Famous People Comment About Oxygen
Mar 04 , 2016
"Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the immune system. We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all diseases."
--Stephen Levine, a respected molecular biologist and geneticist, and Dr. Paris M. Kidd, Ph.D., Antioxidant Adaptation.
"Deep breathing techniques which increase oxygen to the cell are the most important factors in living a disease free and energetic life. . . . Remember. Where cells get enough oxygen, cancer will not, cannot occur."
--Dr. Otto Warburg, President, Institute of Cell Physiology, Nobel Prize Winner
"According to scientists, extra oxygen along with a cleansing diet can return balance to the body."
--Elizabeth Baker, The Unmedical Miracle: Oxygen. Drelwood Communications, p.80.
"Breathing correctly is the key to better fitness, muscle strength, stamina, and athletic endurance."
--Dr. Michael Yessis, Phd., President Sports Training Institute, Fitness Writer - Muscle and Fitness Magazine
"Oxygenation through deep breathing boosts the immune system and can rid the body of chronic illnesses."
--Dr. Sheldon Hendler, MD, Medical Researcher Cell Oxygenation, Author "The Oxygen Breakthrough"
"When you breathe and take in oxygen, the fat molecules are combined with the additional oxygen atoms causing oxidation. The products are carbon dioxide and water."
--A. Carlson, et.al. The Machinery of the Body, University of Chicago Press, p. 361
"When the body is totally deprived of food, the metabolism slows and life can be sustained for several weeks. However, when the body is totally deprived of oxygen, metabolism comes to a halt immediately and life can only be sustained for a few minutes. Does it not make common sense that the way we breathe day-to-day has the most dramatic effect on our body's health and metabolism than any other single process?"
--Jill R. Johnson, Author "The Oxycise! System"
"All body functions are breathing related. Proper oxygen delivery to all parts of your body is crucial to health and well-being. Aerobic exercise increases the body’s available oxygen and therefore promotes wellness. Delivering oxygen to the body is the responsibility of the respiratory system. Breathing is the process by which air enters the bloodstream, via the lungs. Thus, proper breathing, and correcting common breathing disorders, is the ultimate form of aerobics."
--Dr. Robert Fried, Breath Connection, Insight Books, 1990, p. 52
"Oxygen tension in tissues enhances the action of some antibiotics — notably amino-glycosides — and the immune system, and stimulates cellular metabolism."
--Linda Collison, Hyperbarics: when pressuring patients helps, Health Index
"Deep diaphragmatic breathing stimulates the cleansing of the lymph system by creating a vacuum effect which pulls the lymph through the bloodstream. This increases the rate of toxic elimination by as much as 15 times the normal rate."
--Dr. J.W. Shields, MD, Lymph, lymph glands, and homeostasis. Lymphology, v25, n4, Dec. 1992, p. 147
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- Dr. Stephen Levine. "Immunity, cancer, oxygen, and candida albicans". Let's Live Magazine, Franklin Publications, August 1986