Qu’est-ce que la respiration optimale ?

Qu’est-ce que la respiration optimale ?

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Optimal Breathing - What is it?

Optimal Breathing - What is it?

Optimal Breathing Development work integrates ancient teachings and modern science and technology and is compatible with all forms of religious or spiritual expression. Breathing mechanics are essentially the same for almost everyone, but many of us lose good breathing or never had it. 

After studying breathing for over 30 years, I teach rock-solid breathing fundamentals for a variety of goals and purposes. We combine key elements of eclectic spirituality, Tibetan, Hatha, and Kundalini Yoga, healthy forms of Pranayama, Chi Kung (Qigong), massage, bodywork and Movement Therapy, classical/operatic voice development, specialized/difficult cases of voice development such as Spasmodic Dysphonia and Stuttering, meditations, Tai Chi, Karate, Reichian Therapy, Reiki, Radiance Breathwork, Rebirthing, Integral Breathwork, Meditation, Chanting, Nutrition, Internal cleansing, and Personal Growth mentoring.

Aside from the stress-based health issues of the way we breathe that are so incredibly profound, there is a lot of angst about the depersonalizing of the web. With all this so-called connection via technology, I don't think we have ever been further apart as human beings. "I walk along the streets of New York and I find people bumping into things, and they have these things in their ears or in their face. They're not seeing anything of the real world" Edward Albee Vice- December 2010

What we at OptimalBreathing.com aim to do is to access the awesome health benefits of the way we should breathe for that and bring back the people into themselves. Reconnecting with one's breathing is the first step in the direction of self-healing and self-realization. Though nutrition, water, moderate exercise, internal cleansing, and a spiritually-based attitude are extremely important, if the breathing connection eludes you, you will never be truly healthy or who you really are.

Training for various tasks alters the ratios and needs for each of the 8 basic influences as it inputs a conditioning factor that changes mechanical and cellular needs at the moment.

I mostly refer to speed and dependability, i.e., consistency and simplicity. I am always concerned that the person will not get enough work done, miss the point, and lose themselves in the process. This gives me a sense of urgency because it was inadequate or too slowly developing teaching and learning that happened to me and many others I have met.

The way the breath drives the nervous system can change for good the way that a person thinks, speaks, and feels. The breath can connect one to or separate one from one's core. Ideas often cause a paradigm shift that creates quantum change in miraculous ways never before imagined. The breath can be released, reshaped, and changed permanently just with ideas, but breathing mechanics are often not so flexible.

Reflection, proprioception (i.e., the ability to sense the relative positioning and interaction of neighboring parts of the body), and maintaining the space between breaths are necessary, but many are too stressed to slow down and get or stay in touch. Thus the spaces (pauses) between the breaths get shorter and shorter. The breath is the primary stress modulator and stabilizer. It is the lead horse in the team of horses called the autonomic nervous system.

Spiritual Aspects

There are several integrated spiritual systems that are represented by religions, sects, spiritual groups, shamans, and ageless wisdom teachings. Though some paradigms can organize one for a healthier lifestyle, Tibetan Lama Tartang Tulku reminds me that when we think of something in a certain way, we limit it. I try to leave open the possibility for all spiritual ways of being by focusing on generic cross-cultural breathing instead of breathing patterns representing selected paradigms (ways of being).

The will is largely from thinking, the spirit from the breath (i.e., inspirating, meaning to breathe in spirit). It is quite helpful to learn to curb or guide our will without hindering or breaking our spirit.

Optimal Breathing is what I would call the foundation for a "generic spirituality." If it were applied to a corporation, it would foster fairness, loyalty, dignity, and corporate social responsibility.

As many imply, balance in life comes from integrating how we think, feel, and act. But this balance can never be without a sustainable, replicated, healthy breathing foundation. The breath is the glue that connects the body, mind, and spirit. They are all interdependent. Which comes first—feelings or thoughts? It depends.

I again suggest that the way breathing works holds much of the foundation for being able to experience or express our individuality in unbalanced or balanced ways. To the degree that the breathing pattern of the creator of any given paradigm is disorganized or maladaptive is the degree that the paradigm will be slanted in favor of the individuals embraced by it. A restricted chest often fosters imbalance or prejudice. Study body language and learn more about this, or read “Emotional Anatomy” by Dr. Stanley Kelemen. A restricted abdomen fosters restricted breathing and neurosis. Study Dr. Alexander Lowen of Bioenergetics for more on that.

There are so many ways of thinking that it seems to me more difficult to ever get agreement unless we all breathe or at least have the capability of breathing in a similar way—like walking in another man's footsteps.

Whether you call it “overbreathing,” hyperventilation, unbalanced breathing, maladaptive breathing, or sub-optimal breathing, many receive great breathing AND respiration improvement with our Optimal Breathing Self-Mastery Kit.

Meet our Practitioner Team for in-person breathing development expertise.

Learn to Breathe Better with The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Meet Mike White

Meet Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach and get actionable insights on your breathing development, health and longevity

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