Asbestosis and Bronchiectasis: Reduce Their Damage By Developing Your Breathing
"Two-thirds of the lawsuits the company faces are brought by people who can show the telltale signs of asbestos in their lungs, but are not sick."
Taken from the Optimal Breathing Self Mastery Kit
From Mike:
The bottom line for the ones that are or are not measurably sick by conventional means is that there may be ways to reduce, offset or reverse the damage done by asbestos. So do you want a lawsuit or a life?
I had a client from Ireland who was diagnosed with asbestosis from working around it as a construction worker in San Francisco and elsewhere. He came to me coughing about every 30 seconds.
We did about ten sessions and during that time he was doing the Arise and Shine Cleanse and changing his diet to high fiber organic raw foods. His coughing reduced from every thirty seconds to every ten minutes during and after our first session. He was coughing about every two hours when he left me three months later to return to Ireland.
Another client with bronchiectasis. Age 63 , 6'1' 119 pounds with a severely worsening bronciectasis, a 25 year history compounded by bad breathing most of his life came to my office bent over and out of breath after walking the 50 feet to my door.
He left 11 days later 2 pounds heavier and walked the streets of NYC for 90 minutes (bad idea but he could not get a cab dung a parade). I approached it as a dietary, nutritional supplements, sleep, postural and immune system issue as well as restoring his breathing mechanics including spinal flexibility and training him in what to do at home including taking long-term large amounts of learn more.
My point is that there are things you can do reduce the damage. I cannot say reverse it but definitely, reduce it.
For this kind of result I need private sessions with the person or to be able to train someone in my techniques that is nearby the client’s hometown.
The Record Sunday, April 2, 2000
Asbestos Bill Focus On Intense Lobbying By DEBRA LYNN VIAL
Staff Writer
On a cold winter day in early 1999, an influential group of trial lawyers summoned the chiefs of the asbestos industry to Washington for a showdown.
The lawyers, fresh from their victory over tobacco companies, had a message: They would bury in lawsuits any company that ever manufactured asbestos products unless the companies stopped pushing for legislation that would limit settlements to those exposed to the deadly substance. It would, as Joe Rice, a leader of the Association of Trial Lawyers of America, warned, be "nuclear war."
A lawyer who attended described what happened next this way: "Seven high-paid company executives scurried out of the room with their tails between their legs." Within weeks, some even began speaking out against the bill.
One company refused to back down.
GAF Corp., the Wayne-based manufacturer of roofing and other building supplies, has spent more than $6 million to promote a bill that would take hundreds of thousands of asbestos cases out of the courts and hand them over to an industry-funded, government-administered fund to settle.
Assessment criteria for asbestosis overlook criteria I use when working on breathing development clients.
Self-help program for asbestosis add the 21 days Arise and Shine Cleanse or Blessed herbs to our Optimal Breathing Kit. This should reduce symptoms considerably.