Transform Your Health with Optimal Breathing.

The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit™, the most advanced and versatile natural breathing development course that exists, is a complete self-help digital guide to help you unlearn and relearn the way you breathe to improve your health and well-being.

  • Lifetime access to the guided videos, animations, and proprietary information

  • Helps you get on the path to wellness by breathing right

Skill Level


Daily Practice

15-30 minutes



Guided Sessions

Unlearn and relearn to breathe better with the recorded breathing sessions led by Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach.

Instant Access

Gain immediate access to our comprehensive library of Optimal Breathing Exercises and Techniques from anywhere, at any time.

Progress Tracking

Track your progress with self-examination and quizzes and stay motivated on your breathing development journey.

Want to master the art of Optimal Breathing? Look no further!

We inhale and exhale around 22000 times every single day, but many of us don’t give much thought to this subconscious, automatic physiological process until now. Now, you might think that breathing is a natural process, and there is not much to it. Well, the fact is that you can’t be completely healthy unless you breathe the right way.

Benefits of Optimal Breathing™

  • Wake up rested and enhance learning ability and focus

  • Reduce asthma symptoms 

  • Strengthen immune system and performance skills

  • Reduce cardiovascular risk, anxiety and depression

  • Improve regulation of blood sugar levels and digestion

  • Bounce back faster after an exercise session or strenuous activity

  • Reduce attention deficits and hyperactivity

  • Help prevent neurological & circulatory issues linked to disease

  • Increase tidal volume

  • Pain relief from headaches, migraine, back pain, sciatica, neuralgia

During the breathing cycle, the rib cage and diaphragm work in tandem to facilitate the exchange of air. On the inhale, the diaphragm contracts, flattens, and moves downward, and the rib cage expands. When you exhale, the diaphragm relaxes and returns to its high dome shape, pushing air out of the lungs while simultaneously massaging the heart. In addition, the collapsing of the rib cage also contributes to the expulsion of air during exhalation.

Why You Need It?

The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit™ will Address These Questions.

  • Why is breathing volume the primary marker for how long you will live?

  • What proof is there that unless you do something to maintain it you lose 10% breathing volume every decade of life after your mid-20s?

  • Which skills in breathing are correlated with up to a 1,000% increase or decrease in reports of diagnosed illnesses?

  • Why do most conventional approaches to health focus on the symptoms and not the causes?

  • How can high blood pressure be reduced or eliminated by better breathing?

  • When is breathing deeper harmful to your health?

  • When can negative emotions including depression be reduced or eliminated by proper breathing?

  • How can practicing only one or two breathing exercises eventually restrict your breathing?

  • Which 150 are health and well being conditioned are greatly influenced by optimal breathing?

  • Is your breathing strong or weak? Sending you toward illness or health?

  • Which simple self-help exercises, techniques, and tools properly develop your breathing?

Meet Mike - Your Optimal Breathing Coach

Michael Grant White, Founder of, is a breathing development specialist, breathworker, holistic health educator, personal growth mentor, author, public speaker, and vocalist and has successfully helped thousands transform their lives through correct breathing and nutrition.

  • 40+ years of expertise in the field of breathing and health research

  • Guided hundreds of thousands on their journey to optimal breathing and well-being.


Combines Ancient Wisdom

Combines Ancient Wisdom

Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit™ seamlessly integrates global teachings and Michael Grant White’s 40+ years of study to develop your breathing and establish a strong mind-body-spirit connection.

Experience Optimal Breathing

Experience Breathing

You can’t just read about breathing to master it; it needs to be experienced. Our techniques help you learn to breathe right. You’ll feel the benefits right away and regular practice transforms your subconscious breathing for lasting benefits.

University of Idaho's Doctorate program for advanced athletic training (DAT)

DAT Program Integration

The Optimal Breathing Self-Mastery Kit™ has been integrated into the University of Idaho's Doctorate program for advanced athletic training (DAT) to enhance respiratory training and optimize athletic performance.

What’s Included?

The Optimal Breathing Self-Mastery Kit is a complete self-help breathing training solution that includes tools and guided, step-by-step techniques to glean and develop breathing skills in the shortest possible time. We start with breathing and then include everything else—breathing exercises, ergonomics, statistics, and holistic health.

Here’s what the Kit includes:

1. Lifetime Access to the Optimal Breathing Course

You will get lifelong access to the online version of the breathing kit that includes breathing-based special themes curated by Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach, to address your concerns. You will have self-checks, quizzes, and examinations to help you deepen your understanding of why and how you breathe. There's no finish line here, just a journey of continuous improvement. Go at your own pace!

Fundamentals of Optimal Breathing

Allows you to perceive breathing as more than just a physical activity of inhalation or exhalation.

Deepest Calm

Helps you learn to stay grounded and calm with the help of specially designed breathing techniques and exercises.

Singing, Speaking, and Personal Power

Offers quicker and more effective results for those looking to strengthen their vocal cords and enhance their stamina.

Optimal Energy

Helps you breathe the right way, energize yourself when you feel drained and exhausted, and build stamina.

Focus, Concentration & Memory

Helps you master the art of focus and concentration using proprietary breathing techniques and other supportive tools.

Shortness of Breath

Here’s your customized solution for all breath-related ailments using an effective set of proprietary breathing techniques and accessories.

Weight Management

This course, combined with accessories, will accelerate your weight loss journey and help you maintain your lost weight.

Optimal Meditation Enhancement

Enables you to achieve easier and effortless deep breathing and allows you to enter deeper therapeutic zones as you meditate.

Optimal Sleep

Designed to offer you quick results related to sleeping issues such as Insomnia and Snoring

Smoking or Smoking Recovery

Aids you in smoking cessation and in repair/enhancement of your damaged lung and breathing capacity

2. Lifelong Access to Supplemental Content

Better Breathing Exercise #1

Teaches you how to have longer natural breathing pauses, deeper, easier breathing, and better relaxation.

Breath of Life & Vitality

Discussion between Michael G. White and Rusell J. Martino, radio talk show host, on several critical breath-related factors you must know to lead a long and healthy life.

Supplemental Documents

Includes multiple documents on breathing.

Better Breathing Exercise #2

Exercise for deeper, focused relaxation, energy, vitality, stamina, and quicker recovery.

Breathing Self-Esteem Exercise

Contains breathing exercises to help you feel better about yourself and increase your confidence and positivity. Contains music from Tibetan singing bowls, which helps you understand yourself and become more comfortable with personal expression.

Peace Within

Includes the sacred sounds of Tibetan "singing" bowls, which help in self-healing, meditation, and deep relaxation and also assist in detaching from tensions and worries and accessing your deep inner self.

Guidebook and Card System

Features detailed explanations with pictures to guide you throughout

3. Special Accessories

Will be sent to you as a package.

  • Optimal Breathing Pattern Stabilizer (The Blue Velcro Strap)

    Helps to offset the tendency of breathing too high into the upper chest. Rebalances the nervous system and gently guides the breathing to be where it should be.

  • Diaphragm Strengthener

    A vital breathing resistance/ training tool to help you enhance your primary breathing muscles and increase their excursion (rise) to allow for deeper yet stronger and more balanced breathing.

  • Rib Cage Expansion Tool

    A tool to safely expand the rib cage

  • Cloth Tape

    To measure rib cage expansion

  • Theraband

    To augment Better Breathing Exercise #2

  • Guidebook and Card System

    Features detailed explanations with pictures to guide you throughout

  What Our Happy Customers Have to Say  

G Ryan

I have to say that the breathing kit saved my life. I think GOD for people like you. The breathing techniques have changed my life. After suffering from panic attacks for years, I now feel calm and so happy with the breathing techniques you have taught me. I have been a respiratory therapist for 15 years and now teach my patients these techniques. These COPD pts call me weeks later and tell me how their lives have changed. They thank me because now they can breathe correctly and live their life.You have touched so many people in ways you don't know about. Please keep up your great work and may Yehovah bless you and keep you! Thank you again.

Leslie Newman, Symphony Flutist, Toronto Symphony Orchestra

Breath is life, but for the flautist breath is also art. Working with Mike freed tensions that had built up through years of playing so I was able to recover my full capacity, control and ease of expression. I recommend him highly to anyone who wants to maximize his or her breathing capability.

Doru Anghel

This is Doru Anghel, 48 yr old male, I came across your website 4 months ago when I first took the free breath test and started following your programs and advice. The problems that brought me to you are excess gas, bloating and pain in my abdomen (IBS), waking up tired most of the time and general lack of energy.

The initial breath test opened my eyes to just how dysfunctional my breathing was and the one I took 3 days ago showed great improvement. Besides the test, I'm happy to report feeling better overall, more energy and better coping with everyday life. When I exercise I have better endurance (by breathing more correctly) so it's not the pain and suffering it use to be.

And it feels good afterward. For the last few years, my vision has become somewhat blurred and I thought "well, it's time for glasses". But now I believe my vision has improved. I still have some way to go in my recovery which is why I intend to continue with your program. I feel much more optimistic about my life now. Thanks a lot !

Wanda Chafin

"I would like to thank you very much. I am a changed person. I watched the video and did the first exercise it was just what I needed. I sleep better, look better, and think better, all because of the video#2 and exercise #1. I will try the others later, You are really doing some wonderful work. I need to read more of the manual. God bless you for the help, it's just wonderful. Thanks again."

Mike Pelletier

I do think your breathing techniques are better than all the other breathing methods I've run across. Thanks for sharing all that you've learned!

Len Saputo, MD

Our modern medical paradigm bases pulmonary function on factors that relate to the anatomy and physiology of the lungs. At times, the mechanical relationships of the chest cavity and of the diaphragm are considered important, but for the most part, they are rarely considered in the ordinary management of most pulmonary diseases such as emphysema, asthma, and restrictive lung disorders.

The bulk of our management of these kinds of disorders is aimed at pharmacological intervention. While this is a reasonable approach that often is quite valuable, it fails to appreciate the potential role of posture, rib flexibility or diaphragmatic excursion as independent factors that can improve lung function. This can be life saving to people with severe pulmonary insufficiency.

It would be unheard of in the development of opera singing, powerful public speaking, or world-class athletics to ignore the importance of respiratory faults, accessory breathing muscles, and breathing coordination. When the pulmonary reserves of these highly trained specialists are examined, they are clearly superior to that of the average, untrained population. There have been but few clinical studies undertaken to explore the seemingly obvious benefits of this kind of training..

It seems prudent to me to explore this safe, non-invasive, and easily taught approach, to patients who are willing to invest a minimum of money and time especially when the potential for a negative effect with selected exercises is zero. When conventional therapies have little or nothing to offer, searching for additional possibilities becomes our responsibility.


How soon after starting to use the Optimal Breathing Self-Mastery Kit™ should I expect to notice a difference?

It greatly depends on the specific exercise and what the experience might feel like or in what way it might increase or decrease functionality. Our Optimal Breathing Self-Mastery Kit™ has 40 exercises and techniques, and they offer multiple combinations and results depending on your goals and purposes, such as sleeping, speaking, singing, energy, shortness of breath, deeper calm, and more.

With random breathing exercises, many people experience what is often called “results “in minutes, but “results” in increased energy, for example, can be misleading as they often lead to increased tension and breathing restrictions. The issues are primarily lasting improvement in breathing volume, depth, strength, and ease, including voice.

How much time should I dedicate daily to the exercises in the Optimal Breathing Self-Mastery Kit™ for best results?

To see optimal results, it is recommended that you practice breathing exercises and techniques for 15-30 minutes each day.

Is the course live or pre-recorded?

The course is pre-recorded so that you can learn at your convenience. You can progress at your own pace and revisit the lessons whenever you wish.

Do I get lifetime access to the Breathing Kit Course?

Yes, you get lifetime access to the Breathing Kit.

Will I need to renew my access at any time?

No, there is no need to renew your access.

How can I get access to the Breathing Kit?

We’ll send you an email with all the login information to your registered email address. Simply sign up to access the course content.

Can I access the course on my mobile device?

Yes, the course is accessible on both computers and mobile devices.

Is there any support available if I have questions or need help?

Yes, we offer support through email. You can send your queries to You can also schedule a paid personalized consultation with Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach, for expert guidance and support.

Breathe Optimally & Live Well with The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit™