Bad Breathing Causes Asthma- Here's What to Do!
Bad Breathing Causes Asthma- Here's What to Do!
Dec 29, 2023, By Michael Grant White
Ever wondered about the connection between dysfunctional breathing and asthma? Read on to find out how poor posture and stress cause asthma.

A few years ago, an interesting story related to childhood asthma appeared in the newspaper that I wanted to share with you. It is a well-written article and an excellent example of how, as parents, people pass on the insidious effects of poor breathing to their children. Unfortunately, many times, entire signals of bad breathing are missed. All the apparent signals of Asthma are entirely ignored or blatantly missed. The insights of this article beautifully captured this unheeded approach.
Read More:Kids born in the US are more prone to allergies/Asthma.
By the age of 10, children in the US have lost much of their breathing capability. This is even before the dreaded disease hits them. Asthma only worsens this condition.
But it was never correct from the beginning itself.
Why? And How do we know?
The signs of an asthma attack are the same signs that I, as a breathing expert, look for in non-asthmatic people. Raising shoulders and neck muscles bulging out are all signs of breathing blocks. They may not necessarily be the signs of pre-existing Asthma, but breathing blocks always invite Asthma. You don't experience these signals because you have Asthma. It is the other way around.
The article goes on to talk about the "inexplicable" increase in asthma cases in Colorado. Indeed, there is an explanation! Ritalin is being administered in bulk single-parent families with no one to focus on children who are running amok, have high stress levels, nutritional ignorance, sugar and caffeine fixes for the drop-dead tired workdays, and above all, environmental pollution that can be viewed, smelled, and even felt on ones' skin.
The kids in the city are hit harder. No Kidding! Suburbs were the popular choice only because of the clearer, cleaner air they offered until they, too, became little cities.
Breathing Problems and Asthma: What Causes Them
Asthma: Can the Genes Be Blamed?
What Should Be Done For Children With A Higher Probability of Asthma?
- Children should be encouraged to exercise daily.
- Parents should take it upon themselves to create groups, preferably with grandparents or "elders" taking the helm of the activity centers for working parents.
- Kids should then be allowed to play and engage in singing and athletics as much as possible at the schools and these activity centers.
Asthma and Stress
Can Stretching and Movement Help With Asthma?
Can Stretching and Movement Help With Asthma?
Laughter, the Best Medicine!
Learn to Breathe Better with The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

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Meet Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach and get actionable insights on your breathing development, health and longevity