Drug-Free Relief: Our system provides relief of symptoms without drugs, drug side effects, or drug interactions.[custom_html]A Special aromatherapy blend made JUST for Optimal Breathing by a world-class Aromatherapist. Extremely pure and potent. Use in our O2E2 bottles or an Oil diffuser or BOTH. The bottles are more concentrated, and the Now diffuser fills your entire room with a lovely Mental Clarity or Respiratory Enhancer scent.[/custom_html] Works best when combined with the Breathing Kit May enhance sleep or recovery from smoke or smoking damage
Our proprietary formula. A special aromatherapy essential oils blend made JUST for Optimal Breathing by a world-class Aromatherapist. This is NOT from a multi-level company. Extremely pure and potent. They are antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral.
850 T - R.E. TOPICAL -Vegetable Oil Base + Pure Essential Oils for rubbing on skin or swabbing the inside of the nostrils with a Q-tip. Will last 25-50 applications.
850 I - R.E. INHALER - Pure Essential Oils- for diffusers, Oxygen concentrator bottles and portable vaporizers that we have but you will need to call us about them. For sinus cleansing, I see good results as well by adding five drops in a NETI pot of warm water and 1/2 tsp of good salt. Might burn but the burn seems productive and goes away quickly.
Approximately 225 drops per bottle. 5-10 drops per session.
Buy Now- Drug-Free Relief: Our system provides relief of symptoms without drugs, drug side effects, or drug interactions.
- Nasal Congestion Relief: Due to Colds, Flu’s, Allergies, Sinusitis, Dry Air, and Rhinitis of Pregnancy.
- Allergy Relief: Relieves nasal congestion as it washes away inhaled irritants such as pollen, pet dander, dust, and dirt.
- Sinusitis Relief: Relieves sinus and nasal congestion as it washes out thickened mucus and helps the nasal lining heal.
- Brain fog: May enhance mental clarity. It does for me.
- Dry Air Relief: Moistens and refreshes dry nasal passages caused by oxygenated, heated or air-conditioned air. It also washes inhaled dirt and contaminants from the nasal passages.
- Post-Nasal Drip Relief: Relieves post nasal drip and the constant throat clearing, coughing, along with the bad breath it can cause.
- Rhinitis of Pregnancy Relief: Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy many women suffer from nasal congestion. Our system offers drug-free relief of nasal congestion naturally and safely.
CAMPHOR: Mild antiseptic; stimulant; carminative; mild expectorant; analgesic; anti catarrhal; lipolytic; mucolytic; warming; antispasmodic; laxative; diuretic.
EUCALYPTUS: Bactericide; antiviral; cooling; antifungal; antiseptic; astringent; anti-inflammatory; balancing; expectorant; mucolytic; analgesic; decongestant; warming; head clearing; stimulating; antibiotic; diuretic; colds; flu; bronchitis; mucus congestion; sinusitis; rheumatism; cystitis; infectious diseases.
PEPPERMINT: Digestive tonic; digestive stimulant; aids in calming digestive problems such as indigestion; astringent; analgesic; antiseptic; anti-inflammatory; antiviral; bactericide; carminative; cholagogic; hepatic; hormonal; hypertensive; mucolytic; nerve stimulant; refreshing; invigorating; pain reliever; tonic; cooling; calming; nausea; muscle pains; coughs; colds; headaches.
PINE: Antiseptic; softening; revitalizing; antioxidant; tonic; stimulates blood circulation; antifungal; anti-inflammatory; decongestant; hormonal balancer; hypotensive; nerve tonic; refreshing; deodorizing; decongestant; bronchitis; hay fever; urinary infections; rheumatism; a sore throat; pneumonia; respiratory infection; asthma.
TEA-TREE: Analgesic; antifungal; antiseptic; anti-bacterial; antiviral; immune stimulant; antispasmodic; circulation decongestant; relaxant; sudorific; colds; flu; cystitis; thrush; herpes; infections; pneumonia; increases immunity; aids; Candida albicans.
THYME: Tonic; astringent; anti-inflammatory; bactericide; immune stimulant; nerve tonic; parasiticide; stimulates the brain; antiviral; diuretic; antiseptic; warming; balancing; fortifying; relaxing; increases metabolism; cystitis; bronchitis; infectious illnesses; gastroenteritis; rheumatism; skin infections; throat infections; hair growth.
LEMON: Bactericide; antiseptic; tonic; diuretic; stimulates white corpuscles anti‑pruritic; moisturizing; anti‑inflammatory; antiviral; astringent; balancing; cicatrizant; hepatic; relaxing; digestive stimulant; tonic; refreshing; stimulating; refreshing; cleansing; circulatory tonic; oily skin; skin eruptions; boils; insect repellent and bites; colds; flu; herpes; antiseptic.
SAGE: Anti‑catarrhal; antiseptic; antiviral; bactericide; balancing; cicatrizant; cholagogic; general decongestant; emmenagogue; expectorant; hormonal balancer; hypertensive; lipolytic; mucolytic; tonic; soothing; nerve tonic; diuretic; debility; colds; flu; hot flushes; excessive perspiration; gum disease; oily skin and hair; muscle relaxant.
CAJEPUT: Antiseptic; analgesic; anti‑inflammatory; antiviral; antifungal; antispasmodic; bactericide; circulation decongestant; hepatic; parasiticide; warming; stimulant; respiratory disorders.
NIAOULI: Analgesic; anti‑catarrhal; anti‑inflammatory; antiviral; tonic; bactericide; balancing; cicatrizant; expectorant; decongestant; circulatory decongestant; hepatic; hormonal stimulant; hypotensive; immune stimulant; parasiticide; respiratory and urinary infections; antiseptic; disinfectant; soothing. Cell regenerating for damaged skin due to burns; wounds; cuts; sores.
Some (very few) can be allergic to parts of it. RE should be skin tested individually first before beginning any essential oils used either through skin or inhalation. If you are sensitive to it, we will refund your money including shipping. You have nothing to lose. The local version may also work for ear infections.
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