Chronic Bronchitis
Oct 05 , 2018
I have had bronchitis for most of my life. Just recently I have had my allergies act up which occurs each year during the hay fever season.
Following/During this time, I have received a cough that I've had for the past week. I tried buckleys, Robitussin and went to my doctor and he prescribed a medicine(S) called zythromin & anbesul. I don't think I should take these antibiotics due to the effects they cause. What do you think?
Thanks for your consideration.
From Mike:
I am a naturalist and this web site is about self help. I can not get in the way of your MD relationship because they have strict licensing rules that protect them even when their choices cause worsening conditions or death. But I can give you an opinion.
You CAN beat bronchitis without drugs.. Develop and Cleanse your breathing