Caféine contre oxygène

Caféine contre oxygène

2 commentaires

From a newsletter subscriber.

"Long story short, thanks for writing the article as I now understand why sometimes my breathing can be altered due to coffee consumption and also the timing of it consumed in relation to the exercise."

Lots of advertising out there about how caffeine does this good thing and that good thing. Bottom line to me is caffeine reduces the amount of oxygen that is supplied to the heart and brain. That to me, regardless of what other benefits it supposedly has, is a bad thing.

Small doses of caffeine--even as little as that in one cup of coffee--can cause temporary stiffening of the blood vessel walls.

Researchers led by Dr. Charalambos Vlachopoulos of Athens Medical School in Greece looked at the effect of caffeine in people with mild hypertension, or high blood pressure, and in individuals with normal blood pressure.

The researchers found that people with mild hypertension who took a pill that contained 250 milligrams (mg) of caffeine, equivalent to the amount contained in 2 to 3 cups of coffee, experienced a temporary increase in blood pressure and in the stiffness of the aorta, the main artery leaving the heart.

Vlachopoulos and his team measured arterial stiffness by looking at pulse velocity in the aorta.

Arteries need to be supple enough to expand when muscles--including the heart--demand more oxygen, and a loss of elasticity spells trouble for the body. Arterial stiffening places an extra load on the heart is a primary cause of hypertension.

In the first study, Vlachopoulos and his team gave 10 mildly hypertensive people a high-dose of caffeine pill and placebo. Caffeine increased systolic pressure by 11.4 mm Hg relative to placebo.

In another study, the caffeine equivalent of one cup of coffee also increased arterial stiffness in 10 non-hypertensive patients, and raised their systolic blood pressure by 3 mm Hg and their diastolic reading by 6.5 mm Hg.

Pulse velocity eventually returned to its normal levels, Vlachopoulos noted, but remained higher than average even three hours after patients took the caffeine pills.

Vlachopoulos explained that the increased arterial stiffness that comes with caffeine might worsen hypertension in people who already have high blood pressure, and may also increase the risk that these individuals have of suffering a serious cardiovascular event such as heart attack or stroke. The increased stiffness also reduces the amount of oxygen that is supplied to the heart, he noted.

Both studies used only a small number of patients, the Greek researcher noted, and further research is needed before doctors can make specific recommendations about who should avoid caffeine and who should simply reduce the amount they consume.

In the meantime, however, Vlachopoulos said that certain patients, such as those whose arteries are already stiff, may wish to start reducing caffeine consumption now.

From Mike:  This technique related to arterial stiffness may become a major marker for artery health for years to come.

On another related note. I remember reading years ago that people researching chelation (removing arterial plaque with a IV administered substance called EDTA) reported that autopsies done on teen age and 20s aged Vietnam casualties discovered that arteriosclerosis was already developing in those young bodies. I believe it is safe to assume that most everyone raised on or eating with a Standard American Diet (SAD) of high starches, sugars, refined carbohydrates and red meat has already developed a significant stiffening of the arterial walls.

Coffee, Tea, Cola Linked to SIDS

Pregnant women drinking four or more cups of coffee a day are potentially putting their babies' lives at risk, warns research published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood, a British medical journal.

Sudden infant death syndrome - cot death or SIDS as it is also known - was twice as likely to occur among babies whose mothers drank a lot of coffee, tea, or cola every day throughout pregnancy, the research found.

The researchers interviewed the parents of 80 percent of cot death cases registered with the nationwide New Zealand Cot Death Study and a similar percentage of parents with surviving infants. The results showed that mothers whose babies had died suddenly were twice as likely to be heavy drinkers of coffee, cola, and tea throughout pregnancy as were mothers whose babies were still alive.

These results held true even after taking into account other risk factors, such as young age at motherhood, smoking, and bottle feeding.

Previous research has shown that coffee can harm a developing fetus, especially in the last trimester when the mother's ability to rid her system of caffeine is severely reduced. Caffeine intake has also been associated with low birth weight, miscarriage, and withdrawal symptoms in the baby, including breathing difficulties.

The most likely explanation for the link between coffee and cot death, say the authors, is its stimulant effect on the baby's respiratory system. When this effect is withdrawn after birth, the baby's respiratory drive may then be inadequate to withstand infection or other stressors.

"The importance of this finding," say the authors, "is that drinking coffee, tea, and cola is a common and easily modifiable behavior. Mothers, therefore, have the opportunity to alter this risk factor."

Contact Dr Rodney Ford, Community Pediatric Unit, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Coffee and bad breath?

Caffeine and brain function

Too Much Caffeine? I believe that Caffeine is harmful in ANY quantity. At altitude even more so.

Continued caffeine usage causes the brain to become accustomed to a certain level and consequently more and more is needed to prevent fatigue.

Depression can be due to being addicted to caffeine and not getting enough.

It may improve performance one day but long lasting effects can impair sleep the following day.

(HealthScoutNews) -- Without realizing it, you could easily be consuming enough caffeine to be affecting your sleep or other aspects of your health. Why? Because consumption of a little of this, a little of that and a bit of something else containing this stimulant will put far more in your system, far faster, than you may realize.

In addition to coffee, tea and many soft drinks, caffeine also is contained in chocolate and many prescription and non-prescription drugs. Scientists say that a combined consumption of more than 250 mg of caffeine a day can increase your metabolism, raise your blood pressure and heart rate, and accelerate breathing. It also can offset the effects of sleep deprivation, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

The caffeine content levels vary greatly from one food or beverage to another.

From Mike:

The message is clear. Quit consuming caffeinated substances, drinking coffee or caffeinated tea or sodas.  Addiction is addiction. Phony energy is phony energy.

In addition to eliminating caffeine, another thing you can do to help offset the negative influence of stiffened arteries is to learn to breathe better, rebalance the CO2/O2 relationship and transport extra oxygen to your blood. This will help you not stay addicted to the synthetic energy that caffeine gives you.

"Most of my colleagues agree that if caffeine were a new drug, it would never get approved for human use from the Food and Drug Administration because its side effects outweigh its benefits as a stimulant". W. C. Dement, MD PhD. The Promise of Sleep

More about coffee as the drug of choice for 90% of Americans. How does it affect the body?

According to cancer researcher Dr. Bruce Ames, coffee is the number two cause of cancer today. Coffee is a mind altering stimulant and produces a surge of nervous energy, only to leave its victims exhausted, durable, short tempered, depressed and depleted. Caffeine is converted to uric acid helping return the body into an acid bag (low pH level), which is a cause of painful gout, a form of arthritis. It stimulates the brain cortex, which can cause poor balance, racing heart, poor memory, fatigue, anxiety, hostility, hand tremors, and many other disorders. The link between coffee and osteoporosis, high blood pressure, poor circulation, miscarriages, breast cancer and raise blood sugar levels is irrefutable.

These are only the short term caffeine negative side effects. Another coffee chemical methylxanthines-actually alters the protoplasm of cells in concentrated amounts, and may remain there for life. They cause gene altering changes which can be seen in offspring. Dr. Agatha Thrash comments in "Poison with a capital C". "It is frightening to contemplate that such a widespread habit is most surely weakening the entire race and causing permanent loss of certain facilities of the mind, or resistance to disease through mutation damage of chromosomes!" Decaffeinated coffee has also released 100 potentially harmful chemical components. If you are a coffee drinker who wants to kick this detrimental habit, we have good news for you. Reports have come in that E3live will often offset the energy one gets in the habit of needing from caffeinated coffee. Think of it. Replacing a deadly substance with what I call a Holy freak of nature.

When people use this product they often cease needing or wanting caffeine entirely. One fellow gave up six cups of coffee per day in one day.

Another great way of reducing or eliminating the need for caffeine is our Optimal Energy Breathing.

Overview of the Turbo Oxygen System

EWOT ON STEROIDS Based On Oxygen Multistep Therapy aka OMT

Accelerating wellness, physical endurance, mental clarity and more. People today are more health conscious than ever. Men and women have always used the gym as a social venue as well as a fitness venue, but many of these people that used to belong to gyms now find it easier and more convenient and lately even gas saving to work out at home with store bought equipment.

You know the feeling when you actually wake up early to workout?


2 commentaires

  • 30 Jul 2016 Dianne

    One reads about both the benefits and pitfalls of caffeine, so it’s rather confusing.
    Recently, I had a DNA test that showed I have a higher genetic tendency to contract Parkinson’s Disease,
    and my uncle died of that condition. From what I’ve read, non-coffee drinkers are at greater risk in getting Parkinson’s,
    about 60% higher, than coffee drinkers. Perhaps drinking coffee might be beneficial for me, such as drinking one cup a day.

  • 30 Jul 2016 JL

    Thank you for this incredibly valuable information. This is what led to me finally giving up caffeine after suffering for several years.

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