Several recent studies demonstrate vitamin D can have a significantly beneficial impact on your cancer risk.
Vitamin D3 is making headlines again, this time related to research suggesting it can potentially protect and restore the damage cardiovascular disease does to your endothelium.
Vitamin D protects against infection by increasing levels of the CAMP; it is made by immune cells and skin and gut cells, which act as a barrier to infection.
100 malnourished children were given high doses of vitamin D; the positive difference compared to children given a placebo was called game-changing.
If you aren’t aware of this you will fail to optimize your vitamin D levels from sun exposure. But in reality you need to expose most of skin surface body which can be impractical and time consuming. Hence the supplement.
A recent study claims that correcting vitamin D deficiency may be an effective seizure control tactic for epileptic people.
According to recent research, vitamin D deficiency affects your glucose metabolism and may actually be more closely linked to diabetes than obesity.
Research suggests that vitamin D may help you avoid age-related macular degeneration and improve your eye health even in your senior years.
Vitamin D3 CAN protect against infection by increasing levels of the CAMP; it is made by immune cells and skin and gut cells, which act as a barrier to infection.