Sherril Milnes, baryton lyrique de classe mondiale

Sherril Milnes, baryton lyrique de classe mondiale

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One of my operatic heroes. A great person as well. 

On your right (2009) he has retired from the stage but still is teaching master classes in Tampa Florida and throughout the world. If you want to learn opera I believe you MUST take some of his classes. What a great information source. He was raised by music teacher parents, has done it all and can play almost every instrument in a symphonic orchestra. He presents himself in a strong and succinct but still sensitive manner.

Miles Small

Although he has put on a few extra pounds please note the shape of his torso. That is mostly not fat. His rib cage is huge and with quite a low center as you can see that indicates a highly developed solar plexus/abdominal brain which we learn much more about in the 176 video and Secrets of Optimal Breathing Manual and works by Dumont.

I have integrated some of the key breathing insights learned at a recent master class he led that I attended.  I observed the soloists as he taught them. I sensed that many take the breathing for granted which of course is good if it is working well to begin with.

But things can change as time goes on. I noticed some habits of the students that may cause them troubles as they attempt more difficult songs. Allowing the belly to come in while trying to reach high notes. Raising the heels to hit a high note which may help initially but I believe will cause breathing restriction as time and repetition go along. 

Not sensing breathing restrictions that can slowly slip in beneath one's awareness and begin to curtail volume, strength and ease of sound production is to me what shortens many careers as well for others it steals much of the joys of singing.

"Milnes passes his experiences, insight and musical knowledge onto the young artists who attend his programs. His guidance enables them to keep the great traditions of opera alive today for audiences to experience and enjoy." 

From Mike: 
Many singers who because of poor technique had flawed careers and later became voice teachers are the bane of hopeful student singers. Milnes had a great career, knows what he is doing vocally and can back up his instructions with vocal demonstrations.Who could ask for more in a vocal teacher?

Our breathing related speaking and singing program

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