Navigating Stress: How to Cope Better
Navigating Stress: How to Cope Better
Dec 26, 2023, By Michael Grant White
There's no one-size-fits-all approach to coping with stress better. Need help in managing stress and building resilience? Here are some key insights.

Stress management is mostly how you handle it and partly how you make it go away.
Poorly managed stress is called distress.
Max Lafser, a popular Unity Center Minister, tells a story about a woman in Galveston, Texas, who uses a canister vacuum cleaner to clean out her parakeet cage and accidentally sucks the always cheerfully singing bird up the hose. She retrieved it and found that it was still alive but very dirty, so she took it to the sink and runs ice cold tap water over it to wash all the dust off. The bird is “soaked through” so she gets a hair drier and with VERY “warm” air, blow dries it until it is already very dry.
A newspaper reporter heard of the incident and located the woman to ask about the story. He asked her how the bird was doing. She replied that “He’s doing ‘fine,’ but he never moves or sings anymore; he just sits and stares at the wall.” “FINE,” for some stands for Frozen, Irritable, Numb, and Empty. The poor bird was just "fine".
Actually, the bird story is not really funny. It is tragic. But it is so tragic that we laugh at the ridiculousness of the way the situation was handled, and the laughter helps release the anguish or sadness the situation has instilled in us. Laughter is breathing more but in a balanced way. So is crying. It often releases tensions that invite an easier, more natural deeper balanced breathing.
“Understanding” Anxiety or Stress Does Not Handle It
It's All in Your Mind
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Meet Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach and get actionable insights on your breathing development, health and longevity