UDB : Respiration profonde ou désordonnée/dysfonctionnelle non découverte ou déséquilibrée
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The most disturbing thing about this condition is that it goes largely unrespected, undetected and therefore overlooked which inadvertently allows it to further adversely affect an individual’s health. UDB is not a disease, it is a disorder. It may accompany diseases but UDB is not an organic disease process.
Decades of research has led to the development of the Optimal Breathing Self Mastery Kit and our breathing school which serves to equip individuals to detect and work towards remedying the effects of UDB which will assist them in reversing illness and enhancing their quality of life. Our skyped or in-office consulting service is available when needed.
Breathing affects or is affected by practically everything in life. When we think of the ancient adage "breath is life" it begs asking why? when? which? how? In relationship to what?
Does your breathing feel small, unsatisfying, or inadequate or weak, stuck, sometimes as if it's barely there, suppressed or held back, it seems to go in the wrong place when trying to breathe deeply. Your breathing just doesn't "feel right", but you're not sure what's wrong or why. You have any kind of chronic, or recurring or worsening malady.
The way you breathe can make you sick or well.
Our breathing tests show that as breathing volume, depth, balance and ease decrease, there is a much higher correlation of diagnosed illnesses. Silent disease(s) may be existing or slowly developing. | ![]() |
UDB is not a disease. It is a functional disorder or tendency that produces symptoms. To deny these symptoms helps hide their true causes and risks subjecting the person to any manner of inappropriate approaches including side effects or death inducing prescription drugs and unnecessary surgery.
Obvious, hidden or partly hidden and medically unexplained symptoms are often key words.
The physiological consequences of unbalanced breathing can be profound if it goes on day after day. The body starts to adapt both structurally (raised shoulders, tighter muscles, upper chest breathing, jaw tension, headaches) and physiologically (the body struggles to maintain chemical balance). Both mind and body are affected by 'bad breathing'.
How can the brain work properly if it’s not getting the right mix of fuel?
How can the integration of the body/mind/spirit be developed or maintained?
Central to this potentially harmful state of affairs is that 'bad breathing' becomes. ... in and of itself stressful. The original stressful events may have long gone . . . The adaptations become the problem.
This UDB check sheet is an alert to increase your awareness related to health conditions in life that are directly and indirectly impacted by the quality of how well you breathe. This check sheet below calls to our attention many factors of life that we may not have considered as being connected with breathing.
The "hidden" conditions that serve to encourage further investigation about whether your breathing might be lessening and your health might be negatively impacted without your knowledge.
The U in UDB stands for Undisclosed Undetected or Unbalanced
The D stands for Deep and/or Dysfunctional B stands for Breathing
Unbalanced Deep Breathing. Undetected Dysfunctional Breathing. Undiagnosed Dysfunctional breathing. breathing pattern disorder
UDB ruins concentration, breathing exercises, meditations and attempts at stress management. UDB causes or worsens high blood pressure, shortness of breath, hyperventilation, overbreathing, anxiety, panic attacks, seizures, nervous disorders, depression, pain, asthma, COPD and most illnesses. Also, it is probably present in most if not all aspects of psychosomatic (mindbody or bodymind) disorders.
A grandparent looks into her breathing, her children's breathing and their children's breathing and comes to some startling conclusions that will change their lives forever.
Breath is life. What is correlated and occurring in your being and doing that is connected with the way you are breathing. Because breathing is a moment to moment 24/7 activity the key is to make sure the way you breathe is not influenced by or caused by or worsening any of the following. |
Scan the list below and see which ones seem to fit your situation. They range from directly to significantly related to the way you are breathing. Close your eyes, go within and take the deepest in and out breath you can take, now take another in and out a breath. Then allow yourself to breathe normally, and open your eyes and reflect on whether then or if you often experience any of the following conditions correlated with possible obvious or hidden breathing relationships online filling form. |
Do you or someone you care about have UDB?
UDB can make you anxious, make you sick or sicker, make you think you are sick or crazy, destroy your energy, keep you fat, steal your personal power, hinder your voice and shorten your life. You may know there is something wrong with your breathing. You may feel ok but your breathing may still be severely unbalanced.
First, bend over and notice how much harder it is to breathe. Please just do that right now so you get the feel of what I am saying.
This breathing difficulty is because your muscles are restricting the ease and depth of your diaphragm and rib expansion as they relate to 360 degree functionality. There are many expressions of this, without even being aware of them.
More about that in a few paragraphs. Properly supported breathing is similar to the foundation or basement of a building supporting the upper structure but having little else to do with its internal functioning.
Many breathing-related health issues are sub-clinical. They are not detected by traditional diagnostic methods such as those on the above Nijmegan list. The diaphragm and rib cage do the inhaling and exhaling.
Any other muscle being engaged is purely supportive. Proper support/guidance from accessory breathing muscles is similar to how an elevator shaft guides the elevator but does not carry the passengers though it may enclose them.
Bend the shaft (poor posture) and the elevator will not rise or if you are used to thinking of this as an umbrella opening, it will not open as easily or at all; or book stacking, the books will reach a certain height and prematurely cease rising, inhibiting ease and depth of the next inhale.
As a result, the oxygen cost of breathing greatly increases and the Autonomic Nervous System functioning becomes over-stressed and distorted. Keys to my own breathing development lay hidden for 45 years. It took so long because I had, what I learned to describe as Unbalanced Deep Breathing Mechanics or what I now call UDB©.
I’ve observed that, MANY others live 24/7 with UDB, just as I did. Some KNOW there is something wrong with their breathing but don’t know what it is and what to do about it. Others go from health professional to health professional, spend thousands of hours and small fortunes in medical expenses that often include harmful medications. Their breathing development problem remains undetected
Attempts at taking a forced deeper breath, or struggling against shallow or restricted breathing can trigger or worsen UDB. UDB can act like a warning sign much like hypoglycemia can be a predictor of potential diabetes. This “Hidden” or tendency towards UDB lies waiting to present itself.
UDB and its relationship to living.
Deeper easier breaths bring deeper people friendly feelings. We feel more strongly and live more passionately. With more passion comes bigger mistakes, bigger dreams and bigger dreams coming true. When the deeper breaths are out of balance the deeper feelings invite distorted responses. Life and living comes out bent, misshapen, crooked.
You cannot tell bad, good or great breathing by merely observing it. The breathing development student must be trained to sense and feel it from the inside out so that he or she can guide self and others properly.
Function and or skill levels may also be extremely relevant. UDB appears or is worsened by stress, trauma, fatigue, fear, anxiety, panic or even positive emotions. Because it can hide itself so well, Many with UDB seem “normal”. These "normal" people worry me.
One of our long-term goals is to enable health professionals, coaches and trainers to quickly spot what might be a breathing issue so it can be addressed instead of overlooked and cause a direct or indirect worsening of a health or performance issue. This check sheet is step one.
Step two is attending our school or getting one of our home study courses.
Breathing Assessment Tip.
Begin by observing someone breathing, having asked them to lie down and take deep in- breaths and relaxed out breaths on their belly, on a fairly hard surface such as a hard mattress, massage table or a carpeted floor.
The breath should begin in the belly and low back and slowly rise /move upward to the mid back but without the lower back reducing in size. If it begins in the mid or upper back or the low back gets smaller this is a sure sign of UDB. Watch the animations.
![]() | The speed bump animation showing the most obvious UDB example and story below are extreme but still quite common cases. You can see if perhaps you or someone you care about might be a candidate for breathing development. Lesser degrees of intensity become apparent as one becomes more familiar with the UDB possibilities. |
From a recent website visitor.
Dear Mike, I could not breathe, I was having terrible pain in chest, in my back, in my neck and I couldn't breathe. I thought I was dying!! So I decided once again to get on the internet and this time.
I searched on this subject..."......" before I was doing a search on chest pains and nothing...just lots of fear that I was dying from a heart failure (since my dad's side has lots of heart failures and strokes) which maybe could have been from anxiety something I have really bad. But back to the pain and gasping for air, I got the optimal breathing kit ..and OH MY GOD.
I feel so much better!!! Still a little dull pain but nothing like the stabbing, sharp, unbearable pain I was having. Now maybe I can go sleep for awhile instead of listening and watching my husband sleep soundly and comfortably while I lay there and panic with very intense pain wondering what I am dying of and when it will be.
I have suffered a long time from this chest pain...too long!! And I have suffered long enough with anxiety and panic attacks, I have had without knowing it since I was a little girl. My mom was very abusive emotionally and physically.
I read a lady's testimony and just cried.. We both suffered from the same abuse growing up...when I would get a beating I would hold my breath, or get yelled and so on...it hit me yes that's why I can't breathe...I would hold my breath, and emotions came out of me that I did not know were there. It feels so good to get some air into my lungs!!
As soon as sleeping beauty wakes up I will take the free breathing tests and order the right tape for me. I cannot wait to get some air in me and get rid of the chest pains!!! Thank you so much for giving me this chance to breathe again!!! Sincerely, Stephany as I am very tired, so please excuse me if I wandered off a little with my story".
From Mike to everyone:
Please go into all this more deeply to help guide you toward effective methods of developing your breathing and/or reducing or eliminating UDB. You may well be able to improve your breathing on your own with one of our self help programs.
However, we always suggest you see a health professional when any sort of disordered energy presents itself. Bring this UDB list with you. online filling form
From Mike: There are varying kinds and degrees of UDB. Take our free breathing tests and learn what we recommend