How to Keep Your Birthday Suit Clean & Healthy - Your Skin Is Your Largest Organ!

How to Keep Your Birthday Suit Clean & Healthy - Your Skin Is Your Largest Organ!

How to Keep Your Birthday Suit

Clean & Healthy:

Your Skin Is Your Largest Organ!

With the dawning of a new you, we will want to shed the old layers of skin that have built up over time. Just as a snake sheds its outer layers, elimination is very important to our overall health. Four easy methods for improving the health and quality of your skin are discussed.

How to Keep Your Birthday Suit  Clean & Healthy

With the dawning of a new you, we will want to shed the old layers of skin that have built up over time. Just as a snake sheds its outer layers, elimination is very important to our overall health.

What are your body’s garbage-removal systems? Kidneys remove water waste, bowels eliminate bulk waste, lungs remove toxic gases, and skin (considered a two-way street) breathes in oxygen and releases toxic debris. This happens with rashes, psoriasis and eczema, as well as by sweating, especially where there is an area of concentrated lymph nodes, like the armpits and groin area.

If you were to lay out square footage of each of these systems, you would find the skin to be the largest in area, which is why it is known as the largest organ of elimination in the body, when it is left to do its chores unhampered by antiperspirants, sunscreens, or cosmetics.

In America, we splash our skin with gallons of chlorinated tap water, and chemical-laden perfumed soaps, leaving behind a film that clogs the pores from doing their chores efficiently. These dry out the outer layers even more, so we generously apply more lotions and creams to hide the dryness and flaking.

Is there a way off of the skin’s roller coaster ride? Yes, there is! Other countries chose to “shower on the inside,” conserving the water used in the bath or shower and using dry brushing to slough off those dead layers.

The skin and lungs are sister organs, working as a team. For example, if you are not allowing the toxic waste out, due to antiperspirants, it will continue to travel until the blood reaches the lungs, becoming a gaseous release on the exhalation—unless you are a shallow breather! Add dehydration and constipation to the mix, and it’s no wonder that you stink like a toxic waste dump. We then mask ourselves with cologne, mouthwashes, etc. So, skip all of that and instead, just sweat and breathe! Singing and humming “whistle while you work,” are ways to exhale with a purpose.

  • Dry Brushing. Try dry brushing exfoliation with loofas and natural-bristle brushes to remove dead layers of skin, increase circulation and improve lymph flow. For the scalp, use a softer bristle brush to regenerate hair follicles and improve blood flow. Our great grandmothers always reminded us to brush our hair a hundred strokes every day.

  • Sea-Salt Scrubs. Most of us know how wonderful our feet feel from walking on a salty, sandy beach. No beach in your back yard? Use a footbath and sea salt. 

  • Sweating. As the Greeks and Romans knew well, dry or wet saunas and hot baths are great. When the body begins to produce deep sweating, the skin is cleansed and dead skin cells are replaced. Sweating rinses bacteria out of the epidermal layer and the sweat ducts. Cleansing of the pores has been shown to improve the capillary circulation, while giving the skin a softer looking quality.

  • Hydration. Drinking plenty of water is necessary for all garbage-removal systems of the body to function at their best. What’s the optimal amount of water needed daily? The formula is a minimum of half your body’s weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you’ll need to drink at least 75 ounces per day for basic body functions. That’s about 2 1/2 quarts!

Enjoy your smooth and healthy birthday suit. Added benefit? Less toxicity gives you clearer thinking and better decision-making!

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About Marlenea

Marlenea is a Naturopathic Physician, licensed massage therapist, personal trainer, certified reboundologist, certified lymphologist, certified Pilates instructor, and certified auriculotherapist (the pressure points on the ears). She incorporates many holistic modalities (customized to her clients’ needs) to produce health and balance in body, mind, and soul. She offers information from the Akashic library, an energetic source that contains the details of your soul and its ongoing journey. She passionately works as a consultant, health coach, and writer for all who are ready through natural therapies and education.

Contact Marlenea (by text only) at (406) 224-5425, or by email to