El asma inducida por el ejercicio se puede evitar: página 2.
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Overtraining type workouts often lead to poor breathing then the poor breathing undermines all results.
"Breathing correctly is the key to better fitness, muscle strength, stamina and athletic endurance" says Dr. Michael Yessis, PhD. President, Sports Training institute, Fitness writer.
From Mike: But just what IS “correct breathing”? All books I’ve read fail to address what Carl Stough's Breathing Coordination and Carola Speads' Breathing Work and in my Optimal Breathing Development often refer to but what I call the Rosetta Stone of the Breath, The Holy grail of the breathing aka the natural breathing reflex.
Carl would say breathing is better understood when you understand it "bridges the no man'
Is land between anatomy and physiology".
For some that might be the spiritual realm or the world of PSI. For me it is obvious and energetic, emotional, physical including enteric if you will, with sometimes barely perceptible sensations or just one sensation.
Exercise physiology overlooks the size and quality of an effortless inhale, the natural breathing reflex and developing the diaphragm as critical measures of optimal breathing. What breathing really really feels like. You can not understand what the taste of chocolate is until you have tasted it. Breathing must be felt (tasted) in order to develop conscious understanding and management of it.
Sports performance with its ever improving times and feats of so called “superior” achievement actually helps cause a variety of shortness of breath often rightly or wrongly called asthma. Ever notice the lack of vibrant longevity amongst high stress professional sports participants. What is missing here?
By Dr. Steven Keteyian / Special to The Detroit News
Overtraining is an important topic for non athletes, athletes and sports competitors, especially those who play two sports at the same time, go right from one sport season to the next without taking a break or train hard year-round for a single sport.
A reader sent me an e-mail, asking why competitive swimmers seem to get an inordinate number of colds and illnesses. Since he was a swimmer, he wondered if this was due to over training and if so, should he be concerned?
It's true that swimmers, like other athletes who overtrain for their sport, are more susceptible to upper respiratory infections. In fact, we know that regular, moderate exercise helps decrease susceptibility to such infections, but prolonged, high-intensity exercise increases risk.
The exercise habits of the reader who e-mailed me are such that he swims 20-30 minutes, three to four times per week. I can almost guarantee that exercise at this level rarely is associated with over training. (From Mike: unless he cannot relax in the water well enough.)
Over training is a physiological and psychological state that occurs when high volume or high intensity training is combined with inadequate periods of rest. Another term sometimes given to over training is "staleness."
In addition to being at increased risk for developing an upper respiratory infection, athletes who over-train often complain of feeling "whipped" or "wrung-out" even before they work out. Additionally, athletes who are over-trained experience decreased levels of performance. This is due to decreases in aerobic endurance, muscle strength and agility and coordination. Also, body weight may fluctuate and heart rate during exercise is higher than usual -- indicating exercise is more taxing. Finally, sleep habits and appetite are often disturbed, compounding further the poor health status of the athlete.
As a parent or coach, every reasonable attempt should be made to avoid having an athlete become over-trained. Strategies to accomplish this include proper nutrition, allowing days of rest, monitoring total exercise amount and varying exercise intensity to include both moderate and high intensity workouts. Once an athlete becomes over-trained, it may take several months to fully recover.
For athletes who are obsessed with training and elite level performance, overtraining can pose a real problem. And these days it seems more likely, as one sport season blends into another or year-round activity becomes the norm. Avoid becoming over-trained by balancing your exercise habits with proper amounts of rest.
Dr. Steven Keteyian is program director of preventive cardiology at the Henry Ford Heart & Vascular Institute in Detroit. Write him in care of Health & Fitness, The Detroit News, 615 W. Lafayette, Detroit, MI 48226, or send e-mail to him at health@detnews.com
Breathing and Personal Training
See also Asthma Hyperventilation
Kiplagat getting out of hospital October 9, 2001
Elite marathon runner Lornah Kiplagat of Kenya was expected to be released from Northwestern Memorial Hospital late Monday after being admitted Sunday for observation. Chicago Marathon officials and a hospital spokesman said Kiplagat was admitted after complaining of shortness of breath.
Kiplagat, who was expected to challenge winner Catherine Ndereba of Kenya for the women's title, dropped out just past the 21-mile mark. She was in third place but well behind Ndereba, who went on to win the race in a world-record time of 2 hours, 18 minutes, 47 seconds. Jeanie Chung
In his "ABC of Asthma, Allergies and Lupus", Dr. F. Batmanghelidj pointed out that water loss due to excessive exercise is also adding to a much stronger tendency for breathing problems. He still had asthma when he died. I know that because he called me and asked me if I could help him with his asthma, I told him yes but he never showed up to my clinic and died a year or so later.
1. Breathing Development for Amateur Athletes