L'avantage de l'oxygène : EWOT pour utiliser les graisses comme carburant pour l'exercice
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The Oxygen Advantage: EWOT for Utilizing Fat as a Fuel for Exercise
Have you ever thought that exercising with oxygen can make your utilization of nutrients and its conversion to energy rapid and more effective? In this article, we’ll go over the role of fat in the diet, different types of fats, daily fat requirements, and how supplemental oxygen can aid the utilization of fat as a viable energy source.
Let’s dive in.

How Do Fats Slot into Your Balanced Diet?
Do you think all of your weight loss concerns get resolved if you just cut fat from your diet?
Unfortunately, it’s more complicated than that!
For years, fat was just a 4-letter word. Many of us tried to expel fats from our diets and changed to very low-fat eating plans. However, this change didn’t result in a healthier lifestyle, perhaps because of the cut-back on healthy and unhealthy fats.
Do We Even Need Fats?
Yes, we do.
Fat has a crazy to-do list in regard to the functioning of the human body. Fat is one of the macronutrients (nutrients humans require in large amounts), along with protein and carbohydrates. In the first place, these complex molecules offer our body the slowest, most-efficient energy source, with nine calories per gram, compared to the other two macronutrients (4 calories per gram).
On top of that, this macronutrient is the fundamental building block of cell membranes in every single cell. Fat is essential for the absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins in the body, such as Vitamins A, D, E, and K – which are crucial for the health of bones, teeth, hair, skin, eyes, and more. Fats safeguard vital organs such as kidneys and gut from physical shock. Lastly, fats help in the regulation of cholesterol levels.
All of this is why dietary fat deprivation is harmful in a general sense. Following an ultra-low-fat dietary regimen can put you at risk of not reaping the benefits mentioned above.
For example, a very low-fat diet can hinder the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, eventually leading to vitamin deficiencies and related adverse effects. Your body may not get the critical fatty acids it needs from an ultra-low-fat diet.
Last but not least, if you don't consume enough fat, you'll also be missing out on the additional nutrients that foods with moderate and high-fat content have to offer.
Types of Fats: Good vs. Bad
Basically, fats can be divided into two groups: Saturated (the bad fat) and Unsaturated (the good fat). Most food items containing fat have a blend of different types of fat. For instance, butter contains 67% saturated fat and 33% unsaturated fat. In the case of canola oil, the saturated fat level (7%) is much lower than the unsaturated fat level (93%).
Saturated Fats
These are the so-called bad fats that should be consumed in small amounts. A diet with higher amounts of saturated fat and trans fat tends to raise the low-density lipoprotein (bad) cholesterol in your body. More on trans fat coming up. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines advocate keeping the intake of saturated fats to 10% or less of your total calorie consumption in a day, whereas the American Heart Association suggests limiting them to 5-6% of daily calorie intake.
In the United States, highly processed foods are the major sources of saturated fats in the diet. This includes pizza, meat products (sausages, bacon, beef, hamburger), cookies, fast food items, and snack foods. Restricted consumption of these ultra-processed foods helps reduce the intake of saturated fat, sugar, sodium, and trans fats.
What you consume in place of saturated fat also matters. Research has shown that substituting healthy unsaturated fat for saturated fat reduces the LDL (bad) cholesterol and improves the ratio of the total cholesterol content to the HDL (or good) cholesterol, which in fact, lowers the risk of heart attack, stroke, and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
In addition, the intake of good fats helps your body prevent insulin resistance, an indicator of diabetes.
But switching to carbohydrates instead of saturated fat might raise your chances of developing heart disease.
Unsaturated Fat
Research shows that these “good” fats improve blood cholesterol levels, reducing the danger of heart attack and stroke. Plant-based foods, such as vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, and fish, are major sources of this type of fat. There are two subgroups:
Monounsaturated Fatty Acids (MUFA): The intake of monounsaturated fat helps reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol in your blood.
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA): Your body can’t make PUFAs on its own. So you need to get it from the food you eat. Consuming this type of fat helps reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels. Omega-3s, which are found in fatty fish, fall into this subgroup. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are the two types of polyunsaturated fats.
Omega-3s: These occur in plant and animal forms and are well known for their benefit to heart health. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is the plant form of Omega-3 and is naturally found in flaxseed, chia seeds, soybean, and canola oils. However, the human body cannot synthesize ALA on its own. The animal or marine forms are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are generally found in cold-water fatty fish. EPA and DHA help prevent cardiovascular ailments. Your body can make EPA and DHA from ALA, but the conversion rate is unsatisfactory. Hence, consuming pre-formed DHA and EPA is highly recommended for improved wellness.
Omega-6 fatty acids: These are found in leafy vegetables, seeds, nuts, and vegetable oils. The American Heart Association suggests that you get 5-10% of your daily calorie intake from omega-6s.
Trans Fat
Trans fat is considered to be an unhealthy unsaturated fat that is worse than saturated fat. This type of fat is naturally found in trace quantities in certain animal-based foods (e.g., milk, butter, cheese, meat products, etc.) and is not considered harmful.
However, artificial or hydrogenated trans fat, made by adding hydrogen to vegetable oil, negatively affects blood cholesterol levels as it increases LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels while reducing HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. This alteration in the lipoprotein cholesterol profile leads to hypertension and raises the risk of heart disease, type-II diabetes, and stroke.
The American Heart Association advises keeping your daily trans fat intake, including naturally occurring trans fats, to less than 1% of your daily calorie intake. The Dietary Guidelines only advise consuming as little artificial trans fat as possible.
Where’s the Fat?
Let’s first take a look at the prominent sources of good fats.
Fat Type | Major Sources |
Monounsaturated Have these healthy fats in small amounts |
Polyunsaturated Have these healthy fats in small amounts |
Omega-3 fatty acids An essential fatty acid that falls into the unsaturated fat category |
Omega-6 fatty acids An essential fatty acid that falls into the unsaturated fat category |
Now it’s the time for the “bad” fats.
Fat Type | Major Sources |
Saturated Fat Reduce the consumption by swapping some of them for unsaturated fats |
Trans Fat Limit the consumption of these unhealthy fats as much as possible |

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How Much Dietary Fat Should You Include in Your Diet?
The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans no longer recommend a specific amount of fat intake. But, they insist that saturated fat consumption should not exceed 10% of daily caloric intake. That’s around 200 calories for a 2000-calorie diet.
Do all fats have an equal number of calories?
All types of fats provide nine calories per gram, which makes it more energy dense than carbohydrates and proteins. So get your fats, but monitor your calorie intake.
Can Fats Be a Part of a Healthy, Balanced Diet?
Consumption of foods with fat is indeed a part of a healthy diet. However, more significant than the quantity of fat consumed is the type of fat consumed. The best approach is to replace unhealthy saturated fats with more beneficial unsaturated fats in addition to limiting saturated fat intake.
Here are some strategies you can follow for improved wellness!
Make sure you check the nutrition facts label
Paying attention to the nutrition facts label is the best way to keep an eye on the fats in your diet. You’ll find all the information you need to make informed decisions on your diet. The label displays the total fat content per serving, separated into saturated fat and trans fat. Labels may also show monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Look for food items that have less fat content as well as low saturated and trans fats. Remember that while claiming to be "trans-fat-free," a product may include up to 0.5 grams of trans fats per serving,
Try making some simple yet healthy swaps to replace foods higher in saturated fats with healthier choices.
Consume Less | Switch to |
Butter, ghee, lard, suet, hard margarine, coconut oil, and palm oil. | Vegetable oils such as olive, rapeseed, sunflower, and soya oil |
Fatty meat and processed meat products | Lean meat, skinless poultry Focus on eating a balanced, healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, a variety of beans, and nuts |
Coconut (fresh/dried/desiccated) | Dried fruit and nuts |
Cream or pastry-based desserts | Fresh/baked/poached fruits, low-fat milk pudding or custard, low-fat yogurt, and fruit crumbles topped with an unsaturated sprea |
Roasting/frying with butter, coconut oil, or other animal fats | Either use a small quantity of vegetable oil or try adopting other cooking methods (boiling, grilling, steaming etc.) |
Creamy salad dressing | Salad dressing with heart-friendly oils such as olive oil, walnut oil or avocado oil, or low-fat mayonnaise. |
Milk chocolate, toffee, fudge, crisps, and fried salty snacks | Dark chocolate, nuts, seeds, baked savories |
How the Body Utilizes Fat as an Energy Source During Workouts
Did you know fat is an essential dietary component designed to charge your exercise regimen? One gram of dietary (or pure) fat offers your body nine calories, and one pound of pure fat is around 4500 calories.
However, body fat is not considered pure fat as it contains protein and fluid along with fat. Hence, we can conclude that one pound of body fat amounts to around 3500 calories, a bit less than the caloric equivalent of pure fat. This higher calorie density of fat, in fact, the highest of all nutrients, makes fat the most effective energy source in our body.
The calories from fat mainly fuel low-to-moderate-intensity exercise and may be less accessible for high-intensity exercises. In the case of high-intensity exercise, although carbohydrate is the major energy source, the body requires fat to let it access the storage form of carbohydrates (or glycogen). However, the process of using fat as an energy source for exercise is quite complex. It consists of three key components:
Digestion of fat: Fats require more time to digest than carbohydrates and proteins. The conversion of fats into a utilizable form of energy can take up to six hours.
Transit of fat: Once the fat breakdown is complete, it needs time to deliver this fat to the muscles involved in the activity before it can be utilized as energy.
Fat-Energy Conversion: Fats are less oxygen-efficient than carbohydrates. This implies that the conversion of stored body fat into energy demands a substantial amount of oxygen, and exercise intensity must be reduced for this sake.
Why does your body need a great deal of oxygen to burn fats?
As mentioned earlier, fats are comparatively less oxygen-efficient. This is because fats do not contain oxygen, and the body must supply a sufficient amount of oxygen by itself. When your body has plenty of oxygen, the burning of fats is not a big deal. But during exercise, or when your muscles are short of oxygen supply, you get 20% less energy per unit of oxygen when using fats as an energy source when compared to carbohydrates as an energy source.
So, is there any solution for a more efficient conversion of fat to energy during exercise?
When your body has enough oxygen, even during exercise, energy production from stored fat will be more effective. Here in this scenario, Exercise With Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) comes into play.
This technique lets you inhale 4x times more oxygen while you exercise. Integrating oxygen into your workout regimen enables your body to create an oxygen-enriched environment that enhances overall wellness.
Your heart effectively delivers oxygen to the healthy cells, and you’ll observe significant improvement in your energy levels, endurance, and mental performance.
On top of that, super-oxygenating your body increases fat metabolism by improving the cell’s enzymatic activity, making fat-burning an easier process.
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Turbo Oxygen System is the perfect EWOT system to start with!

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Hi Sally,
Thank you for the question.
When it comes to fats like ghee, clarified butter, and coconut oil as fuel for the brain, it’s important to consider their composition and nutritional aspects.
Coconut oil, for example, is composed of approximately 92% saturated fat, 6% monounsaturated fat, and 2% polyunsaturated fat. In comparison, olive oil contains 14% saturated fat, 77% monounsaturated fat, and 9% polyunsaturated fat. It’s worth noting that high intake of saturated fat has been associated with increased levels of bad cholesterol, as highlighted by the American Heart Association (AHA) in 2017. The AHA recommended against using coconut oil as a substitute for other fats due to its very high saturated fat content.
Coconut oil contains about 120 calories per tablespoon, while ghee, being purely fat, contains approximately 110 calories per tablespoon. A tablespoon of ghee typically contains 12 grams of fat, with 7.9 grams coming from saturated fat.
Considering the saturated fat content and calorie density of these fats, it’s important to consume them in moderation and balance their intake with other sources of healthy fats. Incorporating a variety of fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, and seeds, which are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, can be beneficial for overall health.
Hope this helps.
What about fats like ghee, clarified butter, coconut oil being great fuel for the brain?