La fenêtre de respiration optimale (OBW)

La fenêtre de respiration optimale (OBW)

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The Optimal Breathing Window (OBW)

Do you feel like you can never get a deep breath? Understand the phenomenon of the Optimal Breathing Window (OBW) to break your patterns of unhealthy breathing.

The Optimal Breathing Window

Understand the phenomenon of the Optimal Breathing Window (OBW) to break your patterns of unhealthy breathing. The concept and illustration of OBW are included in the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Watch the video multiple times for better understanding and get to where you can explain the concept to another person.

Shallow or Efforted Breathing leads to Shortness of Breath (SOB) or Distorted Breathing and worsens all maladies.

Improving the OB WINDOW, Breathing volume, Ease, and Strength

Following are the traditional Lung Volume Measurements with OBWINDOW insights.

  • Tidal Volume (TV): Quiet (at rest) breathing. OBW3 usually to OBW4 or OBW5. Improve Tidal Volume

  • Functional Residual/Reserve Capacity (FRC) OBW3: This measures the amount of air in your lungs at the end of a normal exhaled breath.

    Improve Functional Residual /Reserve Capacity. Usually, it should be reduced.

  • Total lung capacity (TLC): The amount of air in your lungs after you inhale as deeply as possible. OBW10. However, TLC has negative implications when done too often, which actually may reduce TLC and increase FRC.

    Improve Total Lung Capacity

  • Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV): The difference between (TV) and (TLC). It varies depending on if you begin at OBW3 or higher.

    Improve Inspiratory Reserve Volume.

  • Forced vital capacity (FVC)-OBW10-0: This measures the amount of air you can exhale with force after you inhale as deeply as possible.

    Improve Forced Vital Capacity

  • Forced expiratory volume (FEV1)-OBW10-0: This measures the amount of air you can exhale with force in one breath. The amount of air you exhale may be measured at 1 second (FEV1), 2 seconds (FEV2), or 3 seconds (FEV3). FEV1 divided by FVC can also be determined.

    Improve Forced Expiratory Volume

  • Unforced Inspiratory Volume™ (UIV): is my creation and this measurement is missing in traditional breathing teachings. OBW8

    Improve Unforced Inspiratory Volume™

  • Forced expiratory flow 25% to 75%. This measures the air flow halfway through an exhale (FVC).

    Improve Forced Expiratory Flow

  • Peak expiratory flow (PEF): This measures how quickly you can exhale. It is usually measured at the same time as your forced vital capacity (FVC).

    Improve Peak Expiratory Flow

  • Maximum voluntary ventilation (MVV) OBW0-10: This measures the greatest amount of air you can breathe in and out during one minute.

    Improve Maximum Voluntary Ventilation

  • Slow vital capacity (SVC): This measures the amount of air you can slowly exhale after you inhale as deeply as possible.

    Improve Slow Vital Capacity

  • Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) OBW3-0: The difference between the amount of air in your lungs after a normal exhale (FRC) and the amount after you exhale with force OBWzero (RV).

    Improve Expiratory Reserve Volume

  • Reserve Volume (RV): The amount of air left in your lungs needed after maximal ERV to avoid their collapse. Below OBWZero

    Improve Reserve Volume

Learn to Breathe Better with The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Meet Mike White

Meet Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach and get actionable insights on your breathing development, health and longevity

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