Effets secondaires de l’oxygénothérapie/formation – Les faits que vous devez savoir

Side Effects of Oxygen Therapy / Training- The Facts You Need to Know

Have you ever considered the side effects of oxygen therapy? Learn more about its potential risks and benefits.

Side Effects of Oxygen Therapy

The treatment, known as Oxygen Therapy, basically gives you the extra oxygen you need to achieve medical "normal". It's also known as supplemental oxygen. The keyword "supplemental" implies you are not getting enough of minimal oxygen support to maintain the minimal 95% oxygen threshold.

Several medical conditions can cause your blood oxygen to be too low, which could make you feel tired, short of breath, or even confused.

Poor lung conditions may hinder Oxygen Therapy or Turbo Oxygen effectiveness, but many studies show that because oxygen is so fundamental to cellular function, it can help with COPD, heart/lung conditions, and almost every health challenge.

A “medically normal" person needs to have a blood oxygen level between 95-100% to function what modern medicine deems as "normal". If this drops below 92%, Supplemental Oxygen Therapy is usually necessary. Although there are several uses of the word "therapy," this “therapy” usually implies you are being seen and monitored by a medical doctor and are using oxygen for supplemental life support.

This “therapy,” when augmented with Oxygen Enhanced Exercising, can be quite “therapeutic“ but even with copious clinical studies supporting it, most MDs are not familiar with Exercising With Oxygen Therapy, aka EWOT, as it is often beyond their scope of practice. The T in the EWOT originally stood for therapy, but I prefer “Training” as that stays out of the idea one is suffering from something when one might well feel great but just wants to feel or function better.

Ask your guide or MD about measuring and developing advanced oxygen levels via VO2Max, aerobic, anaerobic, and EPOC-Exercise Load factors, as well as lowering lactic acid levels, and see what you learn.

Varieties of Using Oxygen for Therapy and Therapeutics

Basically, there are 2 widely recognized as effective.

  • Breathing using a nose cannula or 1-liter reservoir bag fed by an oxygen machine or tank.

  • Breathing from a 500-900 liter oxygen reservoir bag.

An oxygen concentrator extracts oxygen from the surrounding air. The majority of oxygen concentrators vary from 5 LPM to 10 LPM.

Concentrator-only usage will usually deliver oxygen through a nose cannula. You will breathe the supplemental oxygen with the surrounding air, which will also greatly dilute the oxygen quality and quantity.

The 500-900 liter Reservoir Bag included in the Turbo Oxygen System for Oxygen Enhanced Exercise approach greatly increases oxygen delivery by 50-100 times. It increases effectiveness way beyond a nose cannula delivery and might be compared to the difference between sitting and watching TV or a computer screen versus getting up and moving, such as with exercising. 

It is generally not necessary to be monitored by a health professional, but some Turbo Oxygen users do just to better measure its enhanced health benefits.

A Turbo Oxygen System version can work along with exercise machines to help most people enhance their quality of life and athletic performance.

Which Medically Diagnosed Conditions Might Require Supplemental Oxygen "THERAPY"?

Any condition that causes low blood oxygen would call for Oxygen Therapy. These might include:

  • COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)

  • COVID-19

  • Cancer

  • Heart condition

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Sleep apnea

  • Pneumonia

  • Cystic fibrosis

  • A severe asthma attack

  • Increased anxiety or confusion

  • Wheezing or difficulty breathing

  • Fever or increase in mucus production

  • Blue fingertips or lips

Possible Negative Side Effects of Oxygen-Enhanced Approaches

  • Serious Side Effects When It Must Be Used For Life-support

Very safe when used properly.

A patient should see their medical professional if they have any adverse reactions while practicing Oxygen Therapy because they could indicate levels are too low. A pulse oximeter helps monitor blood oxygen levels.

Another serious side effect of life support would occur if your levels were turned up too high. It's called oxygen toxicity. When using it for supplemental life support, never adjust the oxygen level without the supervision of a doctor or medical professional, or that may be more than the lungs can handle.

Never smoke around an Oxygen-producing device or system. This could cause a fire immediately.

Stay Safe

Almost any individual can benefit from an enhanced oxygen supply. Increased metabolism, better memory, improved immune system function, faster recovery from stress-related illnesses, and improved athletic performance are but a few possibilities.

If it is being prescribed, just make sure you follow your doctor's orders and remember not to smoke around your device. Consider an upgrade to this approach via a non-prescribed Turbo Oxygen Exercise Protocol.

For example:

One of our customers, Alice Ladas, had COPD and was on supplemental oxygen 24/7/365. She also was attending classes at the hospital to exercise with oxygen using a nose cannula. At age 98, she began using our Turbo Oxygen system and felt it greatly increased her overall health and functionality. She was still seeing clients a month before she passed at age 102.

Very little risk and potentially HUGE rewards, including strengthened immunity.

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