EWOT : Faire de l'exercice avec un entraînement à l'oxygène.

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You know the feeling when you actually wake up early to workout?

Exercising with Oxygen

Medical grade oxygen without a prescription, for pennies a day. Also known as Oxygen Enhanced Exercise or Rest - O2E2
In-home Fitness
Personal Training
Better Sleep
Cellular Strengthening
Enhance Stamina
Speed Recovery
Lower Lactic Acid
Increase Endurance
Accelerate Healing
Helps Prevent Illness
Increase Mental Clarity

Utilized 70 years ago
Oxygen Enhanced Exercise (O2E2) was used for top secret military rescue mission training in 1952. Bradley H, age 79 and retired military, is an O2E2 fan and tells me that he was an 82nd airborne parachutist in Korea in 1952. He was being trained for a special rescue mission team behind enemy lines.
One of our leaders had been captured and had extremely sensitive information that could have done a great deal of harm to our side if they got it out of him. They HAD to get him out and within a certain short time limit.
Paratroopers had to be in excellent shape then (and now) to withstand the rigors of falling out of the sky to who knows what but this mission was so important the general called for an extra 20 days of super intense training.
Bradley tells us that they used supplemental oxygen to breathe while riding stationary bicycles and got pushed way, way, way beyond where they had ever been pushed before. No pills, nothing but oxygen enhanced exercise and rest. Bradley says “it was incredible. I was already in fantastic combat shape but after this training I was in the best shape ever by a very wide margin.
It turned out that our side made a trade for one of their prisoners and the rescue mission never had to occur. But that training is why when I heard about your O2E2s I just had to get one“ Bradley H, Florida.

An important adjunct to living a longer, healthier life
Around 1996, I bought a great book written by Dr. Manfred von Ardenne of Germany. I was short of cash then due to the Loma Prieta Earthquake, but felt it was so important that I spent almost my last $80. Boy, was it worth it! Dr. von Ardenne was probably Otto Warberg's prize student.

Warberg, you may recall, received the 1931 Nobel Prize for proving that cancer can only grow in an oxygen-starved environment. Cancer is anaerobic. Manfred went on to do approximately 150 studies combining exercise with extra oxygen. He called it Oxygen Multistep Therapy, and I gladly spent my last bit of cash to learn about it.
Now, I see that many people are borrowing his ideas and calling it Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT or what I call O2E2 - Oxygen Enhanced Exercise) and have created programs using some of his techniques.
However, EWOT is an illness-model paradigm. It addresses sick people. See your doctor about this if you are sick. So if you are not sick or just do not want to get sick or want to enhance your wellness or exercise program then read on.
A primary reason for aging is the failure of enzymatic systems that are responsible for your body's uptake and utilization of oxygen. When your cells don't get enough oxygen, they get weaker and weaker—and so do you.
See Oxygen and Aging Manfred and Otto made such good sense about the importance of oxygen that I created my own Exercise With Oxygen Training program, Oxygen Enhanced Exercise (OEE), a non-medical model, which we will talk about later in this article.
Exercising while breathing supplemental oxygen may greatly increase the amount of oxygen in the blood plasma, i.e., the nearly colorless liquid carrying the red and white cells.
This can be determined by testing the blood-oxygen levels in the arteries or veins. Quite often after 15 minutes of exercising with oxygen, there is a dramatic "pinking" of an exerciser’s skin.
If this can be seen by simple observation, then it follows that the tiny capillaries, the blood vessels tinier than a strand of hair, are carrying extra oxygen not only to the skin’s surface, but to all the cells in the body. Energy, vision and mental clarity may improve immediately. Streaming, energy currents, buzzing, tingling, and breeze-like sensations may be felt in different areas of the body.
Many contemporary scientists say you can't increase the oxygen in your blood by breathing extra oxygen. I disagree. What they most likely mean is that you can't increase the oxygen in your red blood cells, which are responsible for transporting oxygen to the tissues.
The reason many say the amount of oxygen in the red blood cells cannot be increased is because, under most circumstances, they are already 97.3% saturated with oxygen. So they say a three-percent increase will make little difference, and the red blood cells won't accept the extra oxygen anyway.
While the red blood cell info is true, the role of oxygen in the plasma needs to be considered. Many (but not all) people can, by taking lots of slow deep breaths, cause the oxygen content of the plasma itself to be significantly increased, and thus oxygen will be "pushed" into the body's cells without the aid of the red blood cells.
It is based on the "Law of Mass Action," which states that if you build up the concentration of a certain component in a chemical mixture high enough, chemical combining will take place with other elements in the mixture, which under normal circumstances wouldn’t happen. In this way, the normal "shunting," or oxygen's bypassing cellular uptake, is partly reduced and the cells get extra O2 anyway.
Most of the oxygen in the plasma under these high-saturation circumstances will be shunted/bypassed and "wasted" in that it will not be absorbed by the cells, which normally expect to be "fed" oxygen by the red blood cells. But if only one-tenth of one percent of this oxygen gets through, and you offer your cells this extra O2 dose every day, there will be an extensive increase in your total tissue-oxygen levels.
My goal is to keep the oxygen level of my blood as close to optimum (100% on the pulse oximeter scale) for as long as possible—and ideally, for life. Majid Ali, MD in his Oxygen and Aging is to me the best information source on all this. He is a pathologist (blood specialist) and has performed over 20,000 tests using the High Resolution Bradford microscope.
The Bradford (dark field) magnifies 12,000 times while conventional microscopes magnify 400 times. At 12,000 X You can learn a lot about blood that most others do not know about. Ali shares many powerful insights and some great pictures of live blood analysis in his DVD about Fibromyalgia.

Using More Oxygen to Get More Oxygen = A NET LOSS
You can run, swim or walk for miles and not increase the oxygen content of your blood. You may even decrease your blood oxygen as the body burns oxygen to cover the degree of increased muscular activity.
You may also be producing insufficient blood-CO2 levels that will compromise O2 transfer into the blood cells and the mitochondria. Thus, you will not develop "oxygen-rich blood" if you have this form of hidden hyperventilation, also called "overbreathing."
Overbreathing can only be uncovered if you test your real time CO2 levels to make sure you are producing enough. Dr. Peter Litchfield, one of the Optimal Breathing Institute’s core faculty members, has invented such a device that is portable and can be used by lay people as well as health professionals.

Oxygen Killers
The most punishing oxygen users for the body are major operations, heart weakness, poor posture, tension in neck and around shoulders, acute and repetitive trauma, too much exercise, chronic inflammation, poor digestion, poor diet, negative attitude, fungal, viral or bacterial infection, toxic stress, chronic sinusitis, food allergies, sleep apnea, snoring issues, shallow breathers, asthma, emphysema, heart attack, stroke, lack of exercise, dehydration, cancer, chemotherapy, acidic body pH, weak kidneys, high stress levels (especially when accumulated over time), Operations have an instant draining effect on the C02.
Within 24 hours, C02 drops below the danger zone and, according to an MD I know, it can take 50 days or more to make a reasonable recovery. I suggest that surgeons put their patients on O2E2 before and after surgery.

Cancer Loves A Low-Oxygen Environment
Cancer loves a low-oxygen environment and so, although chemotherapy and radiation may be killing some cancer cells, they are probably encouraging the growth of more cancer by weakening the immune system and because these interventions rob the tissues of oxygen.
Either the cancer starts growing again or a new type of cancer can start. Perhaps that's why with childhood leukemia, while the leukemia appears to have gone away after chemotherapy, often a new cancer, such as lymphoma, can develop and kill the child.
Because of the known fact that cancer cannot live in a high-oxygen environment, I am convinced that O2E2 is one of the better adjunct-therapy choices for most cancers (but not ALL cancers due to lymphatic density and colonic intestinal accumulations/debris, where cancer hides outside of the primary blood system). Click Here
I can't guarantee O2E2 effectiveness on cancer, but I'm convinced that it works as a preventive and can promote a better environment for cancer recovery; lyme disease as well.

Putting It Into Practice
There are an infinite variety of ways that you can incorporate your home version of EWOT or O2E2, so let's talk about some of the nuts and bolts about how to do it. Get an oxygen generator, and use it along with a treadmill, rebounder, stair-stepper or stationary bicycle.
I have one I call O2E2 due to its short size and shape. Your minimum initial investment for our 5LPM units will be about $594.00 for continental U.S. Over time, your cost per exercise session will be just pennies.
I also use our home "oxygen bar" with a rebounder, a recumbent stationary bike, or elliptical cross-trainer that also does reverse direction. Posture is critical. If appropriate make sure you read my manual for specific dangers of certain forms of weight training.
During O2E2, it's a good idea to monitor your heartbeat and oxygen levels with a pulse oximeter. If your pulse gets over your age subtracted from 200, you should slow down. (Conventional approaches advise 220 minus your age, but people can drop dead during and after passing a stress test, so I am not keen on 220 heartbeats per minute, and I have arbitrarily lowered my threshold to 190 minus my age.)
I recommend everyone try to get their non concentrator blood oxygen up to 97% at least. I've seen emphysema victims and joggers have 95%, so 95 % does not impress me all that much though it is surely better than less.
Naturally, common sense advises that if you feel faint, you should stop and rest. We have plenty or guidelines in our Information Pack included with all units.
Quite often after 15 minutes of exercising with oxygen, there is a dramatic "pinking" of an exerciser’s skin. If this can be seen by simple observation, then it follows that the tiny capillaries, the blood vessels tinier than a strand of hair, are carrying extra oxygen not only to the skin’s surface, but to all the cells in the body.
Energy, vision and mental clarity may improve immediately. Streaming, energy currents, buzzing, tingling, and breeze-like sensations may be felt in different areas of the body.
Ardenne’s tests that showed white blood cell counts increased 17% after multistep immune protocol.

More info on O2E2s with a link to many different units and the new reservoir bags
Dr. Rowen of Second Opinion explains "Oxygen is extracted in the capillaries and when the blood comes out the venous end of the capillary, the average pressure of oxygen in the veins is about 40 mm early in life and drops way down by age 70. The difference in the pressure of oxygen between the arterial and venous sides reflects how well the oxygen is delivered and consumed.
In your teens, twenties and thirties, the amount of oxygen released to the cells is significantly higher than in your seventies. The problem is that when you age, the oxygen pressure falls.
Thus, while the volume of oxygen may stay the same and it may appear you are getting enough, you may be oxygen deficient because there isn’t enough pressure to make use of the volume of oxygen.
The breakthrough of the oxygen machine usage, due to exercise it raises the arterial pressure to youthful levels; breathing high levels of oxygen while exercising. Exercise increases the circulation, creating a greater pressure to drive oxygen into the capillaries.
The increase in pressure facilitates the repair of the transfer mechanism. EWOT is effective for every conceivable condition because it improves the delivery of the most essential substance in tissue life and repair."
No FDA approvals here but we have seen that oxygen enhanced exercise or rest can either be utilized for wellness to enhance your exercise or longevity program. Added beauty is that for many the extra oxygen works well even without exercise hence the "rest" factor and enhanced recovery potential.
Neighbors are quietly sharing their systems with open minded friends and neighbors.

Call : +1-704-597-6775
Email - hello@optimalbreathing.com

3 commentaires

  • 12 Apr 2016 michael white

    Hard chambers are 2.0 minimum. The increases are logarithmic up to 3.0.
    No data about the difference between lying in a hard chamber and exercise so far that I know as exercising in a hard chamber is too risky due to sparks and immolation and expensive at $100-200 per session. I strongly believe that if you can exercise, exercise/movement is exponentially more beneficial than just lying or sitting unless you cannot exercise. Then hard chamber is your best choice.

  • 12 Apr 2016 Cyndi

    I would like to know your reply of the above comment.
    Thank you

  • 12 Apr 2016 bren

    what exactly is the difference of how much oxygen goes into the blood plasma, comparing from Ewot to the pressurised hyperbaric oxygen chambers? i understand that under pressure of 1.5 (hard chamber) or 1.3 (soft chamber) there are differences in how deeply it can go into the brain, creating new blood vessels etc. I have heard that at 2. it can create new stem cells. Can you give me an info and data on how / what EWOT does with the blood plasma and/or difference between this and hyperbaric oxygen chambers? thanks kindly.

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