Réduire le stress néfaste à la maison ou ailleurs
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Reducing Damaging Stress At Home Or Wherever
Dec 21, 2023 By Michael Grant White
Have you been feeling overwhelmed lately? Know that you’re not alone. Learn about stress, its types, causes, and tips to tame stress.
It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.
Hans Selye
tress, as we understand it, is sad and also bad and often terrible. It is the feeling of being emotionally burdened and under too much emotional and mental pressure. A little bit of stress is quite normal, and it can help you achieve lots of great things in your professional and personal life, but when it goes out of control, it can lead to serious illness. That’s why everyone emphasizes reducing stress levels at home so as to avoid mental and physical health issues.
Sustained Stress: There were times when the response to demands and threats was not prolonged or sustained like today’s time. Instead, stress was quite essential for survival, so demands and threats were faced and reactions were made, and life went on.
However, in today’s time, stressors like family relationships, work and finances seem to be exaggerated and prolonged. At times, they seem to stack and plot against us. We are in a big need to reduce stress at home for the sake of our physical health. Sustaining worrisome thoughts for a long can lead to complaints like depression, anxiety, insomnia, diarrhea, irritability and other types of distresses.
We really need to reduce tensions even though the causes cannot be reduced. That brings us to one of the most basic concerns and an important part of stress management. What causes the stress in your life and how can it be managed?
List of Causes of Stress in Life
Our greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
William James
Birth of a child
The desire to please parents
Job promotion
Academic challenges
College life
Purchase of a new home
Good news from a physician
Winning a prize or award
Children’s misbehavior
College life
Hostile workplace Relationships
Unsatisfying job
Death of a known person
Family demands
Purchase of a new home
Distress and Eustress Causes
Tips to Reduce Stress
When stress is at highest, just know it can only go down
Tom Rataj
Breath In, Expand, Relax and Let Go
As long as you are breathing you still have chance for a better and happier life.
Camille Cassie Govender
Meditation Enhancement
When there are peace and meditation, there is neither anxiety nor doubt.
St.Francis de Sales
Your heartbeat slows down
Breathing becomes deeper
Blood pressure stabilizes
Muscles relax
Increase in blood flow to the brain
Facts You Should Know
Breathing has almost very little to do with oxygen. Your body only requires 5%. It’s all about Carbon dioxide.
The heart spasms when limited oxygen is supplied due to heart disease or shortness of breath.
Research has shown that there is a correlation between poor breathing and high blood pressure.
Our inhaling is much stronger than our exhaling – you can find it yourself.
Breathing gives an approximate idea of how long you will live.
Oxygen is the ultimate natural anti-inflammatory.
Learn to Breathe Better with The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.
Meet Mike White
Meet Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach and get actionable insights on your breathing development, health and longevity