Cantar, hablar y respirar
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Singing, Speaking and Breathing
Oct 10, 2023
Did you know your voice is as unique as your fingerprints and DNA, making it one of the most crucial aspects of your identity? Learn how Optimal Breathing helps you achieve your full vocal potential.

Singing and Speaking
It is often said that there is power in the tongue, but so much more of that power is contained in the sound we produce than the words we say.
Be empowered vocally with our Singing, Speaking and Personal Power Theme to attain the singing voice you always wanted, expand your range of pitches, deliver a rousing presentation, or simply gain confidence and charisma just by focusing on your voice.
If you’re still not convinced, this specialized program also has the added benefit of strengthening the immune system and improving respiratory health, so take action now.
Singing and Speaking
Does the sound of your voice played back on your answering machine make you cringe?
Do you find yourself short of breath when you talk on the telephone?
Do people have difficulty hearing you and constantly ask you to repeat yourself?
Does your voice tire at the end of the working day and sound raspy and weak?
Do you find yourself constantly clearing your throat with a vengeance?
After talking all day, does it feel as though there is a lump in your throat?
Do people constantly misunderstand you?
Does your voice have a nervous quiver and shake when you talk?
Does your voice feel weak when you try to express yourself loudly?
Do you have frequent colds that always settle in the throat area?
Do you hear your voice as high-pitched and irritating?
Do strangers on the telephone think you are a child? (That’s a little problem.)
Do strangers on the telephone think you are the opposite sex? (That’s a big problem.)
Does your throat feel rough and dry when you are speaking?
Do you hear your voice as “lifeless” and dull?
Does your voice quality sound weaker in the morning and seem to improve as the day goes on?
Are you a heavy breather?
When faced with a confronting situation, does your voice feel tight and “squeezed,” causing the pitch to go up?
Does your voice sound nasal and thin?
“Like many people, I thought breathing was just something we did naturally….until I took some voice lessons, and learned a little about breathing correctly. Your Optimal Breathing Kit is teaching me much more. Trying to breathe deeper just kept getting in the way.”
–Ann Hurt
Rapid chest expansion and increased lung volume
Expand vocal dynamic range
Hold notes and pitch longer
Connect emotions with content
Loosens the muscles in the area around the lungs and mid-section, allowing for better flexibility of the breathing muscles
Speak and sing stronger and with less effort
Breathing sequencing, patterning, and coordination quickly retrained
More efficient tongue function
Postural and breathing musculoskeletal balancing
Strengthened immune system
Respiratory health assessing
Reduce or eliminate pre-performance anxiety
Enjoy the health benefits of better breathing
Immediate improvement
How to talk so everyone will listen -Ted Talk
Singing helps COPD
In spite of everything, some are simply unstoppable This is our premier self-help program related to singing and speaking. We have received many success stories.
“Since last year I invested a lot of energy observing and working on my breathing rather than vocal lessons. Last Saturday was the first time in fifteen years I worked with a voice coach and she was gobsmacked. She could not believe my voice was in such good shape.
The tone, range and flexibility is all there. She literally could not believe I had returned to singing without a vocal coach, but I told her about you and told her my only concern was getting my breathing right.”
— Catherine W., Sydney, Australia
Learn to Breathe Better with The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

Meet Mike White
Meet Michael Grant White, the Optimal Breathing Coach and get actionable insights on your breathing development, health and longevity

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Whether you are looking to have an Integral Breathwork expert, Voice Coach
or someone who specializes in anxiety or depression, look no further.