Programa de Recuperación del Tabaquismo o del Humo

Programa de Recuperación del Tabaquismo o del Humo

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Breathe Optimally and Stop Smoking

Smoking is injurious to health. Period. Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States, killing more than 480,000 Americans each year. Smoking causes immediate damage to your body, which can lead to long-term health problems. Learn how smoking impacts your respiratory health and how breathing better helps you lead a smoke-free life.

Breathe Optimally and Stop Smoking

Smoking is injurious to health. Period.

Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States, killing more than 480,000 Americans each year. Smoking causes immediate damage to your body, which can lead to long-term health problems.

For every smoking-related death, at least 30 Americans live with a smoking-related illness.

The only proven strategy to protect yourself from harm is to never smoke, and if you do smoke, to quit. (Source: CDC)

Nicotine addiction is the world's leading cause of preventable death, and everyone is aware of the damage smoke inhalation or smoking anything- causes, especially to the lungs. Your capacity to breathe goes down drastically due to prolonged exposure to any kind of smoke.

What helps you:

  1. Deal with stress?
  2. Calm down when you are feeling tense?
  3. Peps you up when you are feeling lethargic?
  4. Helps you concentrate more effectively?
  5. Makes it easier to control unpleasant feelings?
  6. Produces a mild state of euphoria?

If the answer to any or all of these questions is Cigarette Nicotine in some form, we are here to help!

Breathing and Smoking are Similar

It might surprise you that smoking mimics the human body’s breathing function so well that it almost replaces the need for oxygen with harmful nicotine, and you almost forget the correct way to breathe!

  • "When you breathe in a lung full of smoke, the carbon monoxide passes immediately into your blood, binding to the oxygen receptor sites and figuratively kicking the oxygen molecules out of your red blood cells.

    Hemoglobin that is bound to carbon monoxide is converted into carboxyhemoglobins and is no longer able to transport oxygen."

    -Tom Ferguson, MD, Author of the bestselling book “No-Nag, No-Guilt, Do-It-Your-Own-Way Guide to Quitting Smoking

Breathing in nicotine gives you the same perception as having breathe-in oxygen but WITHOUT the actual oxygen.

If you continue to smoke for several weeks, your number of red cells begins to increase as your body responds to chronic oxygen deprivation.

This condition of an abnormally high concentration of red blood cells is called Smoker’s Polycythemia. Your blood clots more easily as well, increasing the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Smokers’ bodies get less oxygen because carbon monoxide lowers their blood oxygen-carrying capacity. But you get the false perception of oxygen from the nicotine.
The high concentration of carbon monoxide reduces the brain's oxygen supply, causing lethargy, confusion, and muddled thinking.

Effects of Nicotine and Oxygen- A Comparison

The nicotine brings many factors back into balance; synthetically. So does oxygen, naturally. Everyone starts smoking for POSITIVE BENEFITS, the fear of withdrawal comes much later.

Let’s take a look at these “benefits” of nicotine.

  • Nicotine temporarily improves brain chemistry by enhancing pleasure, decreasing anxiety, and stimulating alert relaxation.

    Insight: Want to feel energized the same way! DO a different breathing exercise than when you wish to sleep and relax, and you will see the same results as smoking!

  • Many smokers claim that smoking relaxes and energizes them.

    Insight: Sure, it relaxes and energizes because you inhale deeply, and the same effect can be achieved by practicing normal inhalation the correct way. No need to bring smoke in between!

  • Smoking also helps concentration and keeps one from being bored, boring, or confused (lighting a cig gives you time to collect your thoughts during conversation).

    Insight: You can take the same break without a cig in your hand! Just stop whatever you are doing or thinking and practice addressing how you breathe with one of our breathing techniques.

  • Have you noticed the way actors create the moods and emotions they need for the parts they are playing? Adrenaline and dopamine are influenced by nicotine. By selecting the desired nicotine dose, smokers can choose the state of mind or being most suited to an activity. Their thoughts can guide their emotions that are expressed or limited by the way they breathe.

    Insight: Why not regulate the way we breathe altogether so we can achieve the same results sans the smoke!

  • Smoking helps maintain alertness for boring tasks. Smoking helps you narrow your attention to the most important aspects of the task at hand.

    Insight: Breathing in a certain way can help you achieve the same results.

  • Smoking helps control anger and anxiety. That’s because you have to breathe more deeply and in a certain way to inhale the smoke.

    Insight: Start breathing deeply, and the same benefits could come to you without smoking as well!

  • Smoking helps deal with stress.

    Insight: So does Optimal Breathing.

  • Smoking helps smokers deal with pain.

    Insight: It just numbs the pain, not cures it! Our reflex development exercises that are part of the Optimal Breathing kit could very well manage the pain and without any harmful side effects!

  • Smoking gives smokers a sense of control.

    Insight: Breathing exercises have been used for thousands of years to develop mental focus and control.

  • Smoking produces a mild state of the euphoria – sense of control, less pain, reduced stress, and control over anger and anxiety, they all contribute to a mild state of euphoria.

    Insight: You could get all these benefits without any harmful side effects just by the Optimal Breathing program. Regular physical activity induces biochemical changes within the body. Some of these changes are similar to those produced by nicotine. Exercise boosts catecholamines, producing increased mental alertness. Sustained exercise increases the brain’s production of endorphins, which produce euphoria and a pleasant, relaxed feeling.

In my opinion, justifying Nicotine consumption in any form is just an addiction and their way of hiding behind a bad habit in the name of benefits, which are nothing but temporary pleasures. 

Approximate Number of Cigarettes SmokedAverage Cost Per DayAverage Cost Per WeekAverage Cost Per MonthAverage Cost Per YearAverage Cost in 10 years
½ pack (10 Cigs)$2.59$18.22$77.00$943.53$9435.25
1 Pack (20 Cigs)$5.17$36.24$154.00$1887.50$18870.50
1 ½ packs( 30 Cigs)$7.50$54.36$228.15$2737.5$27375.00
2 packs$10.34$70.00$304.20$3650.0$36500.00
2 ½ packs (50 Cigs)$12.93$87.50$380.25$4562.50$45625.00

Quitting Smoking

  • “If you smoke, you definitely do not know how to breathe. Nicotine creates the illusion of satisfying breathing”

    Michael Grant White

If you smoke, then you need to stop. If you have been exposed to smoke as in firefighting, then you had best regain as much as you can after every exposure. Tobacco smoke is even more cancerous than previously thought for both smokers and non-smokers who breathe in the fumes, causing cancer in many more parts of the body than previously believed, an authoritative panel of experts has concluded.

The Stop Smoking TV ads talk about smoking being the leading cause of impotence.
I was addicted to smoking too! 

Here is what I did!

Breath is life. Smoking hooks up breathing to a death wish. When I quit smoking after 14 years of a pack and a half a day of unfiltered Camels, I said yes to life.

There were no smoking cessation medications or programs when I quit. The only option I had was to withdraw from nicotine cold turkey or.... I chose the "or" and it happened to be marijuana. What a dumb trade-off!! So now I had to get off marijuana.

I turned to breathing techniques to help me quit smoking marijuana. By re-balancing my breathing I soon realized that breathing better not only gave me peace, but it also made me feel alive and energetic as well. A lot of the reason I smoked was to relax or energize. When experiencing the tremendous impact that breathing has on our psychological well-being in addition to our physical health. There it was, right under my nose all along!

From Mike:

I have been studying breathing for thirty-five years. When you compare smoking with breathing, you see many identical results.

The good news is that you can get almost identical results as you get from nicotine by just breathing in a special way.

Some people have been able to kick smoking with something that just makes them breathe better.

The odds for success improve dramatically when you integrate craving controls and cleansing elements together with relaxation and attitudinal approaches.

What Happens After Quitting Smoking?

Those who quit reduce the risk of cancer almost immediately.

Smoking will reduce functional lung volume by as much as 50% (The Framingham Heart Study) and weaken long-term diaphragmatic strength.

Functional lung volume is different from real lung volume. Modern medicine seems to say that one cannot add lung volume.

I agree.

But the way I see it and even the AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE newest manual supports it, it’s not the volume that is increased, but more lung tissue is engaged, even reactivated.

When the diaphragm increases its rise and the ribs increase their usual expansion, they allow more tissue to expand—like blowing up a three-liter balloon in a one-liter bottle then getting a two-liter bottle that allows the balloon to expand more in the larger bottle.

Smoking Cessation will arrest the deterioration, but you have to do specific exercises and techniques to increase the functional volume and regain what you lost.

But Only Quitting Cigarettes Won’t Help! You Need to Do More!

In 2002, a study announced in the American Journal of Epidemiology reported that reducing the number of cigarettes smoked each day does not reduce the risk of death from tobacco-related diseases.

Reducing the number of cigarettes smoked did not result in any long-term benefit in terms of mortality risk compared with not cutting down at all.

20,000 people over a 15-year period were included in this study. Quitters experienced a 35% reduction in mortality.

The researchers also found no difference in respiratory disease or mortality from cardiovascular disease between people who reduced their smoking and those who continued to smoke heavily.

The authors also noted that the study is the first, to their knowledge, to prospectively investigate whether reducing cigarette smoking can cut mortality risk. (Am J Epidemiology 2002;156994-1001.)

Activities that Encourage Smoking

You don't try to cure an alcoholic by giving them a small drink every day. They need to eliminate the addictive substance completely and then you support them with nutrition, psychological reinforcement, and proper breathing. Both of those products try to wean you off slowly by providing small amounts of nicotine. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin, cocaine, or alcohol.

The bottom line is that you make the decision to quit. Then, support that with daily breathing development techniques and exercises. They will smooth out your energy and greatly increase your success rate. 

Breath is life.

  • Drinking alcohol
  • Driving a car or waiting for people ("doing time" included)
  • Sitting in class
  • Talking on the telephone
  • Attending business meetings
  • Not busy doing something with your hands
  • Sitting at my desk at work
  • After meals or with coffee
  • In any relaxed situation such as watching TV or reading
  • Socializing at parties.

How Exercise Helps in Smoking Cessation

In order for smokers to increase their intake of air, it is necessary to maintain coordination among the muscles involved in breathing. These muscles increase rib expansion and diaphragm descent during inspiration, thereby increasing air influx into the lungs and discharging air via relaxation of the respiratory muscles during expiration.

The weakness of breathing muscles can induce dyspnoea and reduce the ability to perform exercises. Thus, therapeutic interventions are needed to improve breathing and exercise ability through enhancement of respiratory muscle functions. Aerobic exercise can increase muscle strength and the endurance of respiratory muscles as well as respiratory functions. Elderly smokers undoubtedly suffer reduced respiratory activity.

Elderly people also experience a reduction in chest diameter because of the weakening of respiratory muscles, resulting in ventilation decrease, leading to a vicious circle. It is important that an intervention program that helps enhance pulmonary function and muscle activities be designed and implemented. (Read the complete study here

  • "The ones who participated in aerobic exercise were the ones most likely to quit."

    -Olvide Pomerleau, Psychologist, Director of Behavioural Medicine University of Michigan School of Medicine.

Social Support is really important, but the person should be open to accepting cessation support from others. Abuse and trauma victims, including recent surgery recipients, the homeless, and prison inmate populations, are particularly vulnerable to this.

If one’s breathing is blocked enough, they may be less likely to relate to or accept support from others.

Hundreds of letters came in telling how impossible cessation had been before beginning an exercise program. When smokers start exercising, they frequently find themselves quitting even without meaning to.

When we breathe easier, we feel more like exercising. And the exercising we do has more beneficial effects.

Breathe Optimally and Stop Smoking (BOSS)

If you smoke, you definitely do not know how to breathe.

Most smokers are not aware that they breathe poorly, and the way they breathe can affect their feelings and their state of mind.

If we are born without serious pre or postnatal trauma, most of our breathing is deep, rhythmic and effortless. As we grow, stress, cultural expectations or restrictions, anxieties, and posture restrict our natural breathing pattern.

We may have learned to hold in our bellies to look thinner or to breathe with only the top portion of our lungs when we are sitting. When we are surprised or stressed, we hold our breath or pull our belly in and up.

Poor breathing can cause chronic fatigue, constipation, headaches, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression and heart disease and uncontrollable cravings for almost anything from food to sexual relationships as smoking is a leading cause of impotence.

Air is the primary food for our body's health. Without it, we can suffer permanent brain damage within a few minutes or die within a few minutes more. Breathing is the most readily available source of vital energy we have. And once we learn how to maximize it, it's FREE.

In other cultures, the word for breath has been synonymous with life, spirit, and soul. The connection between breathing and our physical and psychological state of well-being has been taught for many thousands of years in Eastern teachings.

Recently, the connection has also been "discovered" by Western science. Breathing skills are being used with childbirth, pain control, stress management, high blood pressure, some world-class athletics, and classical voice.

Natural breathing is made up of a relaxed and flowing inhalation, a relaxed and flowing exhalation and then an effortless pause before the next inhalation begins. The stomach and chest are relaxed, and they expand and contract easily as we fill and empty our lungs. As we inhale, air fills the bottom of our lungs, expanding the abdomen and then when we need to take a larger deeper breath catching breath, expanding the rib cage and chest until our inhalation is complete.

There is a pause as the body naturally rests and prepares for our next inhalation and then the whole process repeats itself. It should be one thing and not a series of events.

You, my friend, are the BOSS!

Be the BOSS and take the first step today!

Smoking or Smoke Inhalation Recovery Bundle has been specifically designed to help you quit smoking easily and take charge of your life!

Apart from helping with your de-addiction efforts, it also helps repair your damaged lung tissues and enhance your breathing capacity!

Our Smoking or Smoke Recovery Program

This program combines superior combinations of breathing development techniques and exercises, information about developing healthy lungs naturally, toxic foods, lifestyle considerations, and landmark information about the tobacco industry conspiracy's illness and death-causing strategies.

Learn to Breathe Better with The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Meet Mike White

Meet Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach and get actionable insights on your breathing development, health and longevity

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