Mold Could Be In Your Home Right Now. Are You At Risk?
Mold Could Be in Your Home Right Now. Are You at Risk?
Dec 18, 2023, By Michael Grant White
Ever wondered if mold is an unwelcomed guest in your home? Learn how you can prevent mold growth effectively.

Mold can cause health problems that range from itching eyes, sneezing and coughing to severe allergic reactions, asthma attacks and even permanent lung damage. Mold could be growing in your home right now.
It may not matter how neat and clean you are. Some mold just keeps coming back as fast as you get rid of it because it comes from inside the walls or above the ceiling. Households usually find it on walls, floors, ceilings, carpets and fabrics exposed to moisture, one particularly troublesome hiding place is inside the ductwork and associated components of central forced-air heating and air-conditioning systems. Many notice it in the shower area.
Watch for when you start up your central heating systems. Many find themselves suddenly coughing, wheezing and sneezing. The forced air circulates mold spores found naturally in the air through parts of the system that often have dust on their surfaces.
Many molds survive by eating dust then all the spore needs is moisture, including humidity in the air itself.
Because it can hide inside a wall and in heating and air conditioning ductwork it can be expensive to find.
If there does not appear to be actively growing mold in the heating system, additional testing may be necessary if people detect spores or are getting sick.
Air samples taken by an expert are needed if high levels are detected that warrant further investigation.
Leaks from apartments or appliances on the floor above can saturate the wood, wallboard and insulation in walls and ceilings, creating an ideal incubator.
I got tested for mold and discovered I got very irritable when it was scratched into my skin. So mind your moods and develop your lungs. Take the Free Breathing Test regularly.
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Helpful hint from Mike: If you suspect a mold issue in your sleeping space, weather and wild animals permitting, try sleeping outside for a few nights or at a reputable hotel or motel and see if you wake up more refreshed.
Regain a lot of the lung power you lost from bad air, poor diet, toxins, stress, smoking, or too little exercise.
Learn to breathe better with Optimal Breathing Self-Mastery Kit.
Learn to Breathe Better with The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Meet Mike White
Meet Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach and get actionable insights on your breathing development, health and longevity