines, then converts this maltose into a more ready usable sugar glucose, or the glucose could also be stored in the liver for future use.
Toxicity and Symptoms of High Intake
No toxicity or side effects have been reported.
Enemy of Maltase
Betaine HCI or hydrochloric acid should not be taken with this in supplement form. If you feel the need to take HCL then I suggest you alternate it with our enzyme formula by meal or by day for a few weeks and see what your body tells you.
Food Sources
Brewers’s yeast, rice, barley, beet leaves, green plants, sugar cane, banana, mushrooms.
Protease is responsible for digesting proteins in your food, which is probably one of the most difficult substances to metabolize. Because of this, protease is considered to be one of the most important enzymes that we have. If the digestive process is incomplete, undigested protein can wind up in your circulatory system, as well as in other parts of your body.
When you take protease in higher quantities, it can help to clean up your body by removing the unwanted protein from your circulatory system. This will help to clean up your blood stream, and restore your energy and balance.
One of the tricks of an invading organism is to wrap itself in a large protein shell that the body would view as being "normal". Large amounts of protease can help to remove this protein shell, and allow the body's defense mechanisms can go into action.
With the protective barrier down, your immune system can step in and destroy the invading organism.
Additional amounts of protease are also helpful in fighting such things as colds, flu's, and cancerous tumor growths. Protease helps in the healing and recovery from cancer by dissolving the fibrin coating on cancer cells, and thereby giving your immune system a chance to do its job.
It can effectively shrink these tumors by helping to remove the dead and abnormal tissues, and by stimulating healthy tissue growth.
Protease refers to a group of enzymes whose catalytic function is to hydrolyze (breakdown) peptide bonds of proteins. They are also called proteolytic enzymes or proteinases.
Proteases differ in their ability to hydrolyze various peptide bonds. Each type of protease has a specific kind of peptide bonds it breaks. Examples of proteases include: fungal protease, pepsin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, papain, bromelain, and subtilisin.
Proteolytic enzymes are very important in digestion as they breakdown the protein foods to liberate the amino acids needed by the body. Additionally, proteolytic enzymes have been used for a long time in various forms of therapy. Their use in medicine is gaining more and more attention as several clinical studies are indicating their benefits in oncology, inflammatory conditions, blood rheology control, and immune regulation.
Contrary to old beliefs, several studies have shown that orally ingested enzymes can bypass the conditions of the GI tract and be absorbed into the blood stream while still maintaining their enzymatic activity. Commercially, proteases are produced in highly controlled aseptic conditions for food supplementation and systemic enzyme therapy.
Food Sources
Pineapple, papaya, figs, guava, kiwi, ginger root, green plants, mushrooms, soy bean, kidney bean.
About Leaky Gut. Intestinal Hyperpermiability May Cause:.
- Food allergies or food sensitivities
- Autoimmune disorders, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or lupus
- Poor digestion, bloating, gas, constipation, loose stools, heartburn and nutrient malabsorption
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), including, IBS Crohn’s or colitis
- Thyroid issues such as hypothyroidism, Hashimotos thyroiditis or Graves disease
- Adrenal fatigue, candida and slow metabolism
- Mood disorders, including anxiety, depression and autism
- Chronic pain in joints and muscles, including arthritis and headaches
- Skin problems, including eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, acne and age spots
- Leaky gut affects 80-90% of people. It really is the root cause of many diseases today
- Add copious probiotics as well.
Amylase -- 24,500 SKB
Protease -- 80,000 HUT
Acid Stable Protease -- 500 ASPU
E3AFA -- 30 mg
Glucoamylase -- 20 AGU
Bromelain -- 40 GDU
Lactase -- 1,200 ALU
Cellulase -- 1,000 CU
Malt Diastase -- 200 DP
Lipase -- 810 FIP
Papain 5,000 TU
Invertase -- 800 SU
Alpha Galactosidase -- 300 GAL
Hemicellulase -- 800 HCU
Other ingredients:
Microcrystalline Cellulose (155mg), Rice Bran (6.25mg), vegetable cellulose capsule (HPMC, water).Order our Supreme Enzymes here. Or call the company for my special discount. Mention Mike White MWS-20 for 20% off. 888-800-7070