Construire et reconstruire les poumons

Construire et reconstruire les poumons

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Building & Rebuilding The Lungs

What if we told you that you can build and rebuild your lungs just by learning to breathe better? Wondering how? Read on to learn more about how Optimal Breathing Exercises can help you prioritize your lung health.

Building & Rebuilding The Lungs

The average person reaches peak respiratory function and lung capacity in their mid-20s. Then, they begin to lose respiratory capacity: between 10% and 27% for every decade of life! So, unless you are doing something to maintain or improve your breathing capacity, it will decline, and with it, your general health, your life expectancy, and, for that matter, your spirit.

Heart attacks, cancer, strokes, pneumonia, asthma, speech problems and almost every disease known to mankind are worsened or improved by how well you breathe; and the quality of your respiration.

With certain limitations as to genetic abnormalities, time and age of the individual, lung tissue can be revitalized. We focus somewhat on emphysema here to show others that even it can be improved and to use it as a role model and source of inspiration even for those without lung disease.

The faster progress you wish the more of the below you need to utilize. Shortness of Breath Program, including the approaches in the Building Healthy Lungs Naturally, are the most efficient and least expensive.

The Centers for Disease Control showed that the fourth leading cause of death in this country in 1994 was emphysema and bronchitis. Elsewhere reported, asthma has increased 66% in the last ten years. When the oxygen supply lessens, the heart must work harder. Germs, viruses, and bacteria are anaerobic. They cannot survive in high concentrations of oxygen.

"Curing emphysema is possible. The lungs that medical science thought impossible to reactivate can in fact be reactivated." –Robert Nims, MD. Pulmonary Specialist.

The main points of this page are:

  • Lung tissue, just like the brain and heart tissue thought previously lost to sickness or nonuse, can be reactivated.

  • Your lungs become less active and actually shrink in size if you do not use them properly or abuse them. If you want to live as long and as healthy as possible you need to offset that "shrinkage" with specific breathing exercises, lung expansion and diaphragm enlarging techniques and proper natural hygiene.

  • A small number of people with emphysema are born without a lung-protecting enzyme called alpha1-antitrypsin. This makes them more likely to develop emphysema at an earlier age. This may make raw foods critical to optimal health, but I am not sure which foods contain the above-mentioned enzyme.

  • Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the primary COPD diseases.

"The standard teaching was that air trapped in the emphysematous lung was trapped and could not be exhaled. For this reason, the diaphragm was pushed down to a flat position and the ribs were elevated. Now I told Carl in no uncertain words that he was ‘mildly demented’ to say that he could effect a rise in the diaphragm and a descent in the ribs, but we got rather spectacular results showing that he did do this."

– Dr. Robert Nims, M.D

During the Stough Institute Breathing Coordination study, every test known in the field was administered to the several hundred patients involved, documenting the success of Breathing Coordination. Every patient who participated in these tests improved in direct relation to the development of the diaphragm and its increased motion. Over the past 40 years, hundreds of lives have been saved and thousands of lives improved."

"I consider Carl Stough to be one of my primary teachers." –Michael Grant White

The Framingham study proved that smoking accelerates lung tissue damage by as much as 50%. It also proved that when smoking ceases, the acceleration stops. But most often by then, the lungs have had a severe loss of function.

Can this function be returned? A great deal of it? Absolutely.

You need to tackle this holistically with a complete program of nutrition, cleansing, Optimal Breathing Development techniques, plus general overall movement type exercises that activate the breathing system in a non-stressful way such as low impact standing type aerobics, walking, dancing, butoh, etc.

Even meditators sitting on zafus in what looks to be an erect posture can restrict their breathing. Any repeated activity may in some way restrict one’s breathing or assist it.

Learn to Breathe Better with The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Meet Mike White

Meet Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach and get actionable insights on your breathing development, health and longevity

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