Sensibilité chimique multiple ou sensibilité multisensorielle ?
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Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or Multi-Sensory Sensitivity?
Dec 18, 2023, By Michael Grant White
Understand Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and Multi-Sensory Sensitivity and learn how supplemental oxygen can help you tackle these sensitivity issues.

MCS and MSS, what is it?
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a situation in which multiple symptoms reportedly occur with low-level chemical exposure. There are several theories explaining the cause of MCS, including allergy, toxic effects and neuro-biologic sensitization.
Multi-Sensory Sensitivity is heightened sensitivity towards routine sensations like light, sound, smell, and touch. The sensory amplification or the tendency to perceive normal daily external or internal bodily sensations as being particularly unpleasant or bothersome is the basis of MSS.
Though unrelated, the causes and symptoms of both these conditions can be studied in unison. People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) are hypersensitive to chemicals they absorb through their skin (such as cosmetics), inhale(such as perfume), and ingest (such as alcohol and medications). The majority of MCS cases also meet diagnostic criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome and/or fibromyalgia.
Understanding MUSES
The Good and the Bad News for People with MUSES
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