Creating a Successful Workout Plan with an EWOT System

Creating a Successful Workout Plan with an EWOT System

Creating a Successful Workout Plan with an EWOT System

Jan 30, 2024, By Shilpa Unnikrishnan

Here is a guide to getting started with EWOT that can help you build a balanced and successful workout plan that works for you.

Creating a Successful Workout Plan with an EWOT System

Having trouble starting an exercise plan or sticking to it? Know that you’re not alone! Many of us struggle to break free from the sedentary rut, even with the best of intentions.

We all know the benefits of exercise — enhancing energy levels, mood, sleep quality, and overall health while also mitigating anxiety, stress, and depression. With detailed workout plans at your fingertips, it seems like everything you need is just a click away. However, if simply knowing the reasons for and having access to workout resources were sufficient, we’d all be in good shape. Cultivating a habit of regular exercise demands more — it requires the right mindset and strategic approach.

Ever found yourself grappling with the idea of exercise, hindered not by practical constraints like a busy schedule or health concerns, but by mental barriers? Perhaps it's a lack of self-confidence preventing positive steps, a motivation that subsides quickly, or an inclination to easily get discouraged and give up—a scenario many of us can relate to at some point.

Regardless of your age or current fitness level, or even if you’ve never engaged in exercise before, here’s your guide to make your workout experience less challenging and strenuous. But there’s a twist — you’re gonna do this the EWOT way.

Why Exercise with Oxygen Therapy?

That’s a good question. 

Exercise with Oxygen Therapy, or EWOT for short, is a scientifically backed approach to maximize the effectiveness of your regular workout routine. Exercising with oxygen allows you to get more oxygen without gasping for oxygen, increasing your lung capacity.

But there’s more to it — a quick 15-minute session with the EWOT system each day helps you get the restful sleep you need, improves your focus, increases your productivity, and brings you closer to achieving your fitness goals.

Want to know more about EWOT and its benefits? Read more:

Let’s create a sustainable workout plan and reap the maximum benefits of EWOT.

Invest in a Reliable EWOT System for Optimal Results

A well-maintained, properly calibrated, and reliable EWOT system is one of the most important factors that needs to be considered for a successful EWOT journey. This guarantees that you receive the appropriate amount of oxygen during your workouts, effectively maximizing the physiological and psychological impacts of your efforts. Investing in a well-engineered, reputable EWOT system sets the stage for a safe and impactful wellness journey.

Don’t Skip the Warm-Up

Now, you might be eager to jump right into your workout routine and get on with your day — but hold on a moment before you dive in! Starting your workout with cold muscles can increase your risk of injury. Warming up is so important as it increases your blood circulation and flexibility. Have you ever thought about what happens in your body when you warm up? 

Here are some changes that happen to your body during a warm-up routine:

  • Enhances the delivery of oxygen to your muscles

  • Your body temperature increases

  • Blood flows to your muscles, transporting energy-producing nutrients

  • Blood circulation to the heart increases, helping it in coping with the added stress of physical activity

  • Your muscles get loosened up

  • You start to sweat, which is your body’s temperature regulation mechanism

  • Your nerve impulses accelerate.

It is recommended that you engage in a warm-up lasting 5-10 minutes, targeting all muscle groups. Begin at a gentle pace and gradually increase intensity for best results. Many warm-up routines focus on cardio and range-of-motion exercises like jumping jacks and lunges. You can also opt for a simple warm-up routine by walking in place with gentle arm swings.

Don’t Skip the Warm-Up

No single type of exercise can fulfill all your fitness requirements. To maximize the benefits of your routine, it's essential to incorporate various activities throughout the week. Now, you might be curious about what constitutes a well-rounded exercise plan. According to the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, it is recommended that adults include the following types of exercise in their weekly routines:

  • 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise weekly (e.g., 30 minutes on each of five days), or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity (or a combination of both).

  • Engage in two or more strength-training sessions weekly, with at least a 48-hour gap between sessions to facilitate muscle recovery.

  • For older adults susceptible to falls, incorporate balance exercises into the routine.

Feeling overwhelmed? Here’s a sample weekly workout plan:

Day 1: Aerobic Endurance

  • Duration: 15-20 minutes

  • Exercise type: Stationary Cycling

Get on your stationary bike. It’s all about building endurance and keeping your heart happy!

Day 2: Strength and Resistance

  • Duration: 20 minutes

  • Exercise type: Weight training or resistance bands

Grab those weights or resistance bands and power up!

Day 3: Aerobic Endurance

  • Duration: 15-20 minutes

  • Exercise type: Treadmill

Lace up those sneakers and hit the treadmill.

Day 4: Rest and Recovery

Here comes your rest day. It's the time to focus on your breathing. Optimal Breathing Exercises and Techniques help you integrate your mind, body and soul.

Day 5: Flexibility and Stretching

  • Duration: 20 minutes

  • Exercise type: Yoga/Pilates

Unroll that yoga mat or find a comfy spot for Pilates. It's all about stretching, breathing, and feeling calm.

Day 6: Aerobic Endurance

  • Duration: 15-20 minutes

  • Exercise type: Cycling

It’s time to return to the stationary bike

Day 7: Strength and Resistance

  • Duration: 20 minutes

  • Exercise type: Weight training or resistance bands

Hit the weights or grab those resistance bands one more time.

Note: Personal fitness goals and preferences can be adjusted to suit personal needs.

To put it differently, dedicate each day to a specific primary exercise. For instance, if you focus on cardio on Monday, aim for weight lifting or a different exercise the following day. Focusing on a main exercise engages your entire body, contributing to the gradual improvement of both endurance and strength over time.

It’s Time to Cool Down

The cool-down phase is as important as warm-up sessions. Yes, you’re inhaling oxygen-rich air. However, it’s best if you can spend 5-10 minutes post-workout doing a sequence of slow movements. This can help you reduce your heart rate gradually.

Want to make your cool-down phase more effective? Try incorporating stretching exercises as this can unwind and stretch your muscles and improve your flexibility. Many of us think of stretching as a part of the warm-up routine and often neglect the need for muscle stimulation to promote relaxation. Skipping this step can leave your muscles tight and weak.

When you exercise with oxygen, your body will have less-to-no-lactic acid buildup, and you’ll not experience muscle soreness. All you need to do is to stretch the muscles involved in the workout and hold for 15-30 seconds.

Stay Hydrated and Have a Healthy Post-Workout Snack

When you work out, even if it’s for 15-20 minutes, your body sweats to regulate its temperature. As sweat evaporates, it dissipates heat, but this can also result in the loss of body fluids. To counteract this fluid loss, you need to drink fluids when exercising. This helps minimize the risk of heat stress, restores blood volume, sustains normal body function, and keeps up your performance levels.

Did you know your post-workout snack choices can help you get the most out of your exercise? Choose snacks that have the right combination of proteins and carbohydrates, as proteins help repair and build muscle, and carbs help in recovery. 

Here are some snack suggestions:

  • Banana protein smoothie

  • Greek yogurt with berries

  • Oatmeal, whey protein, banana, and almonds

  • Chocolate milk

  • Eggs and whole-grain toast

Track Your Progress

Whether you find yourself at a stage with a rough routine, are in the process of developing one, or you’ve been sticking to a regimen for months, the real impact lies in monitoring your progress. We recommend you keep a workout journal and jot down workout details, calorie expenditure, and significant improvements so that you can look back to see how far you’ve come and keep your momentum going.

Exercise with Oxygen Therapy will definitely be a game changer for you, and you’re going to notice a change in your lung capacity, breathing patterns, sleep quality, mental focus, productivity, and much more.

Bottom Line

Consistency is the key to progress in your fitness and wellness goals in any fitness routine, and EWOT is no exception. Incorporate EWOT into your regular fitness regimen to ensure continuity and cumulative benefits. Just as a single drop forms a river over time, consistent EWOT workouts contribute to gradual improvements in cardiovascular health, endurance, and overall wellness. Prioritize consistency to unlock the full potential of your EWOT experience.

Ready to get started? 

If your answer is a YES, get your hands on our Turbo Oxygen System and be on the road to wellness with the power of the oxygen-exercise duo.

Maximize Your Exercise Benefits with Turbo Oxygen

Meet Mike White

Meet Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach and get actionable insights on your breathing development, health and longevity