Nose Breathing is Optimal. How and Why?
We have heard the professionals, and most of the research points out that breathing through your nose is the correct and optimal way to breathe.
What do you think is the purpose of the nose if it is not breathing?
Your nose is a specifically designed organ and a part of our respiratory system. Just because you can take air in and out of your mouth as well does not make your nose redundant!
Did you know that our bodies are designed for nose breathing? The mechanisms through which we inhale and exhale through nose-breathing correctly as well as consistently- have numerous health benefits. Here are just a few of them.
Did you know that the odds of shortness of breath and or snoring increase greatly via mouth breathing?
Nose Breathing Helps Fight Infections.
When you breathe in through your nose, the air is warmed, moistened, conditioned, and mixed with nitric oxide- which does two important functions- it kills deadly bacteria and works as a vasodilator on the airways, arteries, and capillaries.
Our body has a gene – T2R38, that stimulates the nose’s receptors when you breathe through your nose, which reacts with the chemicals that bacteria in the air use to communicate. It stimulates nitric oxide that kills the bacteria, so you breathe in relatively less infectious air. (Scientific American Sept 2014, Page 28)
Nose Breathing Ensures Better Blood Flow and Lung Volumes
The vasodilation by nitric oxide increases the surface area of alveoli, where oxygen is absorbed at the very end of bronchial tubes, which means more oxygen is absorbed more efficiently when you breathe through your nose.
Nasal breathing (as opposed to mouth breathing) increases circulation, blood oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, slows the breathing rate, and improves overall lung volumes.’ (Source: Swift AC, Campbell IT, McKown TM. Oronasal obstruction, lung volumes, and arterial oxygenation. Lancet. 1988 Jan 16;1(8577):73-5. DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(88)90282-6. PMID: 2891980.)
Nasal Breathing Helps in Maintaining Body Temperature
"The internal nose not only provides around 90% of the respiratory system air-conditioning requirement but also recovers around 33% of exhaled heat and moisture." (Source: Elad D, Wolf M, Keck T. Air-conditioning in the human nasal cavity. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology. 2008 Nov;163(1-3):121-127. DOI: 10.1016/j.resp.2008.05.002. PMID: 18565805.)
Did you know that surgeries to unblock nostrils often last only 3-5 years?
You can greatly reduce plugged nostrils with a combination of proper diet and our SinuClenz.
It Helps in Better Brain Functions
The hypothalamus, also known as the Brain's brain, is responsible for many functions in our bodies, particularly those that we consider automatic: heartbeat, blood pressure, thirst, appetite, and of course, the cycles of sleeping and waking. The hypothalamus is also responsible for generating chemicals that influence memory and emotion.
"The nasal cycle, which is part of an overall body cycle, is controlled by the hypothalamus. Sympathetic dominance on one side causes nasal vasoconstriction of the ipsilateral turbinate, while parasympathetic dominance on the other causes nasal vasoconstriction of the contralateral turbinate. Increased airflow through the right nostril is correlated to increased left brain activity and enhanced verbal performance; whereas increased airflow through the left nostril is associated with increased right brain activity and enhanced spatial performance." (Shannahoff-Khalsa D. The ultradian rhythm of alternating cerebral hemispheric activity. Int J Neurosci. 1993 Jun;70(3-4):285-98. doi: 10.3109/00207459309000583. PMID: 8063547)
Breathing through the nose also limits air intake and forces one to SLOW down. Proper nose breathing reduces hypertension and stress for most people—kind of like a speed control (governor) on a car engine.
It Helps During Your Workouts
The lungs are a primary source of our energy level. They extract oxygen from the air we breathe primarily on the exhale. When you exhale through small nostrils compared to your mouth, a back-pressure is created, and exhaled air is restricted and slowed down, which is precisely the time the lungs use to absorb more oxygen.
It slows the air escape, so the lungs have more time to extract oxygen from them. The blood will maintain a balanced pH when there is proper oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange. Our oxygen uptake happens mostly during the restricted exhale through the nose.
Oxygen absorption is decreased if carbon dioxide is lost too quickly, as in mouth breathing. If you want better performance during your exercise, you have to stop over-breathing or hyperventilation- a.k.a mouth breathing. Nose breathing imposes approximately 50 percent more resistance to the air stream in normal individuals than does mouth breathing, resulting in 10-20 percent more O2 uptake. (Cottle, 1972: Rohrer, 1915)
"During exercise, nasal breathing causes a reduction in FEO2, indicating that on expiration the percentage of oxygen extracted from the air by the lungs is increased and an increase in FECO2, indicating an increase in the percentage of expired air that is carbon dioxide". (Morton AR, King K, Papalia S, Goodman C, Turley KR, Wilmore JH. Comparison of maximal oxygen consumption with oral and nasal breathing. Aust J Sci Med Sport. 1995 Sep;27(3):51-5. PMID: 8599744)
Close Your Gaping Mouth and Read On!
Breathing through the mouth like with pursed lips is only for emergencies. If you breathe through your mouth, you bypass many important stages in the breathing process and this could lead to many health problems, like snoring and sleep apnea.
When your body has less oxygen (FEO2 levels go down) you may be forced to engage mouth in breathing as well. Remember those huge yawns where your mouth helps in taking in a lot more air than your nostrils? Those are the emergency situations we are talking about.
Breathing through your nose helps in slowing down the breathing cycle to allow proper CO2 build-up and better O2 uptake. Pursed lip breathing however, over time, weakens the diaphragm by transferring the strength to hold back breathing via the mouth instead of engaging the diaphragm. Think of pursed lip breathing as emergency breathing.
Deadly Bacteria Have a Free Entry Through Mouth Breathing!
Your nose is the only organ that is enabled to properly "prepare" the air you breathe. As scary as it may sound, our nose is home to more than 50 species of bacteria- both good and bad – and unfortunately, there are more bad than good ones. But the good news is that the small number of good ones can fight it with the bad ones within the nose itself, saving us from ingesting a lot of bad bacteria at the first stage of breathing-inhalation.
If you bypass your nose and breathe through your mouth, bad bacteria cannot be stopped from reaching inside your body. One of the deadliest of them all is Staphylococcus Aureus- which may cause diseases due to direct infections or produce toxins that could cause staph infections that include blood and heart.
The lessening of the common cold is another good reason for nose breathing. The mucous (white blood cells that kill germs) membrane lining the nose extends all the way from the inner linings of the nostrils down the trachea to the bronchi that directly enter the lungs. Germs get caught and die in the mucus. Mouth–breathing will make you more susceptible to common cold and infections.
Mouth Breathing Weakens Your Lungs, Heart and Lot More
Some researchers have pointed out how mouth breathing and associated hyperventilation cause and exacerbate asthma, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other medical problems.
Breathing through your mouth causes depleted carbon dioxide levels, reduces blood circulation, slows down your brain and reflexes, and even causes spells of dizziness and sometimes unconsciousness. Chronic mouth breathing also causes the muscles that open the sidewalls of the nose to weaken, causing the narrowing of airways.
When you breathe in the mouth or over-breathe, the lungs are overstimulated with oxygen. Still, the airways become dried and vaso-constricted, so an inefficient amount of oxygen is actually absorbed through the alveoli in the lungs.
By breathing through your mouth, you are failing your heart, brain, and all other organs by denying optimal oxygenation. As a result, even though you may have no cardiac disease symptoms, you may develop arrhythmias and other heart ailments.
Mouth Breathing is an Open Invitation to Snoring or Sleep Apnea
Our nasal passages have afferent stimuli- the nerves that regulate breathing. When inhaled air passes through the nose, the nasal mucosa carries the stimuli to reflex nerves that control breathing. When you breathe through the mouth, you bypass nasal mucosa, which predisposes you to loud snoring and irregular breathing. Snoring is a precursor to sleep apnea, and apnea is a precursor to low cellular oxygen, almost any illness, including heart attacks and death in one's sleep.
Think sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is just a term used to describe Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome. This new medical description for what most of us call snoring is a problem for about 90 million Americans every day. Not only is snoring a major health issue, but it is also socially unacceptable. Other people may complain about the noise as it is irritating and they were unable to sleep well in the same room and in some cases the same building!
Mouth Breathing Causes Constriction of Blood Vessels- Think of Your Sexual Activity!
Nitric (not nitrous) oxide is one of the very important chemical parts of sexual arousal. It vaso-dilates (engorgement) and plays a part in maintaining the erection.
Mouth Breathing Restricts You from Enjoying Life
You can't kiss someone and breathe through your mouth.
You may think that by opening your mouth to breathe, you are taking in more air, but in reality, you are just slowing down the breathing. When you’re mouth breathing, the brain thinks carbon dioxide is being lost too quickly, and sensing this, it stimulates the goblet cells to produce mucus, slow the breathing and cause constriction of blood vessels. The nostrils and sinuses filter and warm the air going into the lungs. An average mouth breather bypasses this. The sinuses produce nitric oxide (NO), which is a pollutant- but in small doses, it is harmful to bacteria.
Mouth Breathing can Affect Your Appearance!
Mouth breathing can produce an anterior open bite and a longer face, and some suggest that because of poor sleep quality it produces a baggy appearance under the eyes. Mouth breathing also accelerates water loss increasing possible dehydration.
Did you know that the odds of shortness of breath and or snoring increase greatly via mouth breathing?
Our breathing development program can regain or prevent the breathing volume and life span lost due to mouth breathing.
What Can You Do to Break Your Habit of Mouth-Breathing?
The first step is to be conscious of how you breathe while awake. Training yourself to nose-breathe while awake guides the way you breathe while sleeping.
What you do during waking hours carries over into sleep. Any opportunity for mouth breathing -inhaling or exhaling will increase the chances of mouth breathing during waking and sleep. Hospital studies have established that nocturnal mouth breathing is a primary cause of loud snoring.
You can also think of using Chin-Up Strips that are safe, inexpensive, and easy to use. In fact, if you mouth-breathe during waking hours, you can bet you will mouth-breathe while sleeping.
The best part is you can use them during the exercises shown in the Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit AS WELL AS DURING SLEEP.
"I am convinced improved breathing through the nasal mucosa 24/7 is a key to a long and healthy life. A life filled with energy and a great disposition which will help maintain and strengthen the relationships one needs for emotional and physical wellness."
Dale D. Miller, JD & CEO
"People with chronic sinus conditions should use a sinus rinse daily as it promotes drainage of the sinuses and speeds healing of inflamed tissues...
"Self-Healing" Dr. Andrew Weil M.D.
If you have sinus blockage and face difficulty in nose-breathing due to it, try remedies like sinus rinse before considering surgery. You can also consider other products for various ailments.
Nose Surgeries
Take a Deep Breath and Think Before Going Under the Scalpel
We uptake most of our oxygen during the exhale. The size of the nostrils creates back-pressure that holds air in a little longer so that the O2 has more time to be extracted from the air in the lungs.
The more you can function by breathing in and out through the nose, the better, except when singing or in extreme states of fright, fight, freeze, faking it, or fun (including sex). Then you will need to take in a lot of air and need both nose and mouth. Watch high-level athletes closely; you will see them nose-breathe as often as possible.
If you inherited your father’s large lungs and your mother’s small nostrils, you would have to breathe in AND out through the mouth more often. This is an extreme and rare example, but it illustrates better the issue of volume combined with air intake nostril size. Perhaps surgery can remedy that.
Seek several opinions.
The simple truth is that breathing through the mouth is a sure way to impede proper breathing and develop all kinds of health problems. After reading this, you might feel why anyone would use their mouths for breathing, but the irony is most of us do! Habits like shallow breathing, breathing through the mouth instead of the nose, using only the upper chest, and having noisy, noticeable breathing (snoring or other noise) during rest are rampant.
However, these bad habits can be reversed by working with our Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit to learn how to do proper and effective nose breathing, which can very well extend or even save your life.
Why Surgery is NOT a Solution
For deformed septum or nasal blockages, many people would undergo surgery. But this traditional approach of using a scalpel to cut cartilage inside the nose and reshape it manually is not only costly, but it also forces you to take time off work for recovery, and the septum usually reverts to what it was before surgery!
On several occasions, I have worked on a person’s breathing who had stuffy nasal passage for decades, and with just some non-invasive treatments, their nostrils and sinuses opened up right then and there.
It makes me wonder how many fewer surgeries for blocked nasal passages or dry upper respiratory tracts might have happened had the MDs suggested developing the breathing first. I strongly suggest going the natural route FIRST. There is a strong possibility you can open your nasal passages without surgery.
Optimal Breathing Mastery could help you reduce any anxiety, adrenaline, or histamine reactions that swell up the membranes
So, When is Mouth Breathing OK?
As an expert, I can tell you- NEVER!
It's more about practice and habit, but you should never breathe through your mouth. If you desire the most extended and healthy life, stop opening your mouth to breathe, even in your sleep. You may have issues like deviated septum or small nostrils and may find it tempting to breathe through your mouth, but practicing nose breathing 24x7 is the best way to ensure a better quality of life.