How Can EWOT Benefit Your Brain Health?

How Can EWOT Benefit Your Brain Health?

How Can EWOT Benefit Your Brain Health?

Having trouble focusing? Feeling foggy-headed in the morning? 

You’re not alone! Your brain, like any other muscle in your body, needs constant care to function at its fullest potential. But between work, family, and the daily grind, brain health often takes the back seat.

But what if we told you that oxygen and Exercise with Oxygen Therapy could be game-changers for your cognitive function? Wondering how? Read on to find out.

EWOT System for Better Brain Health

Key Points

  • The 6 strong pillars of Brain Health – exercise, nutrition, sleep, social interaction, mental stimulation and stress management – work together to enhance your cognitive function and promote overall well-being.

  • Got 15 minutes daily? Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) can supplement your brain and body with oxygen, the fuel it craves.

  • The best part of adding EWOT to your daily routine? It supercharges your brain with every breath you take, improving focus and making you sharper and more dynamic.

What is Brain Health?

The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) defines brain health as “a capacity for learning new things, intuition, judgment, language, and remembering.” Your brain, weighing just 3 pounds, is the most complex organ of your body. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the brain is “the seat of intelligence, interpreter of the senses, initiator of the body movement, and controller of behavior.”

From sleep to sensory perception, memory to motor skills, creativity to communication, digestion to decision-making–everything is driven by the brain. It goes without saying that maintaining optimal brain health is essential for a high quality of life, no matter your age.

Factors Affecting Your Brain Function

Ever find yourself searching for keys, struggling to recall a name, feeling unusually fatigued, or repeatedly rereading the same paragraph? If these scenarios sound too familiar lately, you may be probably thinking about what’s going on with your brain. Before jumping to conclusions and searching for symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease online, it’s important to recognize that various factors can throw off your cognitive game. Whether it’s your diet, sleeplessness, or work stress, many factors can take a toll.

Here are some of the factors that can affect your brain health:

  • Age-related changes in your brain

  • Brain injuries

  • Mood disorders such as depression

  • Alcohol consumption

  • Smoking 

  • Neurodegenerative diseases

  • Cardiovascular health

  • Sleep disorders

  • Diet

  • Lack of physical activity

  • Chronic health problems including diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol

  • Stress 

  • Social isolation and loneliness

The Six Strong Pillars of Brain Health

Thinking about how you can take control of your brain health? It all starts with your lifestyle.

Ready to make a change? 

Here are the six strong pillars of brain health:


  • Be Socially Active: Staying socially connected is one of th strongest pillars of brain health. Surrounding yourself with friends and family and connecting with your community keeps your brain active and sharp.

  • Eat Healthy: Did you know your brain is the organ with the highest energy demand, using about 20% of your body’s calorie intake? Just like a high-performance engine, your brain needs the right fuel to run at its best. You are what you eat. While there’s no single superfood for the brain, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish), antioxidants (dark chocolate, berries, nuts, seeds, broccoli), vitamin E (whole grains), healthy unsaturated fats (avocados) and vitamin B (eggs) help support healthy brain function.

  • Get Moving: It’s a no-brainer that regular exercise benefits your body. But, the benefits of breaking a sweat do not end at just physical fitness. Regular exercise can boost your mood, improve your sleep, keep your memory sharp, and help you cope with anxiety, depression, and stress. And when you combine exercise with oxygen, you amplify these benefits, improving your brain health and overall well-being.

  • Optimize Your Sleep: Tossing and turning every night? Know that it’s not good for your brain. Sleep is important to many cognitive functions, including the communication between the neurons and the removal of toxins in the brain. Research shows that when you’re in your dreaming phase (REM phase) of sleep, it enhances your learning, memory, and emotional wellness. So following a consistent sleep schedule is important for better brain health.

  • Level Up Your Brain: Challenge yourself by learning and exploring new things! Research indicates that fostering a growth mindset can have a positive impact on your brain health.

  • De-stress Yourself: We all know stress can take a toll on your body and mind. Dealing with everyday stress? Or experiencing prolonged challenges? Regardless of the situation, one thing remains certain–you need to help yourself de-stress and relax. And guess what? You’ve got the perfect tool to unwind right under your nose: your breathing. Research has shown that the brain links various emotional states with corresponding breathing patterns. So if you’re in distress, try focusing on your breath. Any negative emotion you can breathe through will eventually lose its grip on you. Learn to breathe better.

What Happens When Your Brain is Not Healthy?

Your brain is literally you. So when your brain isn’t healthy, it doesn’t just impact the brain and its functions; it impacts your entire life. From struggling to focus at work to feeling disconnected from your close circle of friends and losing independence, poor brain health touches every aspect of your existence.

When your brain health declines, you may experience:

  • Memory problems

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Slow thinking

  • Poor judgment

  • Increased frustration

  • Lack of motivation

  • Mood swings

  • Social withdrawal

  • Physical symptoms including headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, loss of balance

Can EWOT Supercharge Your Brain?

Did you know that your brain, accounting for just 2% of your body weight, has a high oxygen demand of a whopping 20%?

Ever wished you could supercharge your brain with a simple breath? Exercise with Oxygen Therapy might just hold the key! EWOT involves breathing higher concentrations of oxygen while exercising.

But what exactly can this extra oxygen do for your brain?

  • Improved Cognitive Function: Inhaling pure oxygen during exercise offers your brain the fuel it craves, stimulates brain activity, and improves thinking

  • Better Memory: Increased oxygen flow to your brain strengthens neural connections, which are essential for memory and recall.

  • Sharper Focus: Say goodbye to distractions! EWOT’s extra oxygen helps you focus better.

  • Increased Energy: Exercising with Oxygen superoxygenates your body, reducing fatigue and keeping you mentally alert throughout the day.

  • Better Sleep: Exercise with Oxygen Therapy might be the key to better sleep, leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

But wait, there’s more! The benefits of EWOT go beyond the brain, potentially improving your holistic well-being.

Related Reading: Benefits of EWOT


Brain health is a journey, not a destination! The pillars of brain health - exercise, diet, sleep, and social interaction - lay the foundation for a healthy brain. Exercise with Oxygen Therapy offers an extra edge in improving memory, focus, and cognitive function. Take charge of your brain health today!

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