Asma: aprender lo que realmente ayuda a deshacerse de él para siempre.

Asma: aprender lo que realmente ayuda a deshacerse de él para siempre.

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Asthma: Learning What It Really Helps Get Rid of it Forever.


Asthma: Learning What It Really Helps Get Rid of it Forever.

Gather 100 people in a poorly ventilated room with major pollution (including animals, mold, bugs, etc.), and some but not all would become wheezing, gasping, or "asthmatic".

Gather another 100 groups together with good breathing patterns but poor diet, and still only a few would become wheezing, gasping, or "asthmatic".

Gather 100 people in an even well-ventilated room with poor breathing mechanics, and many more may have shortness of breath symptoms than in the food or air group.

Gather 100 with poor breathing mechanics, poor air, and poor diet, and you would have many more of the group wheezing, gasping, or "asthmatic".

Gather 100 with emotional issues, poor breathing, poor air, and poor diet, and you would have most of the group wheezing, gasping, or "asthmatic".

Another, but very tricky, to monitor is prescription drugs side effects that cause shortness of breath.

The underlying cause of asthma is often not air or food, it is the way they are breathing; the pattern, sequencing, depth, and balance actually weaken the immune system. This sets up a tendency to SNS vaso-constrict and nervous system hyper-drive, bringing on all manner of stress-related symptoms. Breathing patterns also have a great deal to do with emotions. The immune system is also a contributing factor.

The Optimal Natural Breathing System continuously reduces or eliminates the need for asthma medications.

The 1,2,3 punch to knock out asthma in children AND adults.

  1. Eliminate bad air
  2. Develop Optimal Breathing®
  3. Eliminate allergies
  4. Prescription drugs at that point will be far less interesting

Address the worst first: But for that, you need to learn how to measure breathing. You can't manage it if you can't measure it.

Pregnancy and Asthma

  • Underestimation of asthma severity and under-treatment of exacerbations are two common errors that may lead to negative maternal or fetal results?

    — Breathe Right Now- Laurence A, Smolley M.D. (Page Number: 243)

Tightness across the chest, shallow breathing, and reverse breathing are but a few symptoms often associated with asthma.

Signs of an Asthma Attack

  • Tight, dry cough

  • Wheezing

  • Shortness of breath

  • Fast breathing

  • Anxious, scared look

  • Flaring nostrils

The Cost of Treatment and Hospitalization for Asthma in the United States

  • An estimate of 26 million Americans have asthma.

  • An estimated 262 million people worldwide suffer from asthma in 2019, with 455,000 deaths attributed to the disease.

Triggers of Asthma Attacks Tied to Recommendations


Dust mites
-- Encase bedding in airtight covers that are hypoallergenic.

-- Wash bedding weekly in hot water.

-- Do not sleep on upholstered furniture.

-- Remove carpets from bedrooms. If this is not possible, do not sit on the carpet, but rather put a sheet or quilt over the carpet.

-- Use a dehumidifier for humid places in the home, and make sure the filter is clean.

-- When traveling and staying in hotels, it may be advisable to bring your own linens, particularly your own pillow.

Molds (outdoors)
Mildew (indoors)

-- Eliminate any water leaks in the home.

-- Scrape moldy plaster from the walls and repaint mildewed areas.

-- Use a dehumidifier.

-- Industrial Strength Ozonator Make sure ventilation is adequate, especially in bathrooms and the laundry room

-- Be sure that the clothes dryer is vented properly.

-- Make sure that all dehumidifiers, air conditioners, furnaces, freezers, refrigerators, and ducts are clean.

Animals with fur/feathers
--Guinea pigs
-- The animal's saliva and dander (flakes of dead skin) carry allergens and penetrate the environment. Remove the pet from the home if possible.

-- If the pet cannot be removed, be sure to wash the pet once a week.

-- It is recommended not to allow pets inside the bedroom.

-- Check with a physician about using a three percent solution of tannic acid to help neutralize the remaining allergens.
Cockroach-- Food should never be left unwrapped or unsealed.

-- Use non-toxic, anti-roach devices such as roach hotels.

-- Use a reputable exterminator, and be sure to eliminate the patient's exposure to the insecticide. 

-- Seal up areas around pipes under the sink where roaches might enter.


Tobacco Smoke
-- Toxic effects of cigarette smoke are devastating for asthmatics.

-- Asthmatics must always avoid tobacco smoke.

-- Inform friends and family that the home must be smoke-free and that even the scent of smoke on clothing can trigger an attack on some sensitive individuals.
Weather conditions
Extremes or sudden changes in temperature
Barometric pressure or humidity

-- If symptoms are severe with weather changes, discuss adjustments in the treatment plan to avoid increased asthma symptoms. If possible, remain indoors or limit exposure.

-- Avoid cold, dry air.

-- Wear a mask and breathe through the nose rather than the mouth.


-- The smog/pollution index should be noted by asthmatics, particularly when patients are planning to exert themselves.

-- Industrial Strength Ozonator

-- Avoid exercise on busy streets with a lot of traffic.

-- Car and truck exhaust should be avoided, particularly in enclosed areas like garages.

-- Avoid heavy scents, such as perfumes, especially in enclosed areas (elevators, buses, or offices).

-- Anxiety. Notice when your breath goes shallow or heads up into your chest in the presence of someone. Avoid them, at least for now.


Respiratory System

-- Treat colds and flu rapidly to avoid potential complications (such as pneumonia) that can worsen asthma
Throat-- Essential Oils Topical
-- Bacterial infections such as strep throat, sinus infections, pneumonia, and bronchitis must be treated for the prescribed duration.
-- Use good hand-washing techniques.
-- Avoid crowded public places, particularly during flu season.
-- Yearly flu immunization is recommended by some but warned against as being the cause of the flu in the first place for many.

Exercise and Sports Activities

-- Anxiety
-- Fear
-- Panic
-- Depression
Gasping from overexertion due to fast, intense running
Breath heaving due to over-exertion
Gasping and breath heaving lock up the rib muscles and inhibit easy chest expansion
Asthma is not just a physical condition. Not being able to breathe elicits feelings of anxiety, fear, and panic. The inability to alleviate these feelings leads to more severe asthma symptoms.

Besides taking responsibility for the physical care necessary to manage asthma, the patient must seek psychosocial support through professional and community resources.

The physician may recommend a stress reduction program or seek the assistance of a mental health provider. Careful attention to the patient's feelings will lead to better overall asthma care and avoidance of complications like depression.


-- Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid)
-- Voltaren
-- Ibuprofen/Advil
-- Motrin/Nuprin/Aleve
-- Ketoprofen / Orudis
-- Indomethacin
-- Indocin
-- Keterolac/Toradol
Aspirin sensitivities can occur in one in five individuals.

Patients with nasal polyps or chronic sinusitis are more likely to be sensitive to anti-inflammatory medications.

If the physician orders medication for pain that is similar to arthritis or a headache, patients need to check if the product contains aspirin.
Beta-Blockers:-- Atenolol/Tenormin
-- Betaxolol/Betoptic
-- Labetalol/Trandate
-- Metoprolol
-- Lopressor
-- Toprol XL
-- Nadolol/Corgard
-- Propranolol/Inderal
-- Timolol/Blocadren
Patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, glaucoma or migraines should check with their primary care physician to determine if they are taking a Beta-blocker.
These medications can actually create more asthma symptoms or potentially uncover asthma tendencies by causing an asthma reaction when they are introduced.


1. General

  • Minimize pollen exposure by keeping windows closed and using air conditioning. Minimize the use of fans as they can stir up dust.

  • Improve air quality by filtering the air: Make sure you cover air conditioning vents with cheesecloth to filter pollen and consider using a HEPA filter for forced air furnaces. Regularly clean air filters and schedule annual air duct cleaning to reduce allergen buildup. Try enhancing indoor air quality using the Best-in-Class Air Treatment Systems.

  • Control indoor humidity levels below 50% to inhibit the growth of mold.

  • Minimize exposure to pet allergens by keeping pets outdoors if possible or seeking assistance from someone else for their care. If pets are kept indoors, avoid allowing them into the bedroom and bathe them regularly.

  • Avoid areas where molds may collect, including basements, garages, crawl spaces, barns, and compost heaps. Have someone else clean these areas often.

  • Use dehumidifiers or steam vaporizers in areas prone to mold accumulation, such as basements. Clean these devices weekly.

  • Prior to storage, air out damp clothes and shoes that are kept inside the house.

  • Promptly remove laundry from the washing machine to prevent mold growth. Avoid leaving wet clothes in the washer.

  • Clean shower curtains and bathroom tiles using mold-killing solutions.

  • Limit the number of indoor plants since soil can foster mold growth

  • Store firewood outside the house.

  • Utilize plastic covers for pillows, mattresses, and box springs. Avoid furniture that is overstuffed or filled with down.

  • Wash bedding weekly in hot water.

  • Don't allow smoking in your house.

  • When cleaning, vacuuming, or painting, wear a mask and gloves to minimize exposure to dust and chemicals.

  • Vacuum your living space at least twice a week.

  • Minimize the use of throw rugs to reduce dust and mold. If you have rugs, ensure they are washable.

  • Whenever possible, opt for hardwood floors instead of carpeting.

  • Avoid dust-collecting Venetian blinds or long drapes. Replace old drapes with window shades instead.

  • Ensure that a ventilation or exhaust fan is installed above the stove to effectively eliminate cooking fumes.

2. In the Car

  • Minimize pollen exposure by keeping windows closed and using recirculated air with the air conditioner if you have allergies.

  • Don't allow smoking in the car.

3. Outdoors

  • Limit your time in wooded areas or gardens to reduce exposure to allergens.

  • Stay indoors as much as possible on hot, dry, windy days with high pollen counts by checking the forecast and adjusting your activities accordingly.

  • Try to avoid extreme temperature changes -- they are triggers for some people with asthma.

  • If possible, stay indoors between 5 and 10 a.m. when outdoor pollen counts are usually highest.

  • Wear a mask (such as an inexpensive painter's mask) when mowing the lawn if you are allergic to grass pollen or mold. Avoid mowing and being around freshly cut grass if possible.

  • Protect yourself from pollen exposure while gardening by wearing a mask. This can help minimize allergy symptoms caused by flowers and weeds.

  • Avoid raking leaves or working with hay or mulch if you are allergic to mold.

  • After spending time outdoors, take a thorough shower, wash your hair, and change your clothes to remove any pollen that may have collected on your body and clothing.

  • Prevent insect stings by wearing appropriate attire such as shoes, long pants, and sleeves. Avoid using scented personal care products that may attract insects.

  • Avoid hanging clothes or linens outside to dry, as they can accumulate pollen and molds, worsening your allergies.

4. Traveling

  • Pack your medicines with you in your carry-on bag.

  • Bring an extra supply of medicines in case you need them.

5. Staying in a Hotel

  • Ask for a nonsmoking room.

  • Replace feather pillows with synthetic, non-allergenic options or use a plastic pillow cover to prevent allergens.

  • Keep the vent of the room air conditioner closed whenever feasible.

6. Dining

  • Eat in smoke-free restaurants.

  • For food allergies, avoid the foods that cause your allergy symptoms by carefully reading ingredient labels and asking about the food preparation methods when dining out. Choose fresh foods rather than prepared or processed foods. If you have severe reactions, such as anaphylaxis, carry an epinephrine injection kit with you at all times.

7. For Children in School

  • Discuss your child's allergies with school personnel.

  • If your child suffers from food allergies, discuss them with school officials, teachers, and lunchroom staff.

  • Educate your child about his/her allergies early, so your child can learn to avoid situations where he or she may eat food that will trigger an allergic reaction. Ensure that an epinephrine kit is available at the school and that school officials (as well as your child when they are old enough) are trained to use it effectively.

  • Inform school personnel about the medicines your child is taking and make arrangements to leave necessary medicines at school.

  • Encourage sports participation, but inform coaches of medicines that may need to be taken before activities.

  • Get low-cost blood work at

Causes and Cures

Exercise Induced Asthma

The most common problem for seemingly fit athletes, both professional and recreational, is exercise-induced asthma, says William Storms, a Colorado Springs asthma specialist, who has worked with recreational and competitive athletes.

Storms estimates 10 percent to 12 percent of competitive athletes have exercise-induced asthma and that it is probably as common among those who jog, work out, hike, or bike for fun. In exercise-induced asthma, bronchial tubes constrict, cutting off oxygen flow to the lungs. The person feels tired, may get a side ache, and physical performance drops.

"It is probably underdiagnosed and undertreated," he says. Someone who regularly gasps for breath or coughs after strenuous exertion may have exercise-induced asthma.

Exercise-induced asthma comes along with precursors of a subtle sometimes undetectable constricted chest and poor breathing coordination.

There are several exercises for strengthening the breathing without inflaming the lungs or adversely affecting the immediate brain-oxygen need as with "hunger for air" techniques.


Avoid the classic allergen foods from shrimp, celery, peanuts, egg whites, almonds, chocolate, milk, red meat (mucous), and bananas before exercising. These foods have been found to increase the chances of suffering an asthma attack.


La Trobe University researchers (in Melbourne, Australia) discovered that exposure to negative ions results in significant increases in Immunoglobulin A, which is important for strengthening the immune system. A stronger immune system can raise your resistance to inflammation of the airways, which is a symptom of asthma attacks.

Negative ionizers have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of allergies, hay fever, and other respiratory conditions.

Alternative Healing Remedies


  • Biofeedback Training

  • Flower Remedies

  • Guided Imagery

  • Meditation

  • Qigong 

  • Yoga


  • During an attack, inhale bergamot, camphor, eucalyptus, lavender, hyssop, marjoram. Try frankincense for calming.


  • Make tea from one-half teaspoon of licorice and ginger in one cup of water.

  • To relieve congestion and cough and alleviate breathlessness, try a one-quarter cup of onion juice with a teaspoon of honey and one-eighth teaspoon of black pepper.

  • Between attacks, you may fortify the body with tonics such as ashwagandha, shatavari, gotu kola, and licorice.

  • The Ayurvedic compound triphala is also recommended.


  • Antimonium tart., Nux vomica

Juice Therapy

  • Get Norman Walker's book on juice fasting.

  • Periodic fasting on juice or distilled water and lemon juice may be extremely helpful. 

  • Try

    • Carrot and spinach
    • Radish, lemon, garlic, comfrey, horseradish mixed with carrots and beets
  • Drink Lemon juice, and water first thing in the morning.

  • Try Grapefruit

Home Environment


A study by St. George's Hospital Medical School found that apples significantly improve lung function. This study tested 2512 Welshmen ranging from age 45 to 59.

Respondents were given a variety of nutrients and foods thought to help relieve asthma symptoms. Apples and Vitamin E were found to be the most effective. Among their other biochemical and enzymatic benefits apples help toxin and waste elimination by giving the colon the fiber it needs to broom-sweep the colon and rid the body of debris that can back up into the system and overload the lungs.

Vitamin E can be obtained through vegetable and seed oils, nuts, whole grains, wheat germ, and green leafy vegetables plus supplementation. 800 units daily recommended.

Our Recommendation

The Shortness of Breath theme included in the Optimal Breathing Self-Mastery Kit is our self-help program to reduce or eliminate asthma-like symptoms, often in a few minutes.

For a better understanding of what to look for in your personal situation for when your breathing is deteriorating, take our Free Breathing Test.


Mick Pulver, Founder & Director, Breakthrough Performance Workshop

"Mike White is a genius at his work.

I am 58 and had been suffering with asthma since the age of 5. For the past 10 years prior to my session with Mike I had been on steroids and fast acting inhalers.

I knew something was wrong with this picture and was so grateful that Mike came into my life. In just one session with Mike, I was able to get off the drugs completely and learned holistic ways to manage my asthma. It has been a year now since my session, and I am different person, breathing deep and living a drug free life. Thank you Mike White for making such a huge difference in my life"

M.D. California

Learning to breathe under the guidance of Mike White has not only saved my life but profoundly altered its quality.

In the first training session, Mike addressed my restricted breathing, which was steadily becoming worse, despite the inhalers I was using three and four times a day. He taught me the Leg Lift and shhhh breath, a deceptively simple and powerfully effective breath which stopped within days my chronic coughing, and began to clear and relieve lungs and bronchial tubes desperate for air.

He also used carefully controlled hand pressure and other techniques to "wring out and soften hard and atrophies lung tissue. This "re-birthing" of my lungs has affected my entire being. The relief from asthma turned out to be only an introduction into fuller and more vibrant participation in life. In the process of learning to breathe more deeply and easily, old fears and insecurities are beginning to dissolve. I am discovering the joyful calm that supports life at its base.

Michael Grant White's work with the breath is a critically important contribution to an area of scientific research still in its infancy.


This is my first progress report. After I started using your program and doing all of the 5 exercises recommended in the video, I started to feel some relief, almost immediately, but this relief didn't hold. In the last two days, however, I have not felt better breath-wise than I have in a nearly 3 to 4 years now. I can walk at my formerly brisk pace and not be unduly short of breath. I realize that even ordinary people get winded with exertion, and that's what I feel now ... winded, but not short of breath, because I CAN take a deep breath and, thus, recover. I'm not perfect, yet; but I'm optimistic as all hell. It's so nice just to be able to breathe without being conscious of shortness of breath.

What works best for me, Mike, and I've just cut my exercises down to these few, are the Happy Straps (formerly called the Friendly Python) , the Bend Forward (and touch the floor), and the Abdomen Press with the hands. But I believe it is the Friendly Python (Rapid Breathing Improvement video) that is doing me the most good. And to think the doctor's at Kaiser said that there was nothing they could do. And they were right. THEY couldn't do anything, but YOUR program could. So, I'm going to keep working on it. I just plain didn't know HOW to breathe correctly. And now I am getting some idea how that's done.

Thanks, Mike. I am eternally grateful to you. I'm going to recommend your program to my sister who has asthma and is satisfied with living with her inhaler. I'm 72 and I don't take ANY medicines. I think years of sitting in front of a computer at home, writing and doing computer stuff, and, of course, poor posture, really screwed up my lungs and my breathing. Some 3 or 4 years ago, I also developed skin eruptions on my forehead, like pimples and sometimes like small boils. Nothing would help. Doctors were puzzled and recommended cortisone, which I refused. But you know what, Mike? Even that is beginning to clear up in the past few days. Can it be because of better breathing? Wow!

A recent email outlining a typical difficult case. Mike's comments in bold.


I have been receiving your newsletters for a while now. I have a history of asthma, and it is not unusual for me to have bronchitis every winter. I currently have chronic bronchitis, a sinus infection, and fluid in my lungs, which the doctor said he doesn't know where it is from. I am scheduled to see a pulmonary specialist about this. Be careful with that.

Looking back in my history, I was in choir all through high school. I did not have trouble with asthma then, except if I would try to run very fast in gym class. You were probably borderline then.

Then each summer, I would have pneumonia. Weakened by bronchitis I suspect.

When I was riding a bike and doing an aerobic workout w/ weights, again I would not have much trouble with asthma. You were lucky not to make it worse. not sure why. Currently I have had major stress in my life, going through a divorce, and losing my job due to the company closing. I know this has an effect on my physical health. I was using Serevent, Flovent, and albuterol inhalers. I stopped the Serevent and Flovent,as they seemed to make it worse, not better, but still use the albuterol every 6 hours.

I get short of breath with the slightest activity. I have tried changing my diet, and had allergy tests a few years ago for food sensitivities.

Allergy tests are too often a waste of money, The food sensitivities change as soon as you handle one, another appears. Rebuild liver and digestion and eat more raw foods.

I have a Champion Brand juicer and have tried juicing too, which hasn't cured it but I know it hasn't hurt either. Good insight. Do more juicing.

I am interested in the raw foods you talk about.

The information is included in many programs. Read More

The allergy testing seemed to help for a while. I just do not seem to be able to find a balance that works. I have been under chiropractic care for 16 years. I have recently had bio-meridian testing, and have been using homeopathic remedies, along with a mineral supplement "rich in fulvic acid".

Won't work as well or at all if your breathing mechanics are not at least average.

I also have been taking some herbal combinations for sinuses and bronchitis. Helpful for bronch but not for unbalanced breathing. I am willing to try almost any alternative method. I have done gall bladder flushes in the past and had many stones pass. Good choice. The breathing seems to improve some after doing that.

Makes sense as it takes some of the detox load off the lungs.

I am 43 years old, and about 50 pounds overweight, but have lost about 35, through Weight Watcher's. I have had past problems with my digestive system, mainly rapid transit time, and an anal fissure that was bad enough to warrant surgery. I avoid wheat, dairy, and eggs, as these foods REALLY seem to aggravate the asthma.

Makes sense and points to poor digestion and allergies as well.

I have been making the connection, that the activities I have participated in have had an effect, and I must have been breathing differently. I remember being taught to breathe more from the belly in choir. Do your videos teach something similar?

Yes and more.

Do you recommend these techniques be done as exercises? Can it help me?

Absolutely. Guaranteed.

I am very weary of the traditional doctors and their "practice" on me as the guinea pig. I have done 3 antibiotics the last few months, but they do not clear up the bronchitis, or the sinus infection. I said "no more" to the antibiotic merry go round. The maddening thing is that these doctors don't even check to see if it is a bacterial infection or not. Well, I am kind of venting and rambling on here, sorry, I'm just frustrated, and tired of being sick. Thank you for your concern, and I hope to hear of some suggestions from you soon.


From Mike:

It is absolutely necessary that we find safe alternatives to steroids and bronchodilators. We need to utilize available CURES for asthma and airway constriction, not just symptomatic treatment. Furthermore, I believe there is a strong possibility that when our youth is raised with such a preponderance of the idea of drugs for health that this can re-enforce the curiosity of drugs for recreation.

Because allergies inhibit healthy breathing volume and coordination development, the older a person gets, the more the actual breathing function becomes a major factor. Then breathing function becomes the primary source of trouble, and food allergy most often becomes secondary. Pneumonia sets in.

Sadly, most health practitioners are presently focusing on the allergenic and environmental aspects and overlooking the mechanical breathing volume and coordination aspects.

I recommend you eliminate the major causes of worsening asthma by finding techniques to clean your breathing air in your home or work area and eliminating dairy products as you retrain yourselves and/or children to breathe without drugs or steroids.

Learn to Breathe Better with The Optimal Breathing Mastery Kit.

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